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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
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reposting my question again because i need advice:
How long would it take for Asian botnets to shit up traffic on a self-hosted server? I'm currently getting a ~2012 Dell Inspiron, which I then plan on undervolting and underclocking to make it become a server.
This server would host a single static website that would link to other websites (ex., Youtube, Twitter, Codeplex, Bandcamp), with some small links to other sites. If some botnet spammers were paid on Fiverr to spam my (theoretical as of now) website, could my underclocked Pentium bear the brunt of that stress?
The website below is almost what I've got in mind, albeit with several more links on the divider:
Is this a good choice for a storage drive? Is it rational of me to be totally put off by the negative reviews making think it's a high risk? There doesn't seem to be any Hard drives, high capacity ones at least, that don't have a full 5 or even 4.5 star rating.
For some reason, I always weigh the negative reviews like 3 or 4 times heavier than the positive ones. Is this normal? Are all hard drives essentially just a blind crapshoot?
I want to learn how computers work from scratch. Is there a good book or books for a noob that covers everything starting with transistors?
How Computers Work by Ron White.
CODE by Charles Petzold does a pretty good job of explaining the bare basics of programs running.
I could even setup a DL if this thread is up tomorrow.
What to do when Windows 7 installation hags at Completing Installation? The progress bar hasn't moved.
Will this ever become easy? This programming thing seems like an uphill battle.
old windows computer turns on but no output to monitor do i need to buy a new mobo or gpu
My motherboard bios lists different temps than lm_sensors in linux. The MB reads 40-50C idle while lm_sensors reads 20-30 idle. Which is more trustworthy?
what is the correct way to pronounce taro?
The hardest part with programming is learning the language.
Depends on what you're trying to learn though- C is hard mode for sure.
Java is fairly easy to wrap your head around, for example.
Yeah. Sometimes there's one big concept that is difficult for you that will "click" at one point and everything will become so much easier from then on out, even if not it's natural for this early stuff to become second nature after a while.
Would I have more job opportunities by learning programming, or learning to play the violin, assuming the same amount of time and effort put into either?
is Steam a botnet ?
how do kill a router without having access to it
I've been inspired...
Additionally, how big of a step is there between learning Java a decent amount and coding an Android app?
Well you have to learn about the various android libraries that you'll be needing to interact with, and there's a fair bit to learn there, but by learning the basic programming and Java skills you've definitely stepped over the biggest hurdle, the rest is mostly just looking up the documentation as needed since nobody is really expected to memorize all that shit,.
Does anyone have any good reference projects where an old (late 1990's or early 2000's) laptop was converted to use modern hardware?
Why do people refer to Android with Linux as "Android", but refer to GNU with Linux as "Linux"?
computer illiterates
Best ROM for a Droid Turbo(6.0.1)? Unlocked bootloader and rooted.
linus calls linux (with gnu) "linux"
google calls linux (with specfic patches, bionic, and other software that ships with the android distribution) "android"
Need help
I have a laptop connected to my Sony Bravia TV thru HDMI, but for some reason, the screen gets weirdly cut off on the left side.
There are no tracking options on the TV, except one that is overscan but all the options for it don't fix the issue (still remains cut off at all levels of it and off)
I want to use 1280x720 as the tv is 720p and should theoretically be able to handle it
Is there some tracking option in Windows, or program I Can use to get shit to fit on the TV?
Best free uninstaller for Windows please?
I've downloaded a bunch of porn and now I want to extract all the .zip files into a single folder
wat do?
Thank you
Thank you, it was a book like that I was looking for
What do you use in your email signatures, Sup Forums?
extract all the .zip files into a single folder
>ctrl + A
>right click
>extract to...
Does anyone have a nuke script set up so his relatives can safely get all the photos they want without stumbling across porn?
Essentially I left instructions to plug my external hard drives into the PC, boot it, log in using the password I left with my dad (I trust him), open a terminal (I explained how to do it) and run which essentially wipes all the dirs that have porn in them and leaves a working installation plus all the "safe" pictures, documents etc.
Also why can I not make threads anymore on any boards, but I can still reply just fine? Always pretends I didn't solve the captcha, when I did. 4chanX is up to date.
what should I replace my ipod with?
>Also why can I not make threads anymore on any boards, but I can still reply just fine? Always pretends I didn't solve the captcha, when I did. 4chanX is up to date.
i hear forcing captcha v1 breaks new thread posting
Thanks pham.
I bought a new router to replace the old stock router from my ISP. Somehow the new router can't detect the internet from the WAN cable. As a workaround, I temporarily set it up as a bridge to at least be able to use it (WAN -> Old -> New -> Devices).
What could be the cause why the new router can't detect the internets from the WAN?
PPP authentication probably.
What setting should i be looking for, exactly? Anyway I can copy or extract those settings/credentials from my old router?
>sync all cores
>set them to 42 multiplier
>set voltage to 1.25
>run stress test
I'm not looking for a huge amount. Is this good enough?
4770k btw
In MSI Afterburner, why is there an option to lower my GPU's core clock speed? What's the point of that?
So you can raise it again
upgraded to windblows 10 computer is permanently on airplane mode tried keyboard short cuts and reinstalling network drivers not working anyone got a solution for this if not im just gonna downgrade back to muh windblows 7
Reformat and clean install has had less problems compared to "upgrade" method for windows 10 since its July release. Just go back to 7.
I had a old craptop with overheating issues that ran much more stably with a reduced GPU clock speed.
I just installed Ubuntu. Never used a linux distro before. I've always only used Windows.
The command line interface is an integral part of the whole Linux OS, isn't it? My god, I'm going to be spending all of my time learning this shit.
You could download a GUI for everything but it'll be much faster just to learn the CL.
Once you get used to CLI you will never go back. GUI will feel slow when you can make use of insane touchtyping speed to make your computer do things that would take several clicks or drags.
>forcing captcha v1
How do I do that? Just block the recaptcha domains?
Nand2tetris free coursera course
Harvard's CS50 is a good newb friendly overview of slightly higher processes
Does hard drive activity start like on normal booting? You can swap parts with ones from working computer to see whether they are ok.
can you not permanently set that through Sup Forums's normal settings? There's a legacy captcha option.
in 4chanX
I installed Xubuntu as suggested by an user in another thread and I'm loving it so far.
Any good guides about getting into linux/coding?
If you have acess to one cable connecting to it then you can send high voltage to it. But it will be visible.
Visit the friendly linux threads and dig through the archives for past threads.
I guess I'll do that and just read the sticky. Thanks anyways.
Thanks, I didn't see it could be enabled from the settings since I've been using mine for so long.
Here's my story
>updated nvidia drivers
>everything won't open now
>can't open chrome, steam, anything
Tried a fresh install, didn't fix it
What's the problem?
Anywhere in Australia I can get my CPU delidded?
are ssd + hdd setups more vulnerable to inaccessible_boot_device errors?
got a new computer built for me and it seemed to be working fine but after restarting I kept getting that error
I tried using a windows 10 usb repair tool but nothing worked
right now I am just planning to ditch the ssd and do a fresh install on the hdd, so basically I'm wondering if the ssd was at fault or was it something else and am I gonna run into the same error with the hdd
more likely it's users fault
I'm not skilled enough.
Usually not a hardware issue, more likely you've fucked up something in your OS. Using 2 drives doesn't cause it. You can smart test both drives if you want. Dropping the SSD for no reason would be stupid. Just go straight to the fresh install.
OS? Howd you manage to do this?
Would you say the following statement is true?
If i can find a link to it through a Google search, then clicking the link can't be illegal.
Because then Google is at fault for even providing me with the link.
This specifically excludes links where you are required to download something. I'm talking about simply visiting the website/clicking the link.
Asking for a friend.
This man sold me this gun, I just pulled the trigger! I am not at fault, he gave it to me!
For me the cli is just a tool that you use when you want to do some particular tasks like installing/removing/updating software, fixing something...
You can do anything from the GUI now, particularly on a distribution like ubuntu.
For coding there are a few stuff :
you can use a IDE or a text editor like vim
vim have a few pluggins and you can customize how it works to fit your need, but a lot of people prefer using an IDE
try learning the cli and some of its tools that are useful like grep, find, tail... those can be really useful.
Learn how to create makefiles
please help
os x 10.9/gtx 770
I see your point. But nevertheless, Google shouldn't make illegal content available to the world. In your analogy, my friend would be guilty. But the guy who gave him the gun would at least be guilty for giving him the gun and probably violating some kind of gun control law.
No, just send it to Silicon Lottery, have it back within a week.
You might find "the right to be forgotten" in europe to be interesting. In general google isn't held accountable just for listing things, although it does allow DCMA requests to keep things chill with riaa
Im not a bong, so I have freedoms. In my anology guns are legal like they aught to be.
Youre going away fir a long time bub. Should have stuck to loli, but you had to give in to your sucj deviations. Sad!
What would be a basic client that can connect to this and then send messages ?
i need some type of notebook to store information like passwords and other personal shit, i intend to use words/phrases/etc so its not easy to figure out but im just wondering if there are any good/sturdy notebooks that also arent too big?
Word/phrase passwords are shit
Small moleskin pad - can find them at Craft stores and stuff. Excellent for notes throughout the day.
the passwords dont use words or phrases, the words and phrases are completely unrelated to the password to anyone but me, just words/phrases my schizophrenic brain has related to things
So you're asking for advice on choosing the sturdy notebook they'll find full of insane dribble when they search your house after "the incident"?
basically, ive run out of wallspace
You'd make a good airBNB host
Microphone for a PC. Cheap but not garbage.
Is this even possible?
What is the function of
in c++?
Lav Mics are < $10
I already have a clip-on but the audio quality is atrocious. Is there are large variability in the various lavalier mics on the market?
Sure. There are plenty of shit ones. I think sony makes a pretty good one for around $15 if you want something more reliable
Wait you want a script that deletes everything in some hard-coded directories?
Or are you asking if anybody else does the same pervy thing you do?
Having dedicated my life to computers, what am I supposed to do when a solar flare destoys all of our technology and makes my skill set useless?
If you're going to use the cli, learn your bash hotkeys early (just google it). You'll be 100% more efficient than most programmers if you do.
Is it worth it to spend the extra cash on a 1440p monitor at 144hz or should I just go normal 1080p at 144hz?
I'm thinking of getting this monitor
Does anyone have any outstanding reasons why I shouldn't or have suggestions for a different one?
Become a mechanic. It's the closest thing you'll get to that satisfaction in the new existence
You use double when you want to do math with decimals (3 / 2 = 1.5, etc.), as opposed to types like int which are always whole numbers.
It stands for double precision floating point, which basically means it's twice as large as the "float" type. These days most people always use double, since saving a few bytes is rarely a concern.
I haven't used Tor in many years.
Is it still safe with the most current Tor Browser and default settings?
Any best practices or aditional config to lock my shit down?
Any outstanding weakness/exploits/vulns I should be aware of?
Use your physics, chemistry, and project management skills for collaborating the rebuilding of the world. There won't be enough mechanical engineers.
You took all of your courses, did you user? You aren't a Java or Rust or language-of-the-week code monkey, are you?
Use Tails, don't use it at the same hour of the day, look out for honeypots, never over wifi, mind the van outside
would a tails VM running on w10 allow me to save files to a veracrypt volume? or is there a large risk of w10 monitoring media for illegal hashes?
basically my main worry would be w10 phoning home and MITM and sniffing packets?
Go raw or go home. Use a dedicated box for that.
>illegal hashes
I'm worried they might find my anarchists cookbook epub.