
Special Air Service edition

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You are now thinking about that girl you regret not asking out


i WILL bash you


I wonder if/when synthesizing meat becomes a reality you'd be able to buy human flesh as like a novelty



Special Boat Service


Worst /brit/ ever

me irl


You don't remember that lab made burger from last year? They had four food critics eating them and each burger cost 80 grand.

I've asked out every girl I've ever liked




Lel got the full video?

Where do I start, well to pre face I hadn't taken any psychedelics in over a year so I had completely forgotten what the psychedlic experience was like. This dose was probably a little over kill in retrospect, but I definetly walked away a new man.

So it all began with this weird, artistic movie called "Samsara". For those of you who haven't seen the film, it's like a extremely cinematic, emotionless movie capturing the lengths we've gone to as humans for the sake of consumption. I started the movie as I was peaking, or at least I thought, I had no clue at the time what kind of shit storm was coming my way once the film was over. I turned the classical music playing off and played the album b4da$$ by Joey Bada$$ over it. This may have played a role in how I depicted this film since this is kind of a darker album by joey.

Anyways nothing out of the ordinary happened until the end of Samsara. The moment the film end, I take a moment, contemplate what to do next, and then like a freight train, I break down into absolute sadness filled with tears and psychedlic chaos. I pretty much got emotionally raped by visuals.

I finally made my way to the shower after literally drowning in my own tears, snot, happiness, bliss. Took a shower, came out a new man, problem washed away, issues confronted.

Now I'm smiling, life's good.

Kate Bush

Are you that yank who used to go on about marrying her to get your very own title?

me 'n' the gf


did they died

alright lads



No, I've never read that. I wonder if it tasted normal. Anyway, I guess I mean when/if it becomes the norm

the LA music scene is fantastic tbf lads

how similar are you to your dad

Some of you really disgust me, sort it out ffs

I'm looking for more of 'pure molly' users than Ecstacy users, but if E is your thing.. The more info the merrier.

Some random personal info - Personally, I don't like to do it every week. Usually every 1 1/2months+. And at 125 mg max.

Molly/E is really really amazing. I've 'rolled' easily a dozen times. I wouldn't even say I "Roll", to be honest. I just love the extra mood enhancement and freedom from fear and inhibition. I can dance freely and loosely, I have absolutely the greatest of times with my family and friends. Music is amazing. Sex is phenomenal. The deep breathing. I feel like I'm taking a sigh of relief every time I breath. I feel like I'm meditating while living!

Anyway, just want to share why I love mdma. Now the trick is to bring my learned experiences to my sober life!!! I want to experiment with MDMA more but I don't want to lose the magic. All shared experiences and advice are greatly appreciated

Tl;Dr ::: I want to know how much Mg of weekly MDMA users dose each time.
Do you find that you have had to raise your dosage because of tolerance increase?
How enjoyable are your experiences?
What do you like to do while on MDMA?

Thanks guys/gals!!!

Invade Ireland.

just stuck some chicken and chips in the oven lads

only cucks eat their meals at the times which society tells them to

>converted mixer tap
probably a brit

Has /brit/ ever seen a UFO? Unironically think seeing one would kill me.

Not similar at all

my sister is like my dad and I'm like my mum

Wish modafinil wasn't so effective lads, feel like I need to take it to revise because I get so much more done than usual on it

It's not like I'm retarded and can't focus without it, I am just a super version of myself when I'm on it and it's great

I did 3.5g first time doing shrooms, I was out of my mind enjoying myself in nature. Eventually we all regrouped while coming down when my friend asked me "what did you gain from your trip?" And in a post-psychedelic haze I reply "I didn't gain anything... I only lost."

I blew their semi-tripping minds.

>a vending machine for french fries

How is this not a thing in America? Any Auscunts ever had it?

I ate a five course dinner at 7am today

starting to find similar traits unfortunately

had an awful temper

I enjoy seeing videos of couples getting fucked, it eases the loneliness to see their pain.

Yeah mate I smash a gram every weekend I'm fucking sick innit

Saw one when I was on holiday near morcambe about 20 years ago, they have a lot of sightings in that area.

Complete opposite to how he is now but when I turned 21 my Mum showed me some old family pictures and basically said I act the same as my Dad did in his 20s.

wew i'll take leinster and connacht this war, then go after munster


ah yes

Can a lad get a (You)?

That used to actually be extremely common, wealthy yanks coming here and marrying broke lords so that they could have legitimate titles.

It's why Downton Abbey has a yank as the mother.

No im not a fat cunt

So, I took 3 hits of 1p-lsd 2 days ago and I took three 2c-b-fly pills at 10 mg today and not feeling anything. SHouldn't I feel something or does the 1p-lsd possible have some sort of affect that leads over that can lead over to the 2c-b-fly?

I'll try to specify if not clear. Thanks.

I saw one in France when I was on holiday once, scared the shit out of me, it was really loud too
>inb4 you saw a plane

Thanks lad. The people of Ireland will probably thank you for reversing their grave mistake.

coursework due in 5 days and not finished it yet

fucking hell lads this is going to be close

i can vaguely remember something similar to this here except for pizzas
bet they were horrible

I'm a borderline alcoholic and have a propensity to lose my shit and shout at people if they're being idiots, so yeah pretty similar.

Nice pill collection that is

A little back story.... I like to go to shows and music festivals every now and then, and enjoy partaking in some substances. Usually only twice or three times a year. My girlfriend has flown off the hinge and given me an ultimatum that either I don't "do drugs" or we can't be together. I even did some around her at a festival a couple months ago, and I thought that would open her eyes and show her that what I do is much less severe and "toxic" to my body than drinking for example. I'm mostly referring to MDMA and a little LSD. Any thoughts on how to handle the situation? I honestly don't have the mental capacity to understand how recreationally taking some MDMA a couple times a year is a problem.

tl;dr: Girlfriend is very close minded about recreational use

Louisiana or Los Angeles?


As usual yanks are way behind our burger technology.

And yes, I would try cloned human, just to see.

Wish I were rich, having a princess gf would be the absolute tops


>starting coursework anytime prior to 2 days before the deadline



What kind of noise?



This is one of the most invaluable communities I have ever come across and had the pleasure to be involved in.

It's been two years that I've seen the ups and downs with you fellas.

Till the last light in the sun burns out there's gonna be someone cracking a whippet.

Arctic monkeys are shit anyway

hows secondary school

Like this really loud amplified sound, very bass-y but didn't shake the ground. Hard to describe

>140 character tweet due in by sunrise
>only half way through the first draft

Are you tripping right now lad?

Anyway, as always, never change your plans and your hobbies for a woman. Follow your own path, she can come along if she wants.

>tfw spent a few hours on /r9k/ and now too mad to sleep

I once saw lights. I don't want to call it a flying saucer, but it wasn't fireworks or Chinese lanterns and it was too low and quiet to be a plane or helicopter.

It actually terrified me and I couldn't sleep, but lay down and pretended to be asleep in the event it was actual ayys using infrared to peek into houses for people to abduct and as I peeked out of my window at it I would have been a prime target.

this meme again...

we had it just last night

yeah they are infuriatingly pathetic over there

Got any curry sauce?


Just finishing my second year of a stem degree at a rustlers group and currently on a 1st

What happened?

So glad I left that place behind.

They're not even wrong about a lot of things, just powerless to improve themselves to leverage the knowledge.

the best memes are those posted every night
no i'm white mate


Listening to The Beatles.

Dad is a massive Beatles fan, reminds me of my childhood.


>no i'm white male

>the battle of hastings was 346,823 days ago



Do you know how I know that's faked? They are sorted by gender as soon as they hatch and the males are killed near instantly before the females are sent of to mature ready for egg laying.

At no point can the eggs get fertilised by a male.

>australian accents

I'm cringing

I'll start out by saying I'm a petite 19 year old white female, relatively attractive, yadda yadda yadda. Anywho. I went to pick up some molly from one of my dealers the other week. If it makes any difference, he's a large black male in his late 20's. I've only bought from this guy only once before, and, while we met in kind of a sketch situation, his last batch was really high quality.

Anyway, I go to his sketchy ass apartment by myself (probably a bad idea, I felt super nervous and noticed some extremely weird tension the entire time) pick up the gram, and end up leaving with an awkward hug goodbye.
"Okay," I think to myself, "that wasn't too bad. I need to get rid of these stupid prejudices."
I get to my car, start the ignition, put it into reverse and.... Bzzzzzz I get a text message.

>"Lets have sex"

I'm not sure if I've ever peeled out of a parking lot faster. I finally replied as I was leaving the complex. tried to pass it off as a joke, make it lighthearted, ya know?

>"I'm good haha"

...a couple minutes go by...

>"I'll give you $20 back"

This guy expected me to whore myself out for 20.fucking. dollars. I was absolutely livid. I don't mean for this post to come off as racist or whatever. I've had dealers of all nationalities and never once had to deal with this. I hope I never have to again.

That's what you get for buying Swedish video games

Which song mate.

It's pretty amazing they were able to do it, but it doesn't look that good, 2bh. Maybe they should have tried something that doesn't have a lot of fat like fish or something to start

nice reading comprehension

How big is your Lauren folder?

Beatles are gay as fuck m8


Sounds like Manchester accent desu

oi FACk off ya kahnt