How white am I?

How white am I?

Other urls found in this thread:

italians are not white therefore you are not white

So I'm black?

No, you are a romannigger. That is worse

you have white (german) and non-white (italian) ancestry, so you're mixed race

tfw my ancestors were on the original boats to come here

>Telling people who are white and whose not white.
I kek'd

we're not white either so we're a neutral judge

How white are Irish people?

>Mfw we are the only country in Europe to have a less than 1% Muslim population.

Aren't the Irish descendants of the Celts? I guess it depends if the Celts are considered "white"

Are Basques white?

Eating potatos is makeing people white , so you are white af

>Aren't the Irish descendants of the Celts

no, the Celts are French

the Irish are the descendants of the Irish

Yes, but the Irish are also descendants of the celts, I have a Celtic name, so I guess that makes me a descendant of them.

Only the Frenchies in Brittany are Celtic. The rest fled to the British Isles after the Roman conquest of Gaul.


By modern standards, pretty white! Congrats!

>Southern Italy

How white am I?


>Muh heritage

Got some stronk Anglo DNA in there son

>very light Berber
Now, how did that happen?

I wanna play this muh heritage game too, what website are you using for that shit OP?


maybe Western Europe

Like what do I have to do?

Pretty cool, to take it all in.

I just entered place names in on the right and then took a screenshot.