post your mining rig /g
Post your mining rig /g
seriously, nobody in /g is mining crypto?
>all that expensive gear
>can't afford server racks or a proper table for the computer
how much does it cost in air conditioning?
mining isn't profitable anymore unless your electricity is free or you're using those nerd custom asic's which the chinks use
I need to keep the costs low right now.
just open 2 windows, that much.
how much have you made mining?
>I need to keep the costs low right now.
translation: im not making any money off of this.
Fucking kek, I think you answered your own question mate.
currently i am reinvesting most of it to build more rigs.
>currently i am reinvesting most of it to build more rigs.
how much have you made mining?
pretty sure no miner knows exactly how much they have made but for me it would be roughly €900/month profit if i wouldn't reinvest.
user I think you're doing it too late... Not worth it anymore.
Can't you steal some electricity from your neighbor?
I'm extremely interested, how much was your initial investment? Are you mining btc or other crypto?
I want to get into mining and I have about 2500 to invest right now.
>about 2500
cashlets need not apply.
What's your ROI? Have you actually made any money after buying that hardware?
Red lights make every fucking peace of hardware awesome and this is the proof.
Op bailed already?
Op shows us some financial info on this, like intial investment, operational costs, roi, etc.
Bitcoin is just a proof of concept and all those gamblers and wannabe nerds are betting on it.
Its litterally generating fake money by wasting a shutload of electricty. I always hated how stupid that is
> (You)
>Its litterally generating fake money by wasting a shutload of electricty. I always hated how stupid that is
Absolutely this as well. The price per transaction is ridiculously high. Yet alone the ecological impact by wasting fossil fuels to generate that needed electricity.