Jesus fucking Christ

Jesus fucking Christ.

I am not buying a fucking pass. This has officially passed the point of being acceptable, as if solving a fucking riddle every time I want to post wasn't enough.

use classic captcha

Then leave the site you whiny bitch.

I would buy a pass if it got rid of the ads, specifically the floating banner ad at the bottom on mobile.

I'm not a brainlet that takes more than 2ms to scan the text for bad grammar.

you serious nigger?

>remove i
>9-8 = 1
>fallen enemies

this looks better than the slow ass "choose store fronts till there's none"

Just use a different captcha or install Sup Forums-x- in your browser to get og captcha.

Yeah mother fucker I'm serious. Ad block gets rid of the ad but the floating white box is still there. $20 a year I'll pay it, it has to get rid of captcha too though.


Literally what it does you retard

Neither 4 nor 6 make sense to me.


You only have to do botnet questions if you're quick replying from the index or making a new thread.

>not just refreshing to get the old capatcha


>Segmentation fault
>Please start over

It doesn't get rid of the ads, just the captcha. If it does get rid of ads there is no mention of this.

>Select the phrases that are improperly formed:
Thats the point

Oh, somehow overlooked that it was plural

wtf, ublock origin blocks the ads. and if there is a big blank space you can block the element. if you're mobile browser cant use ublock origin, its shit.

>having to think logically to solve a shitty captcha
wtf i hate google now more

I bought a pass and it's been pretty good so far. My mobile ISP was range banned so I couldn't post and captchas were getting on my nerves. Also couldn't post with a VPN.

If you don't need any of these things then just use uBlock Origin to block ads user.

What's a good iOS content blocker? I have refine installed but it was like the first free one when they enabled support for them.

Other than Sup Forums-x, how do I get reCaptcha v1 preferred over v2?

>iOS content blocker
Enema works pretty well.

"I'm a newfag that doesn't know legacy"
-The thread

Fucking itoddlers can't even have an app for Sup Forums because apple fucks think it's nsfw but Reddit can have an app even when their are subreddits specifically for snuff videos

Reddit has far better than PR than Sup Forums.

Doesn't change the fact of the matter

>subreddits specifically for snuff videos
wtf I love reddit now

Good, make browsing here as inconvenient as possible for ifags.

In a few years, we'll be doing differential equations for every post.

> subreddits specifically for snuff videos
You are lying.

I think hes referring to watchpeopledie which isnt really considered snuff I dont think

i'm always last to experience these new captchas

>Not using Legacy capcha


>That font rendering
Thanks, I just confirmed with my doctor and I did indeed develop eye cancer from your image.