Post warm-hearted message to this country

post warm-hearted message to this country

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Years ago I listened to some kpop groups, thanks I guess

The two Koreas will reunite under Juche in a near future.

Your doramas are not boring my gf says



One of the least shit groups of flatlanders I've ever seen or had the company of

Your psychological complexes defy easy description.

Joseon was OK

thank you for plastic qts and electronics

They have the best asian language.

Mandarin tones are fucking annoying and Japanese doesn't have enough sounds.

Why are they so obsessed with shit?

I like the fact that 93% of their GDP is from prostitution

I can't imagine that being true with them having so many global electronics companies

die in a fire, you're the most cancerous country in East Asia
Fucking plastic scum

Lol, more like 5% GDP are whores.

Still, can't make that shit up


Thank you.

Anytime you come to Korea please enjoy good korean food and good korean women

재가 한국어를 배우고 싶었고 한글이 정말 쉬어서 고마워요 한국 친구들

또 전 술을 좀 마셔서 미안해요

Kimchi tastes like Soggy fire

I fap to kpop girls every night

please please please don't let your culture get further westernized

Thank you for the cute K-Pop groups. Plastic or not, they're beautiful.
Send Minho to India again pls.

Get fucked, fascists.

Best Korea

한국을 사랑해!
1개 월 전 부산에 갔어요. 정말 재미있어서요!
내년 저기에 이동할게요!

well, i'm glad that they aren't filthy commies

WTF is this? LOL

Are u living in California?