What is the fastest internet that one person needs?
What is the fastest internet that one person needs?
100mbps down
10mbps up
>have a 300 mbit/s option
>get the 40 mbit/s subscription
I really don't need any faster. Only hoarders and the impatient will tell you otherwise.
I would argue for a small but stable 4 Mbps down/2 Mbps up connection.
1] 1080p VP9 YT streams only use ~2 Mbps
2] large uploads/downloads can be done while sleeping. 8 Hours would mean ~15GB downloaded/ ~7.5GB uploaded
Of course faster internet would be nice but like you said it's what someone would need not want.
4Mbit guy reporting in. Be thankful for what you have.
2Mbit guy here. go fuck yourself.
How long is a piece of string?
test post. please ignore
Google fiber
I'd say 10Gb would be a good target, as most NICs don't support more than that. Internet service should be fast enough to be bottlenecked by the NIC.
20mbit down
2mbit up
1 ASCII character = 8 bits
Average English Word Length = 5.1 letters
Average human reading speed = 200 wpm / 60 = 3.33 wps
200*5.1*3.334 = 3.4kbps
Of pure information and nothing else. That's what the internet was originally designed to be before all this bloatware of styling infested it.
I just have a 10mb down / 2mb up and that's all that I really need.
Depending on what you want to do with the internet, a too large number of megabytes will be just it, a number.
1 Gbit/s symmetrical.
>1 ASCII character = 8 bits
1 ASCII character = 7 bits
56KB is all you need.
It would take over ten minutes to download (or upload) the image you posted at 3.4 kilobits/second.
>1 ASCII character = 8 bits
No. ASCII is a 7 bit character set.
Also, it's fucking 2017: use UTF-8.
50mbit here, I was also fine with 30, anything above 20 is luxury desu.
>anything above 20 is luxury desu
This is only something a third worlder would say.
There's that fucking word again. The guy in a private tracker trying to maintain his ratio without a seedbox needs a """considerable""" amount of upload speed, at least over 10Mbps as a baseline, if he wants to download any considerable amount of content. My grandmother needs 0Mbps full duplex.
100mbps up
50mbps down
i love life
Gigabit covers any use case among consumers and allows for things like the distributed Internet. Once isps stop offering garbage you'll see a huge change in how the Internet works.
If it's just you and you have your wifi hidden and locked, I'd say 20 down 2-5 up. It's also extremely cheap and since it's just you and your devices, you'll have no issues.
But I would recommend getting at least a 50 down 5 up. Faster download times, handles multiple devices better and when you got a slow internet day, it's still pretty fucking fast.
100 down if you download big files alot or plan on having family/people live with you.
unless you are seeding and running servers 24/7 100/10 is enough for all basic needs (downloading, watching vids, playing gaymes etc)
Semi oldfag here
I remember when cable came to my area in 2000 and we received 10 mbit down
Going from shitty DSL to 10mbit was nuts. Now I have 100 and 300 is available but it's not worth upgrading.
Being able to stream jewtube vids at 1080p without hiccups is all the speed one needs
about 350
i got 56k in 2000
i have 10Mbit/s now
anything below that speed is pretty much 3rd world or meant for niggers.
100/100 is the standard now.
0 ms response
What I need is guaranteed performance. I have a 50 megabits/second connection yet Netflix and Youtube play like shit, while supposedly requiring less than 10. What the fuck is the ISP doing?
56k was sufficient for years until javascript css niggers turned web pages into bloated ad stricken hellscapes.
>just throw hardware on it, poorfag!
I really dislike how it's a 'solution' to everything.
>by the time terabit internet is a thing ill have died by obesity
I should be getting 50/20 Mbps on the NBN in June.
20 kbps down and 10 kbps up.
50mb/s costs like 3$ per month. It's time to use 1 GB/s.
That's cheap. Wish we had those prices in Australia.
UTF-8 slow as fuck in glibc.
You won't ever need more than 28k
Becouse I live in shithole. Go to Ukraine and buy 1Gb/s for 40$. In china prices should be low also.
internet is not that cheap in China relative to the median income, especially in rural areas
Post Jewkla test and compare how third-world we are.
>UTF-8 slow as fuck in glibc.
upgrade form P2 son, it's not 1999 anymore.
200 kb/s. The internet would become a better place.
>live in SC
>xfinity offers 150/20 or something similar
>move to ny
>twc (now spectrum) maxes out at 50/5
wew lad
Still need more...
Need 10/10 Fiber
Depends on how many people you live with and how heavily they use the bandwidth.
I share this with my parents.
I download at 15GB on a slow day and upload at 24GB when my SSD is sick with viruses.
Feels good to have fiber optic cables.
>15 Gb down
>24 Gb up
>Up larger than down
mfw highest residential plan is 10Gb symmetrical
This. Multi-MB JS and CSS as well as auto-playing HD videos and 4K background images are pure cancer.