while transferring a plain folder in Windows with a large number of files from one hard disk to another, the transfer was cut just short of completion (98%)
a large temporary file remains on the destination hard disk that is unopenable, i no longer have the source. is the data recoverable from this temporary file? surely some of the thousands of files are there somehow? but i dont know how OS like windows handles file transfers, so maybe not.
Landon Martinez
Use Linux to copy, that should work
Owen Myers
macOS doesnt have this problem
Thomas Cooper
can you elaborate? i dont have the source of the original files anymore, all i have to work with is this giant large temporary file from the failed transfer
is there any software that can dissect it into some of the original files that successfully transferred? or is that not how file transfers work in Windows?
Charles Ortiz
so does MacOS transfer the individual files one by one, where Windows groups them all up into some sort of package before copying the entire package of files? i dont really know how this stuff works
Oliver Bennett
is there a file that can scan the large temp file for all the little files that did successfully transfer?"
Robert Nelson
run ccleaner
Cameron Moore
any real advice guys?
Anthony Cook
this here is a hijackin'
Samuel Lopez
not in my town
Matthew Ward
When you say you no longer have the source, have you written data over all of it or did you quick format? You could try using recova or photorec on either drive, but you'll need a destination drive you can write to for recovery.
Jeremiah Phillips
Чтo вaшa пpoблeмa?
Jayden Howard
is serious you know? Scanning temp files and cleaning them with ccleaner also performs a low level integrity check on the data. Once done, although to the OS it appears to be deleted, the blocks will still be allocated assuming they've not been written to.
Once you've done this you could then use CCleaner or any other alternative to check for missing data.
Also, as there seems to be a кoшкa theme developing... obligatory.
Logan Ross
> fapping to "stock photo"
Blake Hall
macOS organizes the files into a que (is that the correct word?) then transfers them one by one. This is called sequential transfer. Windows transfers them all at once like a idiot.
David Richardson
> fapping
Lucas Thomas
i dont physically have access to the source anymore, all i have to work with right now is the failed transfer file
Robert Sullivan
fucking windows, so is there any hope here guys or am i shit out of luck?
if some of the files arent there, why is the temp file so big? is windows just being dumb?
Henry Scott
Next time use teracopy or directly rsync if there's a Windows port
Brody Morris
>teracopy thanks user, will add to my pc
Ryder Parker
Owen Reed
Possibly photorec
Ayden Russell
does that work with flash memory like USB drives?
Kevin Peterson
Affirmative. Works with most forms of storage and also individual file, like the temp file from the copy.
Christopher Peterson
I don't see a problem here.
Samuel Young
>stock photo >Alla Emelyanova and Alena Emelyanova wat?
Xavier Parker
You are most likely SOL.
Next time, use robocopy instead of explorer.
Ryan Williams
Christopher Watson
When did Sup Forums become tech support? You already knew the answer to this question. Did you just want us to reassure you?
Dominic Wright
>t. mactoddler
Leo Lee
what? how would i know the answer, this is a legit question. i have a >1GB temp file that was supposed to be a folder with thousands of files. i just want to know if theres a way to access or get even a fraction of the files that are supposed to be there. the temp file is taking up a lot of HD space, so i figured there must be something there, but i dont know how Windows handles copying files and if its possible to scan that large chunk somehow for the little individual files
Leo Peterson
Cooper Allen
Why did the stransfer stopped?
Why dont you tru with robocopy? Robocopy, an MS program lets you copy files reliabily and its successful where other methods (explorer drag an drop, other cli commands like copy or xcopy) fail.
You just need to read the manual and you are done
but, for starters use /E and /DCOPY:T and you are mostly done. If something fials because it cant access the files use the /R:x and /W:x (were x is the maount of retries) to bypass unaccesible files without fumbling the rest of teh copy process.
Or, if my mind serves me right, there are GUI tools to robocopy, but I never used one, so I cant recommend anything in that regard
Hunter Young
Thank god I use Linux and would have used rsync
Ethan Ramirez
transfer stopped due to one unit losing power
Jaxson Bennett
make a linux mint live cd and run a live session (boot to the cd) and take a look at both drives. You may be able to recover the files from one and/or the other.
I had an unreadable drive and I was able to recover all my files in a similar manner.
Linux mint is pretty easy and you'll have to turn your machine on and off and pretty much be prepared to say goodbye to the files but there's some hope you'll recover them.
Juan Gray
the "temp" file i have still exists after having rebooted numerous times and is copyable to other drives. maybe an "incomplete" file is a more accurate term, but its weird because its one gigantic file when i had actually transferred a folder full of thousands of files
Cameron Davis
Jacob Moore
ROBOCOPY is what you need for large reliable file transfers. It's so robust, you either have to hunker down and read the manual, or use a GUI to have it spoonfed to you. Or both and write your own front end because some of the GUIs out there suck ass.