Need advice for a pc build. What are the best full tower cases. Dont care about price
Need advice for a pc build. What are the best full tower cases. Dont care about price
>full tower
someone post the fucking picture
i just used a pic from images cuz it was related its a random case
Oops, posted ant version.
Enthoo Pro faggotry-free version.
Fractal Define R5 blacksout edition (BASED)
rpw detected
>full tower
for what purpose?
Lian Li PC-7HX
The R5 isn't a full tower, the Define XL R2 is.
A standard tower has 7 PCI slots, while a full tower has 9+.
Also fuck BLM.
>posting goatse
Is this fucking 2002 or something?
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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wow, rude
If you need to go bigger, the Caselabs SMA8 is the best.
youll regret it
Ignore "lel u dont need ful towr" posters.
The Corsair 750D is a great full tower case if you dont want to break the bank and i'm pretty sure it has a version without a window if you want.
It has served me faithfully, good cable management options, well situated drive bays, options for watercooling, it's just a good case all round.
Fractal Design R5 Silent Case