Do you look like the people from your country?

Do you look like the people from your country?

I'm from Mexico but sometimes I get told I look like a South American and sound like one. This comes from people from my country.

Today they told me I don't look Mexican.
I'm missing the Zapata moustache, I think.

But... Hispanic is Hispanic. You're all the same kind of brown, ugly gremlin, aren't you?

No they're all fucking bogans who act like tough cunts all the time I fucking hate most people from my country.

not at all, the locals here think I'm a foreigner. Some say I look like a middle easterner, others say I look Afghan or Pakistani

My father is from a Polish Ashkenazi family, my mother is genric American with Anglo/German surnames in her family tree

I have brown hair and blue eyes, but everyone thinks I'm a fucking alien and they can't believe my parents are from this country. People ask if I'm Russian, German, Swedish, Greek, Serbian.... is it just because I'm not fat?

Nope, I always stand out in a crowd because of my light brown hair.
I only hang at shitty places and all my friends are low class just like me, so that must be it.

Yep, I do, just a lot more attractive.

another (very subtle) "mexico is white" thread

>waaahhhhh muh bogans why aren't they intellectual giants like me

get the fuck over yourself. i'll bet the real reason you don't like anybody is because nobody likes you

I'm blond so I usually get mistaken by a tourist when I go downtown

I come to this country from Algers so yeah I fit completely here

I'm from argentina but people call me white

whitey piggu

Lol, just go to a half decent uni and the people aren't bogans. What are you doing with your life? Studying arts at Wollongong?

im portuguese and italian ethnically, people arent sure what to think i am. it happens 10x more frequently now that i live in the south.

so, no.

when I was at the frankfurt airport one security guy asked me if I was spaniard, so I suppose I may look like one

sorry :(

>Do you look like the people from your country?
I'm whiter tbqh... average argentinian has that italian look, with a brown mediterranean skin.


>I get told I look like a South American
>like South American

Are you retarded? There are many countries with many different races in south america there are countries with african heritage, amerindian heritage, european heritage even fucking jav heritage.... wich one of those is supposed to be "South American"?

es un chicano que esta tratando de crear una buena imagen de mejico asi no votan a trump y no lo deportan

people say I look like van gogh

I guess there's no "American look" though, right?


Hispanic isnt a race. You can be black white brown whatever and be hispanic.

You're thinking of mestizos, which is what most hispanics are.

I'm not as thin (see flag)

I look like a moor so I think I'm pretty average

I don't know, it depends on the region. There are a lot of croats, italians and other meds/balks where I live so it's normal. But in the north people asked from which country I came, so I guess it's all about the region.

People think I'm Brazilian.

>look south american



I love looking like a tourist tbqhwys.

Nope, I look like the average Spanish man