First Firefox, and now this.
WTF. Windows is SJW now.
First Firefox, and now this.
WTF. Windows is SJW now.
Is this shit real
Fuck that. This is why I use Windows 10 LTSB. Completely void of all that bullshit
This is why I use Chrome and Linux, none of that CIA-backdoored SJW bullshit
if you aren't using LTSB what the fuck are you doing
I don't have this on my macbook pro with retina display
macOS doesn't have this problem
>implying implied implications
Enjoy your false sense of security
>abloo abloo it hurt my sensitive male fee fees when people fight the patriarchy
>not backdoored
FreeBSD doesn't have this problem
Fuck off back to peddit
No need to build a backdoor when the data is given freely :^)
lol how autismal do you have to be to get mad whenever someone mentions women?
>keeping that shit enabled
>using normie tier Home edition
>boo hoo muh straight white male fee fees
You guys have turned into the "SJWs" you despise. Is this worth a thread?
>anything that's not Sup Forums is SJW
that's why nobody takes you sad fucks seriously
Tell me what's wrong with acknowledging relevant female scientists without resorting to "muh feminazis and tumblrz!!!!" Sup Forums-tier bullshit.
>if you don't agree with everything leftist/SJWs say then your exactly the same as them
Why do nu males believe this?
>Tell me what's wrong with acknowledging relevant female scientists without resorting to "muh feminazis and tumblrz!!!!" Sup Forums-tier bullshit.
T. Male feminist, black supremacist, and proud stepfather of two
>Fuck off to the epicenter of the mens rights movement!
How about you kill yourself? At least I have free speech here.
Why do you even care
>unironically using windows 10 in current year
You can turn that shit off.
>without resorting to "muh feminazis and tumblrz!!!!" Sup Forums-tier bullshit.
Damn son! You really nailed that one right there.
Every tech company is at least a little SJW. Most of them aren't off the deep end though. There's not much wrong with putting a few ads to stroke the ego of your female customers during Women's History Month.
And they say feminists are the easy ones to trigger.
That is probably how this should be interpreted.
MS doesnt really care, in all probability. Maybe some people there do, probably some do. but the goal of MS is profit and its happy to do things that are unethical in any number of ways.
The vast amjoirty of users won't think much of a few notes on a page like the OP. A good share might read it and think its nice, maybe make them feel a little warm fuzzy about MS, a small fraction will be irked.
MS just wants to make you like them. And really, you probably shouldnt. Its not because they're all sjw, but that they pretend to be while really just being an inhuman machine striving for profit and market domination.
How long until they "suggest" rallies for Democrats and other filth in your calendar?
>Nothing wrong with a few ads
>In an operating system
Other than everything
>unironically being unable to maintain windows 10 in current year
>Microsoft literally shilling their agenda from within an OS you paid for
>Y-youre just triggered xD EPIC I GOT YOU
If you don't see the problem here, your opinion isn't worth anything anyways.
disable it then
>none of that CIA-backdoored SJW bullshit
holy fucking shit. Your life is so worthless, literally not a single person on this planet cares about what you have on your fucking weeb desktop. Deep inside you know what an irrelevent person you are. You are so irrelevant, you probably never have been laid because whenever a fermale person sees you, her brain automatically replaces your appearance with a beta sign. That's why you're trying to talk yourself into thinking anything you do or posess on your desktop is important or in any way valuable to anyone on this planet even though it isn't.
You're just a poor and beta weebfag with an anime wallpaper that struggles to survive because of his mental issues.
>Needing registry cludges to make an OS usable
>When Windows 7 and 8.1 still exist
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Windows 10 LTSB is the only way to Windows 10.
you don't remove ads to make the OS useable and you don't have to go into the registry to do it
Sure, but why would you go through the effort of acquiring an Enterprise-only ISO and running a sketchy KMS crack when you could just use Windows 7?
>Muh DX12
It's called DX12 because literally 12 games use it
U would use the same sketch crack for win7
I wonder if those same abandon sjwfox people will make similar threads for windows
False. You can use Daz unlocker once and delete it. Even better you can use Windows 7 Embedded which only requires a key to activate like traditional Windows
It won't be long until Redhat add this kind of thing to Gnome.
Yeah but at least Win 7 cracks don't have to be kept running in the background / run every few months
There's way better reasons to drop Firefox for a fork than SJeWs, namely they're dropping addon support.
Why even care. (((Big tech))) is all the same same, and M$ lead by pajeet.
penetrating insight.
>using an ad platform disguised as an OS
Fuck SJWfox and fuck SJWdoze.
Just install Linux and Chrome
If you wanna fight the patriarchy so much, how come you aren't fighting against Islam's current tendency towards Islamofascism (also known as true Islam), which is a literal patriarchy?
We shouldn't politicize science or mathematics because unlike politics, majority of the people in science actually make some contribution to humanity in some way shape or form.
Do you also get this triggered when people hang up international women's day banners and you university, or more likely, high school?
>le epic feminists support Islam meme
You don't criticize it, even though it's 10,000,000x more violent than Christianity (which you readily lambaste because you know you won't get hurt in the process):
literally not my problem.
not fighting the jews' problem either. they can fight their own wars
That's perfect really. I'm not either and I'm not saying you should. I'm saying all these faggots that drink Starbucks while talking about how evil capitalism is are fucking hypocrites and ought to kill themselves for being so cognitively dissonant and not holding one consistent belief
>dude this one random blog posts proves that all feminists support radical Islam
>straight white male """logic"""
>Missing the point of the piece entirely
>Attacking the source, not the actual premise
>Transgendered colored female "logic"
I bet you're the kind of person who goes on about how liberals are the *real* racists/sexists, and then posts on Sup Forums.
I don't care. Just because its made by SJW's doesn't mean its not good software. Plus I get it for free I'm not paying for it.
Microsoft's strategy officially lies on 3 pillars: Consumer-focused, Diverse, and One Microsoft. What does this mean?
M$'s consumers are not end-users, they're governments for the most part, as well as a few large corporate clients. They are doing their best to fit these people's agendas. For example, it takes up to one hour to design, program and deploy a new statistic to collect from any microsoft tool for data analysis or other purposes. This is because of...
>One Microsoft
This means that all microsoft department now have better unity than ever before. In previous windows versions, up to 30 (!) different telemetry infrastructures were deployed. Now, a single telemetry platform is used in every microsoft product. That product can target android, ios, any windows OS, as well as android and platforms. This is just one example. This means that work is no longer being duplicated, but also that any group can have access to any data at any time. If some group find that they need X extra data, it is now available to every single person at microsoft. This design significantly reduces work duplication which is a very good thing from a software engineer and business operations point of view, and of course a very bad thing for end-users.
Really nothing much to say about this. Micro$oft believes in promoting women in stem and other similar schemes very much. Additionally, M$ has two mainstream plans: 1- look into getting people into highly technical roles regardless of education level (via what amounts to apprenticeships), and 2- deploy diversity efforts like the recent shitty ass videos as well as special deals and bonuses for women at microsoft as well as acceleration into lead roles. Both are very diversity-orientated. Did you know that the word "able-bodied" is not allowed at microsoft? It's true!
Nice argument you got there buddy. Throwing ad hominems won't make you seem like any less of a dumbass.
>abloo abloo abloo I'm right and you're wrong because I'm a white male and have a higher IQ, Sup Forums told me so
>like what you see?
n- no......
It's funny how 97% of all people don't get that
>He didn't start with the Greeks
What bothers me most is that they ruin the great wallpapers with shitty garbage expanding text all over the place.
Werks for me.
Apply better settings
thanks for the spicy pasta
>implying Sup Forums has free speech
Just try criticizing the mods.
Because most Western feminists don't originate from Islamic cultures, and you can't expect things to go well if you're a foreigner that marches into some third-world country and tells them how to run things. At worst, they'll kill you, at best they'll go "uh huh, yeah, whatever" and then carry on ignoring you. There's only so much Western feminists can do to reform Islam, for the most part it has to come from inside.
What is the most alt-right operating system?
I'm sick of this numale pandering bullshit and want some testosterone at my fingertips
> Using Windows 10
Make your own in machine code, then disable all services related to anything dealing with gaymen.
>On Sup Forums
eat your computer and go live in the woods
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Oh believe me I know that. I keep getting banned for increasingly petty shit, I think the mods don't like me.
Just play with my balls if you want testosterone at your fingertips.
Yup, same. Since hiroshima took over it really ramped up out of nowhere. Coincidentally, site-wide post quality took a massive plunge. Not that the end of moot's reign of terror was rainbows.
Now THIS is high quality bait.
>There's only so much Western feminists can do to reform Islam
How about get rid of the mentality that you have to reform something? Islam is literally stuck in the Stone Ages for the most part. There's no real helping anyone who comes from a culture THAT backwards, where women and children are literally property (to the point where marrying women off by the age of 9 is commonplace) and very often abused, with no laws protecting them. Honestly, it would be best to keep people raised in that environment away from the average person in a Western society (or any marginally civilized society really), just because you know that they will bring trouble. That way they can continue being pieces of shit in their desert and everyone else can live in relative civility.
That's why when we build the Space Ark, we'll only allow on the ones who understand what we're doing. Luckily, those who believe in space probably also have reformable views towards women, society, themselves, etc.
It appears to be making an attempt at communication . . .
It is mostly virgins who channel their anger on the entire gender because they can't get any pussy.
Or maybe they see reality as it is and haven't had the misfortune of being infected by copullin yet.
i didn't actually read your post, and only say "western feminists." you're fine, my bad.
This is the most trivial shit to complain about. Seriously, who the fuck cares. Just because something says that you disagree with you throw a tantrum over a whole load of nothing.
Someone here is infected with something, that's for sure
Fucking this
Poltards are the right's SJWs. Just as delicate, just as useless.
dammit user
you're right, but you used the wrong words. now i have to leave out of secondhand embarrassment
and i was really enjoying my shitposting >:(
So organize an anticapitalism rally at your local public library
>SJWs invent microaggressions and trigger warnings
>complain when they're used against their own agenda
You brought this on yourselves
I literally got banned for posting
In a thread on Sup Forums.
That type of lock screen is opt-in. It's stupid pandering, but I have nothing I really can complain about otherwise.
PS4 is FreeBSD, of course it doesn't have games
Coding women are such narcissistic fucks.
I legitimately no longer know who is actually serious about this shit and who is just pretending to be retarded.
Surely people realize that it would be ironic to complain about SJW only to go ahead and act like a triggered bitch when something you don't like pops up, right?
actually you go into file explorer.
>muh brand names mean quality
Nazis are the real Marxists!
Women's day is a communist celebration.
Western capitalists are the real marxists though, that's why Wall St funded the communist civil war in Russia. Nazis were staunchly anti-communist and anti-capitalist