No gf

> my girlfriend is always bragging on how open minded she is

>she left me after she caught me watching a porn video with a dog fucking a woman

Why are women such hypocrites?


cause their are woman.


> my girlfriend is...
>she left me...

you mean she was...

Date a dog bro



is this a hila latino thread?

Open minded =/= accepting of literally everything.

She left you to go fuck a dog, friend. You made her known of a fetish she never knew she had.


How can human men even compete?

But is not like I would tell her to fuck an animal. What's the big deal about porn preference?

She's such a pleb

Why does Puerto Rico get a separate flag?


how is the economy in pr?
i have noticed lots of white pr girls coming to los angeles to work as escorts in the nice hotels



when they say they are open-minded, it's usually a pre-requisite of them asking your opinion for an open relationship or 3P involving 2 guys


desu I'm a socialist feminist but I think lefties are as bad as the righties when it comes to weird porn. Regular pornography? "It is not the state's place to police what a citizen watches in the privacy of their home". Gay relationships? "It is not the place of the state to police what happens between two consenting adults".
Violent porn? "Such content risks corrupting our youth and creating a generation of rapists". Incest between consenting adults? "OMG degeneracy!".

Fucking hell liberals. Get it together.

I'm taller than that dog.

Are you sure it wasn't her in the video.
She was just embarassed.

I'm dogger than that tall.

Open-minded is just a codeword for liberal.

That's a castrated dog

Liberals are *supposed* to be open-minded. Somehow the whole institution got corrupted by nanny state primitives only distinguishable from conservatives by being somewhat less racist and not ignorant about global warming.

But the global warming thing isn't only with American conservatives? Why whould I give a fuck about global warming anyway? Fuck current and future generations.

t. chaime Wolfberg