What exactly is the point of GTX x60 cards? If you want a budget option you go for a 1050Ti, if you want real good stuff you get a 1070. If you really want something better than a 1050Ti but don't have the cash for a 1070, you can get a RX 480 which is on par or slightly better than the 1060 while being cheaper.
Previous generation was the same with the 960 being on par with the 380 and worse than the 380X.
I had a GTX 660 which I think was good bang for buck at the time.
Cameron Harris
You also thought a pass was good bang for buck. Into the trash you go..
Brayden Anderson
Alexander Barnes
For the 10 series, the 1060 is perfect if you want to stay at 1080 @ 60 But like you said, the rx 480 is generally cheaper and it also pretty much has the same frame rates.
tl;dr nvidia fanboyism on the cheap
Camden Hernandez
In Australia, I bought a gtx 1060 6GB last year because it was 20 bucks cheaper than a 4GB rx 480.
Angel Thompson
>if you want real good stuff you get a 1070. fuck that.
why even have anything in between?
just 1050 and 1080 series is all you need.
poorfags need to learn how to save money.
Aiden Reed
sorry you had to spend your entire savings on a budget card
Ryan Watson
>while being cheaper
In Poland, GTX1060 and RX480 (customs) had exactly the same price - around 1300-1400 PLN.
I picked AMD this time, however.
Juan Russell
>$900 What
Nathaniel Gonzalez
Hijacking the thread a little, for 1440p @60fps gaymen, is the 1070 good enough? mind you that I probably won't wanto to use absurd settings like 8xAA
Landon White
Kevin Jackson
It's THE card for that
Aaron Wright
thanks famalams
Henry Flores
Which cards are the upcoming AMD cards meant to compete with? Obviously Vega is supposed to be the counter to the 1080Ti, but is the 580 meant to go against the 1070? From what I've seen so far it seems to be basically just a 480 clocked a bit faster
Andrew Butler
Still run my 560ti
Xavier Cox
There isn't an RX480 that fits in my case.
Luis Jones
I'm very happy with the 1060 I have. It was on sale for $185 several months ago and it plays Skyrim max settings 60fps and everything else at 60 fps as well. Witcher 3 max settings is the only game I have that it can't do 60 with max settings, it does 45 and I'm okay with that. With a 1080p 60Hz monitor the 1060 is perfect.
Zachary Young
got my 1060 3gb at 1050ti price on some special discount day, so i guess it was a fine choice for $180-ish with free shipping
James Walker
For unknown reasons amd cards are usually pricer than Nvidia in Brazil, probably due to distribution channels and tax reduction. Several series beside the cheap one were consistent more pricey since 7000
Hudson White
still run my 6870 best price:performance ever srsly still nothing compares
Kevin Campbell
How much did it cost, senpai? I only started following things in the last year when I started thinking about building my own.
Connor Torres
All the information needed is reflected in the price. The fact that the GTX 1060 6 GB is more expensive (really not by much) indicated that the representative buyer sees it as generating more utility than an RX 480, such that the marginal utility per dollar is identical between the GTX 1060 6GB, RX 480, GTX 1070, hell even a GTX 1080 Ti. Otherwise, the prices would be bid up or down accordingly. There is a reason MSRP isn't followed a lot of the time.
Adam Jackson
So you're saying it's more expensive because nvidiots think it's better even if it's not?
Gavin Ortiz
>rx 480 meme
you kids sure love your reddit, don't ya
Easton Hughes
No, the representative buyer is not biased between Nvidia and AMD. The representative buyer is approximated by all the buyers in the market. So take all the fanboys of Nvidia, and all the fanboys of AMD.and average their preferences. Both are around the same level in benchmarks and real world performance, but there are also other considerations. Want the best drivers for Linux? Nvidia proprietary drivers. Want decent open source drivers in Linux? AMD. Shadowplay adds value to Nvidia cards. Risk attitudes might also affect what someone will buy. Additionally there is the cult factor. But the representative consumer takes the average of everything everybody wants.
Caleb Hill
It performs a lot better than the 1060 does on resident evil 7.
Owen Reyes
Should do fine, a 390x can still push most titles QHD @ 60fps and it's only about 75-80% of a 1070
Lucas Bell
Not even a nvidiaboy but that game fucking sucks. The 480 is the superior video card.
I will buy 1060GB for deep learning. I'd buy RX but AMD has crappy support in that area.
Hunter Adams
1080p. 1050ti is a little underpowered, and 1070 a little overpowered for that resolution. If you want the most for your money. Obviously a 1070 would see an improvement at 1080p.