Are you guys legitimately racist...

Are you guys legitimately racist? Like actually hate people of other races because of certain situations you've encountered in your life?

Every nice thread gets ruined by race-baiting.

It is just Sup Forums spilling over?

I don't care about race.
Religion is fucking retarded tho

Mostly as a meme.

If I see a pajeet being a sterotypical pajeet I'll meme about it but not really Sup Forums-tier "ALL PAJEETS NEED TO ERADICATED, RACEWAR NOW"

I don't. But then again I'm a shitskin so...

I mean I try no to pre-judge people, but I do think less of the "typical guy" of certain races. For instance, I think nigger culture is cancerous. But if I met a black man, I give him opportunity to prove that he isn't a nigger.

Am I racist lads?


I'm not, but then I don't even Sup Forumspost ironically

>coming from a subhuman sl*vak


Yes, anything less is cuckoldry

idk I find a lot of chinese and indian people I meet are really nice so no I don't care about race also where I live there are a lot of bogan aussies who are just complete fuckwits so I hate my own race as well.

I'm not racist irl, just on the chans. Most racist people i know are idiots, there definitely is a trend.

i only hate k*rds ar*bs and wh*tes

mehmet you're probably quarter white at least

I don't hate other people, I just hate seeing them in my country + having to interact with them on any level.

yes but more in the south korean or post-ww2 Japanese sense, not the front national and BNP kind

no. i'm not racist. i'm a melting pot of friendship

I shitpost it mostly, but theres always autists who take the Sup Forums shit seriously.

Turks do piss me off though, biji kurdistan remove kebab

Not really but I'm against race mixing and not sub-consciously like most people.


North Africans, negros and Bangladeshis/pakis make my nice European town look degraded just by being there, just imagine how it feels when you hear them blab in their disgusting language or even worse when they approach you for whatever reason.

>I'm against race mixing

That's called being racist

t. jaffar muhammad akbar al rotterdam

Hopefully you don't mind Persians. My dad and I are stopping by Italy on our Euro-trip. Any place you recommend in Venice and Turin? I don't care about super-touristy places... just a place where I can really feel the spirit of Italy. Even comfy little towns!

kek that's pretty funny for a subhuman sl*vak joke

but its not a joke, you are clearly butthurt shitskin

The fuck do you care if he minds persians or not. You're a tourist, as long as you're not disruptive people should treat you with respect

You can tell when someone's a tourist from a rich country. You're a canadian tourist, you'll never experience anything bad here. It's not Poland.

Of course

i hate talking to the gentile and i soon will go to home

nah i meant adding the al rotterdam part, that was funny. No im not a shitskin just find it ironic when slavic people are racist since they're subhumans themselves.

Haifa is basically heaven on Earth because of the Baha'is. Definitely go for a visit if you get a chance.

you clearly have no clue what being racist means

being racist means seeing other races as inferior (or your race as superior, i guess)


yes, i see your people as inferior

I have a dream that we can all walk hand in hand, to the gas chamber.

I don't hate people for being different. If I was to call myself a name it would be a defensive racist.

My homeland is being colonised and my people exterminated. Every one of them need to be removed. I am fine with deportation and I said I don't hate them, if I did I would have said gas chambers.

Slovakia has literally achieved nothing btw

i'm not racist, nor do i hate women / anybody based on some arbitrary claim about them as a group.
i'm pretty sure it's just Sup Forumsacks ruining the board.

t. another shitskin

yeah there's the irony, your country is an irrelevant, poor shithole with probably higher crime rates and corruption than us. Your country has no notable achievements. Most importantly, the people are slavic.

You call us inferior? Less than a century ago Germanics had the power to make your people go extinct.

Different cultures can get fucked.

why are you mad? you are racist aswell. and btw having dutch passport doesnt make you one mehmet

Dutchies are literally the tallest, smartest, and whitest of the Europeans. You have no authority to call them inferior

but hes not dutch

this tbhfam

I'm not mad, yes I'm racist but not on an individual basis, i.e. i dont see individuals as my inferiors for their race but i see whole ethnic groups as such.

But yeah slavs are the worst of the worst.

Slavs are the only remaining European folk to resist your islam tricks, naturally you dislike us

Calling anyone 'mehmet' or 'abdul' that shits on your country is a nice way to deal with being inferior.

Names Jan, I'm 198cm and probably have achieved more in life than you ever will.

>bong complaining about his homeland being colonised

>t. immigrant colony

Calm down Pocahontas, savages aren't people.

>Names Jan, I'm 198cm and probably have achieved more in life than you ever will.

I am genuinely racist

>Calling anyone 'mehmet' or 'abdul' that shits on your country is a nice way to deal with being inferior.

i dont really hate anybody in real life except for inconsiderate jerks.

I legitimately wish Canada never let in non-european immigrants.

Fuck even non western or northern European immigrants, for that matter.

I hate tourists, high speed international travel is degenerate. If you can't get there with a horse, don't go there.

i don't hate anybody for who they are i just wish they'd get the fuck out of my country

>muslim sees me as inferior

oh deary me

yes mainly a white European colony. it just feels weird to know i will become a minority in my lifetime. i mainly feel bad for places like Europe and UK

fucking shit responding to

Yes, but so did the aboriginals that were slaughtered... That's globalization...