Could you imagine living your entire life completely devoted to a cause all to find out that in the end it was all for...

Could you imagine living your entire life completely devoted to a cause all to find out that in the end it was all for nothing?

Other urls found in this thread:

sounds like Sup Forums

>It's not over yet

We're winning.

>devoted to a cause
>all for nothing
Pick one, you conviction-lacking, non-opinionated, insincere spewing consumer.

Free software may be losing kinda, but at the same time, nowadays it is pretty realistic to only use free software if one desires so. The operating system that rms wanted exists now and it can be used in full freedom. Even smartphones can be used without proprietary software, with Replicant. This wasn't nearly as good even just 6 years ago. Free software is getting better and better all the time.

So like, they're advancing, but non-free software is advancing even faster with "the cloud", incredibly popular social media, smartphones etc. forcing users to either use their services and non-free applications or get somewhat isolated from what "everyone else" is doing.

Religion in a nutshell.

In your echo chamber..


Lol, freetards really are just bitter elitists.

>all for nothing

Linux Torvalds once again drunk and panic posting on le Sup Forums again I see.

>Could you imagine living your entire life completely devoted to a cause all to find out that in the end it was all for nothing?

Could you imagine living all to find out that in the end it was all for nothing?

makes you think...

I am currently using a free web-browser on a free browser on a free operating system.
While he did not reach all of his goals, it was not for nothing.

Well, the world is forming into a marxist shithole so Stallman still has a chance.

KEK help us all

>free web-browser
>free browser
>free operating system.

>it was not for nothing.

but apparently it was

>defeatist shill thread
fuck off Google we will be free.

Fame and wealth are temporary, yet glory is eternal.

You would do well to think about that OP.

>I have no fucking idea what marxism is


Yes, and some people don't want to live in 1984.

I sort of feel bad for RMS. He's literally fighting off government agencies and mega software corporations and yet most people don't give a shit and still sign away their rights freely.

Yes, using proprietary software like Photoshop is exactly the same thing as 1984.

Why aren't you guys so melodramatic?

>Proprietary software is 100% A-OK, we would never spy on you, we're only here to stop the baddies (anyone who gets in our way)
>-t CIA

>Some proprietary software is bad therefore all of it is 1984 level oppression
I guess all open source software is bad because Android is open source and it's a botnet.

they just want a martyr.
maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free

Just watched an interview with him and god damn is he an autistic asshole

Stallman BTFO

Life is not a video game. You don't get a shiny notification whenever your actions have consequences.

It would be extremely painful.

>he still thinks meme magic made Trump POTUS

But Trump _is_ POTUS

That's the main thing

but commies dont think that

Stallman has always been a jack ass. He's made up most of the history he brings up as how it "used to be".

Myself and a few others I know have been affected positively by Stallman. Not winning completely isn't the same as failure.

They said the same about Marx


Are you aware that custom ROMs exist? Having perfect privacy is impossible in this day and age, although alternatives exist and are getting better and better. So, why wouldn't you use them? And this:

>dude some Pajeet on XDA made a rom for you phone, Android totally isn't a botnet!
No thanks. I have a Nexus 6P because I don't like Apple, and I don't like the hassle associated with custom roms (I've actually asked a question on XDA and a literal Pajeet who didn't even own the phone tries to answer my question...). But I'm not dumb enough to think any phone can escape the botnet. Even with a dumb phone, the government can track your movements and read your texts and have all the other meta data.

Not you're not because you still come here. Sup Forums will always be for losers by losers.

Again, why give in when alternatives exist for both smartphones and PCs?

Because I'm not doing anything important with my phone, I don't care that the government knows what anime I watch, and installing a custom ROM is a hassle that often voids your warranty. Plus, trying to protect your privacy only sets off flags at the NSA that tells them to monitor you more closely.

Please read this. It may help you reevaluate your position on the topic. I'm not sure if it actually will, given that you're using a: "Nothing to hide, nothing to fear" argument.

I'm not saying I agree with mass surveillance, I just think that the only effective way of ending it is changing the government. Changing your OS barely does anything when the people trying to invade your privacy have an order of a magnitude more resources than the people trying to protect it.

Changing the government, all right. And that happens how? By treating every surveillance law like it's nothing and allowing governments to make potentially harmful precedents?

You're right. The only solution is no government.

Anyone know what's the best cell carrier in Somalia? I know Somalia in general has one of the best cell networks in Africa because no government regulations.

No, you're whining.

You can be condescending all you want, but it anything mentioned here actually happens, you'll be singing a different tune.