Mfw linux fags getting cucked by their shit tier no appplication/games/drivers bandaid OS

>mfw linux fags getting cucked by their shit tier no appplication/games/drivers bandaid OS

Other urls found in this thread:

It's because it's written in C. C is a disservice to intelligent programmers. It has almost 0 features that a modern and intelligent programmer uses to be productive. Since C is such a timesink, it's popularity is falling more than any other languages in the market.
C is dying and it should die ASAP. C programmers are actually retards in general. C is a small language to grasp, exactly the kind of shit that makes things retard friendly.
C has no advanced features like C++ does.
Think of it this way:
During ancient times, counting to 10 was a big deal and a person who could count to 10 was considered to be "wise".

Fast forward a few century counting to 10 is so trivial we teach this to toddlers. Now toddlers appreciate the vast "knowledge" of counting to 10 while matured brains are busy with modern technologies.

C is from stone age and the people who still preach it is like overgrown toddlers that can't learn advanced things.
C doesn't have delegates
C doesn't have resizable arrays
C doesn't have strings
C doesn't have string concatenation
C doesn't have namespaces
C doesn't have exception handling
C doesn't have closures in the standard
C doesn't have unit tests
C doesn't have Function overloading
C doesn't have memory safety of any kind
C doesn't prevent memory exploits and has no bounds and runtime checks
C doesn't have dynamic method loading/creatin
C doesn't even have generics and templates
C doesn't have meta programming
C doesn't have mixins
C doesn't have higher order functions
C doesn't have contract programming
C doesn't have inner classes
C doesn't have function literals
C doesn't have array slicing
C has a very limited support for implicit parallelism
C doesn't even have string switches

C is a cancer that plagues the modern industry. If you want guaranteed memory exploits and security vulnerabilities in your program with timesink development period then use Assembly, not C.

there are games

>being a women-hating gamer

just fucking kill yourself.

>C is a disservice to intelligent programmers
CIA Nigger detected.

>Implying you can't implement those functions in C
>Implying abstraction is good for creating high performance applications


C is fast and reliable it creates perfect machine code, and machine code is for engineers. C should not be used by imbeciles. For imbeciles there is web development and scripting languages.

>C doesn't have delegates
Yes it does
>C doesn't have resizable arrays
Yes it does
>C doesn't have strings
Yes it does
>C doesn't have string concatenation
Yes it does
>C doesn't have namespaces
Yes it does
>C doesn't have exception handling
Yes it does
>C doesn't have closures in the standard
Not hard to implement
>C doesn't have unit tests
Yes it does
>C doesn't have Function overloading

>C doesn't have memory safety of any kind
Yes it does
>C doesn't prevent memory exploits and has no bounds and runtime checks
Yes it does
>C doesn't have dynamic method loading/creatin
Yes it does
>C doesn't even have generics and templates
Yes it does
>C doesn't have meta programming
Yes it does
>C doesn't have mixins
Yes it does
>C doesn't have higher order functions
Yes it does
>C doesn't have contract programming
Yes it does
>C doesn't have inner classes

>C doesn't have function literals
Yes it does
>C doesn't have array slicing
Yes it does
>C has a very limited support for implicit parallelism
Yes it does
>C doesn't even have string switches
Yes it does

C++ and other programming environments have obviously boggled your mind and restricted your capability to understand what C is capable of.

Try replying when you have a shred of idea what you are talking about, dumb shitstain C toddler

>C has any of those
c tards, everyone

So C# is the best according to this thread. Right. Thanks Visual Studio 2017.

C++ smashes the fuck out of C# with hands tied in the back

> source: arse and manboobs

Do you not see pleb blood being shed everywhere ITT? And yet you decide to bring your ultra pleb C hash here?

If C users are toddlers C***p users are sperm cells

fuck off CIA
and get out of my microwave too

> my source is still my arse and manboobs
thanks for the confirmation manchild

>He doesn't do anything useful with technology
>He's a retarded gaymer consumer

>mfw lincucks have to use terminal commands to do simple things like moving the taskbar

Oh look it's another episode of proprietary cucks pretending they don't mind being spied on.

>have to

lolwat? How come people who obviously have never even tried linux have such strong yet uninformed opinions about it?

>bandaid OS
Hello? Isn't Windows literally built on hacks, glue and tape?
>No interjection

Don't be a fucking ignorant nigger.
The CIA obviously has paid shills trying to interfere with your mind.

Read the thread:
Post 1
>Linux is bad, no games
Post 2
>C is bad

What do these shills want to achieve here?
>They want you to use Windows, stop using linux
>They don't want people using functional programming languages

See also:

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

C is fast you dumbasses, go back to java.

>no drivers

Wat? Most modern distros have drivers for everything, even fucking debian has nonfree drivers. What is this, 2005? Or do you just have some obscure chink laptop?


>C doesn't have delegates

>C is fast you dumbasses
very slow to write modern complex apps

WTF He's right lads! This confirms my long-held suspicions.

>very slow to write app

LUL cringe: the post

What languages have most or all of these things?


>linux has no drivers
What's the origin of this meme? I don't need to bother with chipset, ethernet etc. drivers on linux unlike wangblows.


>During ancient times, counting to 10 was a big deal and a person who could count to 10 was considered to be "wise".
That's stupid. You're stupid.

>tfw an os made by a schizophrenic has more games than all of linux combined
Linux kids will defend this

I'm not missing out on anything what the fuck are you talking about?


Why aren't mods banning you? You've been leading this autistic one man crusade for weeks. And now your posting off topic in threads because people ignore your bullshit threads.

linux is a kernel, a kernel doesn't have games

>being this fucking retarded

Are you one of the people who was sold to the fake marketing that says "All the drivers are in the kernel so you don't need to mess with them"? If so it's wrong, drivers in kernel is a compromise.

Also you seem to forget that you cannot distribute some drivers with the kernel because of licenses and it's a bit counter intuitive to have closed source binaries in the kernel you are running.

Finally, you feel like that probably because you never had a Broadcom wireless card.

>you feel like that probably because you never had a Broadcom wireless card

I run debian on a wide range of devices and the only thing I needed to manually install drives for were wireless cards(some of them were broadcom ones). I didn't have to do anything other than installing a package and modprobing the required module/rebooting.

Lucky you, for me it wasn't as smooth. Let me rephrase then, you feel like that because you never had a laptop that had Nvidia optimus.

Simple existence of these examples are enough to prove there's still driver issues (lack of them or worse performance) in Linux, just not as bad as before. It is logical for companies to no support Linux because we are basically asking companies to maintain a piece of the kernel for a relatively small userbase.

>you feel like that because you never had a laptop that had Nvidia optimus.

My main machine is an optimus laptop, actually and I could get optimus to work on both debian and mint(not using that anymore). I only had to edit one or two config files.

I get your points but still, I'm yet to experience such a case where I had to do something like searching for lots of drivers after a fresh windows install on linux. I use debian images that include firmware though. That being said, comparing anectodes won't get us anywhere.

The retarded OP is referring to Linux as the whole operating system, not the fucking kernel faggot.

>I only had to edit one or two config files.
This holds back millions of users though. Not everyone is capable of doing that, no matter how stupid the windows installer is it is undeniably simple and used widely.