
god save the queen edition

Other urls found in this thread:


the unpaid volunteer


*blows the janny conch*

For fucking nothing

wh-what is happening

janny is a yank lads what do you reckon?

janitor is trying to destroy british culture

why does every normie describe themselves as sarcastic

"haha watch out for my wicked sarcasm guys im more sarcastic than the average bear teedelehee"


we wuz models

Don't think janny is going to get a bonus this year




keep it up janny, you may even get a huge raise, hiroshima may double your pay!

think janny doesn't want to be mentioned in the op

this girl needs to stop doing whatever shes doing

I made the last thread lol..

What a retard.

>Janny deletes this thread too

gf just snapchat me this

happened to me too but man bust case

you do not badmouth the hacker known as Sup Forums

might make a kickstarter for janny to kill himself

gets more vile the more you scroll down

just watched dead mans shoes didnt understand

how much is the janitor getting paid? i mean he's obviously shilling for hillary

normies are still arguing, loudly
>this is the last time you'll see my face you bitch
2 seconds later
>what the fuck is wrong with you you bitch

*calls janny a fucking nerd*

call the police

shout FOY out the window

£0.00 or $0.00 if he's a yank


boss man at the shop gave me the kapow one of these

even better, a loud shrieking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


None of those are right.

Why did joot let janny out of his cage?

was the amount you paid equivalent to the salary of the janitorial staff?

lets just say he gets paid as much as I do

most of you guys are just fucking straight up fedora let's be honest

it is chocolate salty balls you muppet

t. south park connoisseur

guys how do i convince my gf an open relation ship is a bad idea

we haven't even had sex yet

what? It's Chocolate Salty Balls, isn't it?

paid like 50p
asked for a cheapo one and he said he was feeling generous so gave me the clipper one


TheChase producers confirmed /brit/ lurkers

you may have a gf but at least i have my vast intellect

>implying Bradley walsh doesn't regularly post

not me 2bh

Yea right m80



how did this not win Europe asks.

that bored i've ventured into /britfeel/ to see how the other half live

What's it like?

Milf's gone to bed already

Fucking joke


haha holy shit thats my post haha

lazy fat fuck

post tray

have to poo

Post pictures of dark skinned women

>tfw used to have a black fwb with the most perfect soles


robots out


Fuck that id have to go downstairs

Im skinny you fag

do it you lazy skelly fuck

Youre in my thread you cunt

is anyone else here scottish and really cannot fucking stand scottish twitter

i need to know im not the only one

you're not carafag fuck off

*pees on /brit/*

this is now my territory


giv me a min

>push button
>don't receive bacon

och aye the noo

local dominos used to be open til 4am on fridays/saturdays now it shuts at 12
annoying desu would defo order one now

That's a high quality pepe you have there.

whats the better deal for £6

>one medium 2 topping
>one large 1 topping

closest one to me is 24 hours wahey

the large one of course
bit of a boring cunt but am a fan of margarita

if yae dinnae understand dinnae retweet

It's kind of ironic that le bacon is a meme with yanks when they don't actually have bacon.

opinion discarded

I was part of the market before the crash.

going to bed night x

*glasses you*

Yanks get what they deserve.

saw SO many coppers driving home

the /r9k/ thread needs more pictures there's too much text


there's a 24 hour one 4 miles away
debating doing a collection

Enjoy you french bastard

guys i feel like i might be sarcastic irl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

just organised my whole Sup Forums folder lads

its still a bit of a mess but much easier to navigate now


what the FUCK is this

That was my first time there and I notice they don't have flags.

How can they have a country general without flags? JF being the insidious deceivers that they are could easily talk utter nonsense and claim to be one of us.

You'll just have to trust me ;)

you been on the juice lad?
me last night desu

post your best image

Rolled a joint a few nights about but haven't got round to smoking it yet

Terrible from me

For gods sake man, you are British, you are better than this.

Is it because you don't know how to cook or what constitutes a healthy meal because I will tell you right now if you need help.

You are better than the jf.


Really tired and want to watch a film and go to bed

But an average looking girl from tinder said she wants to come over and fool around

Hung out with her but didn't have that much interest in her. But I also haven't had sex in 2 years.

Should I just have her over?


>haven't had sex in 2 years
>2 years


giz a look at 'er face

Post pics