Post legitimately good reasons why Ubuntu/Elementary isn't your primary distribution/why you don't run it/them.
Post legitimately good reasons why Ubuntu/Elementary isn't your primary distribution/why you don't run it/them
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No games. :^)
Non free software
outdated repositories
Because I have a MacBook Pro 2012. I've tried and love it, along with Mint, but the broadcom wireless only stays connected for about a minute, then I have to turn off/on wireless again, just to get another minute. I'd use it full time if that didn't happen.
>not rolling release
into the trash it goes
Still doesn't use Wayland or have tweak tool installed by default.
Not rolling release. I know this answer is a shithead answer but that is why.
I'm curious what other options are well supported. its just so simple to find out how to fix your issue when running ubuntu.
I wish I was a neet and could deal with breakage every update and never being on a stable consistent build.
The few things I need bleeding edge I just compile from source.
It's linux
99% of the time I use arch docs to fix issues on Ubuntu
Ubuntu provides specific repositories of nonfree software, and Canonical expressly promotes and recommends nonfree software under the Ubuntu name in some of their distribution channels. Ubuntu offers the option to install only free packages, which means it also offers the option to install nonfree packages too. In addition, the version of Linux, the kernel, included in Ubuntu contains firmware blobs.
The “Ubuntu Software Center” lists proprietary programs and free programs jumbled together. It is hard to tell which ones are free since proprietary programs for download at no charge are labelled “free”.
Ubuntu appears to permit commercial redistribution of exact copies with the trademarks; removal of the trademarks is required only for modified versions. That is an acceptable policy for trademarks. The same page, further down, makes a vague and ominous statement about “Ubuntu patents,” without giving enough details to show whether that constitutes aggression or not.
That page spreads confusion by using the misleading term “intellectual property rights”, which falsely presumes that trademark law and patent law and several other laws belong in one single conceptual framework. Use of that term is harmful, without exception, so after making a reference to someone else's use of the term, we should always reject it. However, that is not a substantive issue about Ubuntu as a GNU/Linux distribution.
Because I use arch.
But I use Ubuntu in containers.
Because my Fiio E07k doesn't work in Ubanto and my time is not worthless so I want anything that don't give me stupid problem for every little shit I want to do.
it's not 2004, arch is stable af
Can't disagree the arch community has excellent documentation. I'm more curious about a gnu/Linux OS that has basic hardware support and doesn't take ages to setup. In other words, I'm looking for an OS that's as far from spyware as possible, has great hardware support and a helpful community.
The only reasons I don't run linux are
worse amd drivers/performance
no games
no photoshop and illustrator
inb4 wine memes
>worse amd drivers/performance
AMDGPU Pro (same driver as Windows')
>no games
Native Steam support
>no photoshop and illustrator
Fuck you.
Wi-fi issues that I don't experience on openSUSE.
KDE instability that I don't experience on openSUSE.
If you can do Ubuntu, you can do openSUSE. It's literally just, click a few more times during setup and add a repo/codecs right after installing.
>AMDGPU Pro (same driver as Windows')
convoluted retarded install and compatibility
>Native Steam support
~15 good games and 192831 shovelware indie garbage
I need Photoshop
no it isn't
t. arch user who actually use his computer to get things done
Mint exists
I'm not him, but regarding the first two things, I'll let you know that gaming performance is vastly inferior in GNU/Linux. I dual boot Jessie and Windows 7 and the same games have FPS differences of up to 190; all the drivers are fine and even with the minimal settings it's outstanding if a game can get more than 50 FPS on GNU/Linux, but that same game then gets at least over 200 FPS on Windows. The only games where I've found it to be the same are Terraria and Plague Inc., out of the 50ish Steam GNU/Linux games that I own. Bottom line is that drivers and system stuff don't mean shit when the games themselves aren't optimized for GNU/Linux.
Because I run Mint.
Because Mint is pretty and not Ubuntu.
Debian? Or any of the other Ubuntu variants like xubuntu.
Only 'spying' stuff is the standard Ubuntu desktop env.
Weird, you'd think you could fix that pretty easily.
I dumped Ubuntu over their data-mining shit as soon as they implemented it and went back to Debian.
The only reason I started using Ubuntu when it came out was because it was just Debian with ndiswrapper and a little GUI ready to easily install wifi drivers and the other proprietary drivers I needed already installed or ready to be.
Been back on Debian as my main desktop OS since, but install everything else on the laptop for fun.
Fuck Canonical, I'd just use Windows if I wanted spyware built into my OS.
Yes, I play from GNU/Linux too. Performance is really bad compared to Windows'. Around a year ago I removed BotnetOS but I'm missing its gaming performance.
Yeah, you'd think. I've tried every tutorial and google answer, al 3 different drivers, it just won't work. And I really with it would.
>My time is not worthless
>Wastes his money on a fancy keyboard
>Wastes his time posting on Sup Forums
>Let's black dudes from Craigslist fuck his wife
>Is currently raising his wife's son
I don't know what is more pathetic: your lame attempt at cuckposting or the fact that you confused a DAC AMP with a Keyboard.
Installed ubungo gnome a few days ago and it had tweak tool installed by default. It doesn't use Wayland by default tho ye
I have all necessary for me Ubuntu functions working under WSL while having a proper desktop OS.
Is there seamless Google Drive support yet? Similar to Dropbox's daemon?
Unity is too bloated for my taste, and I don't like the idea of having to install a distro and remove what I don't want, rather than installing the things that I do want.
I use it.
These are the same devs who shame the user for not paying for a Linux distro.
If I should be "ethical" by paying for Elementary, why don't Elementary devs pay up to every Debian dev, every Ubuntu dev, and every dev that's created packages in their distro? After all, you do want to be "as ethical as possible".
I would get nothing but a shittier package manager if I used it instead of Gentoo
Solus is stable
Fucking this.
kevin pls
Becuase im using Ubuntu Server 16.10 for my Web Application Security class.
Arch is also anti-user as fuck:
Elementary is for faggots. Outdate as fuck.
Ubuntu is gay as shit with that sudo bullshit. I'm a su kind of person.
What are backports for 500 Alex?
I am not a fan of the interfaces. I prefer more Windows XP-like distros.
Is "you're not using your computer the right way and that's why it doesn't break" the latest meme?
>look, mom, I posted it again
Arch breaks less than Ubuntu for me.
The best option for stability would be Debian Stable and lmao nty too out of date, my computer is not a server.
I use Xubuntu.
390X drivers when?
because chromebook
Because I own a Macbook Pro that meets my needs perfectly.
Threadly reminder that if you value FOSS for any reason besides is typically being more useful and well-programmed than closed-source software, you're an autistic sperg with nothing better to worry about than some old coot's schizoid sense of freedom.
I installed Ubuntu out of curiosity because I wanted to see how games ran on Linux.
Steam didn't install properly, googled the problem, don't really know enough about Linux to apply the solution.
The nVidia driver didn't install properly either.
Went back to Windows and haven't looked back.
For what is supposed to be the most supported Distro, Ubuntu felt wonky as shit tbqh
>Bloat, even when I build up from minimal netinstall.
>I like tinkering, and Ubuntu shields me from this since it's pretty polished.
>While it's nice to have commercial distros, I'd rather use something community driven.
I think it's a good distro though OP, since you are fishing for compliments about your choice.
Have you considered Solus?
Which distro has good repos?
its for normies and i like to think myself superior by using distros with higher barriers to entry
Top GNU!
Yes user, gaming.
Windows feels well rounded since it allows me to do work and play games whereas Linux seems better for work, specifically programming I guess.
See this thread
I use gnome and it is ass on Ubuntu. I am also beyond happy with Debian testing.
I don't use Arch either.
unity is trash
arch today, arch tomorrow, arch for always
Bloat... ubuntu is bloat compared to arch...
I had some problems with ubuntu working slower than arch.
Some errors pops out of nowhere...
Canonical is large company, don't like where they're going (amazon, MS collaboration...)
So, no thanks.
Honestly, are you really that dumb to break arch?
Arch is my main OS for more than a year now.
I do pacman -Syu every week at least
Had no problems, nothing broke.
It just werks.
Openbox is just better.
>Post legitimately good reasons why Ubuntu/Elementary isn't your primary distribution/why you don't run it/them.
Elementary is a buggy neutered shit DE, nuff said. Ubuntu is quite OK though but there really is no reason to not run Arch instead, since it has been so stable, lately.
>no bloat
Even as a complete noob I would rather use Manjaro than Ubuntu.
I work in marketing/ content creation and the best tools are usually mac exclusive :/
this looks comfy af
What a dream to be working on your passion in the middle of a vietmanese river
Software is out of date, and I've had bad luck with it loading all the appropriate drivers out of the box. Also the drama with kubuntu and the whole spyware thing made me think less of canonical. I also prefer dnf to apt.
If I was ever to convert someone to linux I'd recommend ubuntu, but that isn't likely since os fanboys are scum and I don't want to sink that low
You've got to choose shitpost or being lying: you're on Sup Forums yet pretend to "actually get things done"
Ubuntu gets the job done, fast and easy.
Planning to go from dual boot to completely Linux. Which distro should I use? Ubuntu?
Use case -
Gaming (Rocket League, arma etc which is supported in Linux).
Bitcoin node (as long as it templeos i'm sure it will work. I need a lightweight OS).
No meme os.
Try Ubuntu Mate.
Huge support.
Easy to use.
KDE neon exists
I do use Ubuntu (have been using it for 2 years).
Never explored other linux distors
Because Windows 10 Education is superior to every other OS currently available
Don't try mate. It has screen tearing by default and it's a glitchy mess. Ubuntu unity and gnome are the only good *buntu.
Because I actually use my computer for more things than watching anime and shitposting on Sup Forums which is why I don't run a server OS on my desktop
I work with 2/3 screens. Any other suggestions other than mate?
does not go 5 minutes without a system error popup.
I use elementary
>Admits incompetence
>blames ubuntu for it
kek, yeah you should probably stay on windows mate, perhaps even consider a mac.
pic related, it's kevin
not edgy
No it's not
I prefer Debian instead of botnets built on top of it
Same here. Ubuntu has so much shit going on, so many little programs that just seem to randomly crash. Whenever I convince myself to install Ubuntu on my laptop, I immediately get SYSTEM PROBLEM DETECTED from apport crashing and restarting and crashing again. I have been using Arch for years now and never had any problems.
Solus doesn't have this problem.
probably the bit of outdated packages would be my sticking point.
but i've got it on my chinkpad, and am fine with that since it is on the lts.
Fuck you. Solus is a bloated piece of shit that is painful to look at.