Been on xp for 14 years

>been on xp for 14 years
>just now i want to upgrade
>don't know what OS is better
7, 8 or 10? Linux? Why?

Other urls found in this thread:



Because freedom.

8.1 + Classic Start Menu

7 is the last OS that lets you run with classic theme. You don't get hardware accel, but if you're still on XP hardware, you won't miss it much.


7 embedded

>7 is the last OS that lets you run with classic theme.
Its hard to describe to people why this is so important to me.

This is the worst place to ask. Honestly 10 is fine unless you're a pedo or doing some other illegal shit (and even then, it's fine).

Because there's no good reason and it's ugly as all fuck.


Read this

install gentoo

>Because there's no good reason and it's ugly as all fuck.
Well defined UI elements with zero ambiguity, and CONTRAST on the elements
No desktop composition means that everything runs at a much lower latency which is nice for gaming

Seems nice to me.

Well I'm thinking on upgrading my hardware too in the near future.
Currently running 2GB RAM, will update to 4GB.
My current board is AMD Phenom II X3 710, guess I'll have to upgrade it as well, but I know nothing of that.

If that is the case, is 7 still the best option?

The most illegal shit I do is browsing this place, so guess I'm fine.
Still have to ask, most of the times windows fucks up something or a previous version is better.

I highly suggest to get an 8GB ram it's "The sweet spot" for most people, as stated in a tech website.


To be honest this doesn't seem very objective
>no gaems
I'll buy 2 4GB RAMs,one at a time since I'm still a wagecuck
Or is it better to buy 1 8GB instead?

2 X 4gb can be used in dual channel mode which is better. Dual channel doubles the communication between the memory controller and RAM, thus increasing system performance.

Linux Fedora if security is your #1 concern.
Win10 if you just want it to work & game.
Win7 has telemetry like win10 now, so only if you have Skylake, Zen or future CPU architectures

Guess I'll do that.
Only thing now is about the motherboard. Is that one fine for these upgrades or I need to upgrade that too?

Where the hell can I get a decent cracked windows 10 torrent ?

Everything I've been finding is embedded with viruses.

Only if you don't have those, sorry

install gentoo

XP for 14 years. What's stopping you from adding another 14 years to XP? Why the sudden urge to change?

I got bored of the limitations.
Also, I'll be getting more money than the one required for me to live next month
So basically to summarize, use Win7 since my CPU is older than those, right?

You should be fine since ram is one of the easiest things to upgrade. The CPU and GPU are bit trickier and can be more demanding of other upgrades.

What limitations?

Well, basically everything is getting updated post vista. Also, some shit games I can't play since this is old, and thought, why not upgrading software and hardware.
So, I keep this one for now? Well, that makes this little project cheaper!

Thanks fellow anons, you're as lovely as always


user meant to say open-source

If you like the way you have done things thus far, the only answer is 7 or linux, linux set up similarly to windows xp.

i've got a legit clean torrent but it's from a private tracker (obviously)...

if this thread lives till tomorrow(cause it's 4 am) i'll DL it and mirror it somewhere.

Lmao, why can't freetards make a decent website?

>Why Linux is Better!
>Website looks like it's from the 90s

Guaranteed that website has converted exactly 0 people.

Thank you

Nowhere, because there's a keylogger and bulk-RAT even in official cppies.

When upgrading the CPU you might have to make sure you have the latest BIOS. What motherboard do you have? If you don't know, download a prog called Speccy and post a screenshot of the motherboard.

>AMD Phenom II X3 710
At least that's what I got from CCleaner

So have you decided what OS you'll be switching to?

I don't care because I'm just using it for shitty games .

Guess 7, seems like the best option for a poorfag like me.
Also if my information is correct, new vidya still comes out for 7, so it'll be good for at least 14 years I guess

But you can turn the telemetry off on windows 7 user

That's the CPU, not the motherboard. I ask because if you upgrade the CPU, the bios may or may not be able to handle more cores, and a bios update will update the CPU microcode of the BIOS. The program Speccy is freeware and gives you and us all the information we need to lookup your motherboard maker and see if the BIS can support a newer CPU. Hope that helps.

>X3 710
Is your PC a stock(bought from store) PC? If so, from what year? There's a chance you'll have to upgrade the motherboard along with the CPU.

>Don't wait years for bugs to be solved
>Enjoy free and unlimited support
>Use MSN, AIM, ICQ, Jabber, with a single program
>The code for this site itself is now open source. Check it out on GitHub and come contribute!
>Think that it might be an abandoned site but it has commits on 2017
Oh i'm laffin

Do not go for Linux unless it has support for you hardwate. I have been suffering driver problems in Ubuntu. See this thread.

I think Windows 7 should be excellent for most stuff for another 9 years unless them pajeets run additional measures to aggressively obsolete it

Yeah what make and model is the PC? Chances are the PSU is shitty quality old and underpowered and I wouldn't recommend an upgrade anyway. Depending on the manufacturer you might not even be able to reuse the case which sucks.

Yeah. But he won't get free update to Win10 even if he buys a genuine copy of Win7.

Still using a core2duo windows xp machine
Shame everything is going past xp, everything I do is still fine on xp at least

I recommend windows 8.1
Install classicshell to have a regular start menu and its golden

7 I feel isn't that big of a jump and 10 is kind of a mess in my opinion

I dualboot XP/Ubuntu on my T410 and honestly this guy is dumb when he says get 8.1
Get 7.


Not stock, rebuilt it myself like some years ago thanks to a friends spare parts
>ASUSTeK Computer INC. M3N78-EM (AM2)

You cant use modern DDR3/DDR4 ram with it. Pic related is what I'd get if I were you right now. It's relatively cheap and you can get the parts gradually. The PSU will probably be enough if it's from this millenium (

Thanks for your help, I'll geet the ram and update to 7 for now, and slowly upgrade as i get parts

The supported CPU list does not list the Athlon X4 845. Here's the list of supported CPUs based on their latest BIOS.

Why would you upgrade to windows 7 when it's already at the end of it's support life cycle? Why waste the money?

That's why I was asking.
So, 8.1 then?

8.1 mainstream support will last till next year. Microsoft really wants to end it badly. I'd go with Windows 10 if you want to keep your mobo for a few years since the operating system will be supported for years to come. Copies of Windows are tied to the mobo unless you get a genuine retail copy of Windows 10 and not an OEM or "system builders". As far as the CPU goes the fastest, cheapest supported CPU I'd get is the Phenom II X4 920 since you have an AM2+ motherboard.

10 is fine if you dont care about microshit collecting a lot of data on you. Its the most up to date and I think it's pretty

However, I'm still using 7 as it's still supported and has the classic theme.

For the love of god don't use the trainwreck that is 8 or 8.1.

I don't have much comment in linux

Well fuck it, I'll just go 7.
I've been with XP various years without support, and as long as it's stable I'll be fine

Just stop.

If you turn off the glass effect + other visual effects, and then customize your colors, you can get the same feel without such a bleh look.

>Why waste the money?
No one is telling him to buy Windows 7, you idiot.
Also, you would use 7 for less botnet shit and because it's still under extended support for the next 3 years.

Also don't get DD3 Ram, the mobo only supports DDR2 memory. Previous poster didn't do his homework first.

linux mint mang, mint

Fuck off with your botnet bullshit, it makes you sound like a paranoid schizo.

Anything but windows 10

I'd say use Windows 7. there are some updates to be avoided so look into that

You're an idiot.
We know definitively that windows 10 collects and sends data.
Want proof? Open up wireshark and do a start menu search.

Windows 2000 with extended kernel and unofficial updates

>it's released for "free"
>kek stop being paranoid xd

I didn't know people still used XP. Are you retarded or something OP?

oh noe they are trying to figure out what users do so they can optimize the software better

heaven forbid!

OP: "Thanks for your help, I'll get the ram and update to 7 for now, and slowly upgrade as i get parts"

You must have missed that part huh?

Also don't get DDR3 memory... your mobo DOESN'T support it. you need to stick with DDR2.

You can avoid the telemetry in Windows 7 and its nowhere near as extensive

Plus I find 7 just works a hell of a lot better. With 10 I always got a shit connection in online games because it decides when to download updates not the user

.01 msft share has been deposited to your broker

>embedded with viruses
>windows 10
There's your problem mate

Where in that sentence does anyone recommend buying Windows 7?

Yes. And a poorfag.

7 is nice. I've been on it from day one and I refuse to upgrade.

So you're telling me people still buy windows?

What is that webpage?
Unless they use 10, then they "buy it"

Are we talking about buying, or pirating here?
Windows 7 was recommended 2 times on this thread before the op stated he would go with it. then I asked why he would want to buy windows 7 when it's at the end of it's mainstream support (only critical updates for now on) then it turned into a flame war about windows telemetry.


Most fa/g/s that say this don't use Linux. They use 10, smd

Windows 7 Embedded, Windows 8.1 with Classic Shell and various tweaks

7 is the best step, go to 10 when you are ready.

Switched from xp a year and a half ago. I built a machine and ended up running linux for web searching and use while I made up my mind. Realized I could just use my old windows in a virtual machine for my old programs and keep using linux for web etc.. Started with mint and then moved to lubuntu for bit faster system. It was a bit of learning but I've never had a better time computing. Now using windows less and less but theres still an old audio processing software that I use but runs way faster in a new machine virtually than it did before. Windows installs better virtually as well. No endless searching for drivers.

No OS is 'better'. All are frustrating shit but you get by and then happiness happens.

You can get it on the MS site you cuck.

>Well, basically everything is getting updated post vista.
You mean you want to run programs that don't run on XP?

It should be born in mind that 7 is already out of support, though. It may not be long until you find yourself in a similar situation again, especially if you keep in mind that Microsoft supported XP far longer than they wanted to, and may not do the same thing with 7.

Considering I've been with XP lots of years without support and just now it's giving me problems, I'm sure I'll be ok.
Worst case scenario in three years I'll have to update again. I can live with that.
Condering everything is going that direction... Yes.

>Well defined UI elements with zero ambiguity

the fuck are you talking about

Linux is only free if your time is worthless

brainlets wouldn't understand

>Because Windows just werks.

This meme needs to die ASAP

Linux. Much better for programming (native gcc, clang and build tools), proper package management and updates, and it can run properly the few games I play.

pirate 7 and do everything in your power to stop the american juden from spying you
finding an already cracked iso online is very easy

you should go back in your room and play, adults are talking.

explain how it's wrong.

Truly depends on your usecase.

If you want to play games or use Windows only software, go with 7 or 10LTSB/Education.

If you don't want to do either of those things, or the games you want to play work on linux either natively or through something like WINE, I would suggest linux.
Since you've been on windows for 14 years, I would suggest a flavor of ubuntu or fedora. Personally, I don't like mint, but some people do.

this website has some meme potential

It's just a strawman. The same is true with Windows or MacOS. Literally anything you do to configure your machine costs time, even changing the wallpaper.

It's true that the majority of linux users spend a lot of time configuring their installation, but that isn't a necessity. Most distros "just werk" nowdays.