>Install 3rd party package
>no longer secure

Other urls found in this thread:

BSDs are all like that due to their retarded "base system" concept

wtf i hate openbsd now

Well, what did you expect...

>use OpenBSD
>not because of security
Feels good

But the base system concept is great

>retarded "base system" concept
At least you can compile shit on BSDs, unlike GNU/Linux where you need to download hundreds of separate "dev headers"

>hundreds of separate
It's up to the package maintainer how many header needed. For most of us it's 1 if we want compile kernel. Some distro include it anyway.

what are these packages you need that aren't already shipped? do you even read advisories?

even if packages were shit, all you have to do is run -current which is generally advised anyway. 99% of worries gone.

>use OpenBSD
>Connect to a network
>no longer secure

>Go to Sup Forums
>Spread FUD about software I never used

You are still much safer running that vulnerable package in OpenBSD than in Linux, Windows or OS X


>reality is FUD
>reality objectively advocated by the peddler himself is FUD
placebotards everyone

wtf i hate bsd now
im going back to Solus™

cool thing is the whiners never made a dent on OpenBSD

based theo

Sure, just like an ostrish putting their head in the sand is much less likely to get shot by the hunter they spotted. Oh wait.

Can I play Tux Racer on OpenBSD? That's the only reason I stay on Linux.

Unfortunately for the whiners, it turns out that it's not possible to get a negative number of people using an operating system.

i am probably an autistic bias fanboy, from my honest experience:

bsd is the better unix-like os. the linux kernel is run with a non nonsensical agenda -- quite literally glued together -- no standards -- why the hell can't they admit unix was not designed to be a desktop single user os? forks, forks, forks!

fuck that shit.

bsd gets down to brass tax, no nonsense this is what we do, if you do not like it, compile your own derivative and do whatever the fuck you want yourself, you nigger loving, kike.

in no way take my 0.02 cents as market value, though.

also, anything with x is going to make your system swiss cheese.

>Doesn't know that is pledge(2) is

Thanks for proving my point, retard.Keep spreading FUD about software you have zero clue.

I am out of this shit thread.

Sand is the best defense!!1 t. placebofags.

>I have never used OpenBSD, but I like to shitpost on Sup Forums: the post.


Your impotent backdoored tears are my sustenance.

>t. placebofags
>backdoored tears

Wow dude, you sure convinced me to to look away from OpenBSD with those strong facts. Have a last (you)

>dear loonix cucks
>we're full
>signed bsd niggers/bulls

>BSDs are all like that due to their retarded "base system" concept
Unlike linux which doesn't even come with a fucking compiler

"base system concept" is just a euphemism for complete unix-like OS (done securely aside)

what is a x alternative on OpenBSD?

The funniest thing is all these retards including OP who expect blanket security for third party components.



there is no wayland if that is what you're asking

exactly. if you're running a specific service you should either be on top of it or lose your job

I use FreeBSD ty

Hmmm! Delicious.

>Xenocara is the OpenBSD build infrastructure for the project's customised X.Org Server that utilises a dedicated _x11 user by default to drop privileges and perform privilege separation in accordance to OpenBSDs least privilege policy. The patches for applying this rather important security protection were provided to upstream for the benefit of other Unix-like systems such as Linux, however the care to apply and maintain them has unfortunately not happened to date.

Lunix faggots don't even take advantage of the good things that happen in OpenBSD land

It's not like this literally exist in every single OS except openbsd or something. No siree, security by wishful thinking! Openbsd RULES!

yes that's what i am asking, will wayland be supported i the future?
I am looking for a laptop os, so only console is not an option, unless there are console based browers with picture support.

don't worry, let alone wayland, your hardware will never be supported.

that depends on a lot of things

>every single other os guarantees the security of packages developed and maintained by third parties
user... try harder...

I am already using OpenBSD and my hardware is supported, shill.

What hardware do you run? Intel setup/Nvidia?

It's more compatible than all amd.

>cuck license

intel integrated graphics.

your childish Sup Forums memes don't apply to real world issues, user
making autismal demands in your license agreement only scares away developers and keeps your code from ever being useful
ironically, gpl only serves to restrict the freedoms of users

In BSD land, we trust the human nature. We're not condescending to our users, we treat them as adults and we let them make *their* own ethical choice and take their own decision. We are *neutral* with respect to commercial programs. Maybe they're evil, maybe they're not. But we show enough respect to people to let them choose what they want.

In the brave GNU land, you've taken upon yourself to take ethical decisions and protect the user from making those decisions...

>In BSD land, we trust the human nature.
I can certainly believe this. The only security in openbsdland is believing everyone else is your friend and would never want to exploit you.

>We're not condescending to our users
Stopped reading here. You're nothing but condescending to your users, unless they have BSD-approved (tm) hardware and only ever use BSD-approved (tm) software, not to mention they're not allowed to even imply or suggest there may be a flaw anywhere or ask for help with regard to something a BSD cannot provide.

>Yes, goy don't use that cuck license that gives people true freedom, Here, use this other license written by a communist jew, don't worry, he knows what is best for you hehehe...

Don't worry, OP, I thought your shitpost was amusing.

Case in point.

still mad that freebsd was on the CIA's list huh

lmao you post this fucking link every time someone points out freebsd was in the CIA leak

>Oh look is that thread from 2010 that always get posted as last resort by the OP faggot and that has already being discussed so many times that anyone with the will to inform themselves already knows that in the end they did not find anything.

>Decides to make a thread
>Quality of Sup Forums decreases

i rember when someone broke into theos syslog and he joked about it in a speech. so based. inb4 "no MAC he dun' for."

isn't that what led to openbsd in the first place

>old versions no longer officially supported
wow it's nothing

not really, but yes similar behavior. if you care theo has published the mails from the forking.

tried OpenBSD 6.1 firefox 52.0 was buggy and crashed a couple of times during youtube.
No Problem on 6.0 with 47.0.
Any one else experienced this?

Yes, everyone.

you kinda have to expect things like this when using -current

does anyone have openbsd on their laptop? what's a good openbsd laptop that you would recommend?

None because openbsd doesn't work with any laptop hardware from this decade, and even then you've got to cherry pick.

/tpg/ homie

Thanks for the proof.

older thinkpads in general should be good.

okay I can live with that for a while...
I understand that -current is rolling release.
How do I update it?

i believe you fetch the source code with cvs and rebuild everything

read the FAQ

basically this. you really will be fine running a -release. the exploits in errata are just for crashing services.

even then they're planning to actually have stable binary updates so soon you won't have to rebuild stuff just to get patches

yes but snapshots are also a thing

>have to recompile everything in order to install it
No, you get the -CURRENT ISO from the FTP server.

... You can build everything in /src if you like the Gentoo Way(tm) though.

but that's not the most -current

pkg_add -uU

also no need for the iso when you can just get bsd.rd and the sets and boot from it, i even leave it in my home directory and install it from there

I have it on my T60p. WiFi worked out of the box and during the install. Not sure what else would be relevant to it being a laptop.

i thought snapshot == -current.

up to the point of creation, yes.

>Not sure what else would be relevant to it being a laptop.
>lid close action
>battery management

>not knowing stellar OpenBSD sleep/suspend

apmd has been in *BSD for ages

If anything, the amount of FUD and shitposting makes it abundantly clear that OpenBSD is the last bastion of privacy and security among operating systems.

Stay mad, MS cucks, Linux hipsters, and eternally butthurt CIA niggers.

you forgot about TempelOS

Libressl showed they have not much idea about how to secure software. Heartbleed caused by deleting code mindlessly, so i kinda doubt their mitigation wont fail again. Anyway it's good for routers, but tomator is better


It's selling point ( which is security ) requires you to have it be less third party friendly than a mac.

That's bullshit security.

No it's not.

implementing security features which break things, then fixing them to work correctly is not bullshit

if there is a better way to secure software, enlighten us

Enjoy being a labrat. Software security can btfoed with hardware flaws.

You guys do realise that if it gains any bigger marketshare it will burn right?

Keep a system as secure as you can even if there are third party packages

>btfoed with hardware flaws
yeah but openbsd is not a hardware project retard.

>You guys do realise that if it gains any bigger marketshare it will burn right?
Only if the devs go full retard like Linux' devs and incorporate every fucking line of code that joe and his mom push to them.

Devs already retarded.

>fixing bugs makes you a lab rat
>fixing bugs is bullshit security

damn son you just went full retard

Some people have to work on their rig. Sorry. :^)

>You guys do realise that if it gains any bigger marketshare it will burn right?

could of happened many times, but didn't.

> My OS beyond security is useless
> I know it's useless
> But i will keep believing the dogma anyway

This gets you nowhere

Yes i know linux is not the most secure os but though it's modularity i can keep it secure

A system must be both modular and secure