How many calories are burnt with a mouse click?

Technical jargon and methods aside, the authors calculated the “total volume of the muscles used to bend the index finger to be 10.8 cubic centimeters with a total weight of 11.7 grams.”

“On average, 16.7 micromoles of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) are consumed in moving one gram of muscle for one second. So, the total amount of ATP burned to move 11.7 grams of muscle in the index finger is approximately 195 micromoles (11.7g×16.7μ mol/g). There are 7.3 calories in one mole of ATP energy, so the number of calories burned in clicking the mouse equals about 1.42 (7.3/1000) X 195).”

An annotation adds “the calculation assumes the muscle contracted completely, so the actual amount of calories used is a little less.”

There you have it, a little less than 1.42 calories per click. It’s doubtful we’ll see any mouse click exercise videos coming out any time soon, however, you may want to throw in a few extra clicks every now and then for a little peace of mind. Oh, and maybe give up some of those late night snack binges as well.

>tfw mouse ran out of click again

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>1.42 calories per click

never in a billion years

You suck at fucking math.

If that were true all you'd need to do to lose massive weight is click a mouse button a few thousand times a day which is really fucking easy.

>be fps player
>be FAMAS tapfire pro
>become ripped af

I don't believe this shit at all. You click thousands of times over the course of a day and yet 90% of the people I know who use computers all day long are fat as fuck. No way that's accurate.

OP is right, the thing is that what we usually call calories are in fact kilocalories, 1000x a single calorie.

>getting ripped by losing calories

loooool ... its the other way around my dude!!


So how many calories does ricing Linux burn?

>be user
>eat my 2500 calories worth of doritos and mtn dew.
>click the moose 1761 times
>lose weight

Yeah user sure makes sense :^)

Dude my finger is gonnna be soooo ripped duuude!

>clicking the mouse... yeah that's totally why my right hand is totally ripped haha

>approximately 700 clicks to burn 1 kcal

This is insane level ripped.

And pressing the buttons on my buttonboard

Better get started user

I want 5000 clicks by sundown

That explains why people who only use the keyboard are so fat

Share your routines, Sup Forumsentlemen.

This is my warm-up

You'd need to click it a few *million* times a day.


I've played minecraft, A LOT.

With this calculation, I would have gotten down to - 73 pounds in 2014.

And if moving a finger for 1 second generates 0.01 of a calorie burnt, then a good fap should bur about 50.

>tfw i almost never use my mouse

>tfw i almost never use my keyboard