>want to reheat leftover pizza
>find out my microwave can spy on me
>tfw the botnet wants me to starve
Want to reheat leftover pizza
Other urls found in this thread:
t. Drumpf
Dumb anime poster
hardware botnet is an actual, sadly pretty much ignored, problem
Not this thread again!!!!
Stop posting this thread
Leftover pizza is best eaten cold, pleb
>not eating pizza cold
what the fuck
yall mine nirggas
just microwave your microwave, it will melt any botnet in your microwave
Microwaves can't spy but they can mess with your brain and the food in them alters your blood cells and can cause cancer. Use the oven.
>not using self-hosted XMPP servers with OMEMO encryption to chat
I hope the botnet logs all your conversations, faggot.
This is the most blatantly incorrect and idiotic statement I've seen on Sup Forums for weeks.
>owning a microwave
How did it feel not knowing how to cook?
>want to reheat leftover food
>place it on my graphics card's backplate
>play an intensive game
>85C in no time
Use a toaster oven?
But user,you are the botnet. We all are
>want to reheat food
>place it on graphics card backplate
>no intensive games to play because im on linux
>food stays cold
I love this thread so much
>he thinks 85C is hot
Wrong. Just put a small amount of olive oil in a pan a fry it
This is quite possibly the most retarded post I've read today, but I still have some browsing to do so who knows?
Fuck off, shill. Bush did this, and Obama could have stopped it but CHOSE not to.
Sure, buddy. :^)
Tyranny marches on regardless of who's in office.
Fuk yu
Did what? You realize that there has been nothing showing that the cia has used any of that on us citizens, right?
Or are you just a tool who forgets to mention shit like the samsung tv exploit needed physical access
Fucking this, man I love me some cold pizza. I sometimes leave it if I'm not really hungry so it cools down and then later enjoy that cold goodness.
>You realize that there has been nothing showing that the cia has used any of that on us citizens, right?
Do you honestly trust any intelligence agency after the Snowden leaks, especially the CIA, which has a reputation for conducting expeiments domestically (e.g. MKULTRA)? Not to mention that a lot of these companies that got their shit leaked by the CIA leaks produce software for the USA market,
Get a gas stove you fucking peasant, only poor people own microwaves
Just open chrome and watch some animu
>microwaving pizza
I bet you only drink soda as well
Just download coreboot and remove the blobs yourself.
If humans didn't exist there would be no botnets. Fuck humans.
Its leftover pizza retard,what do yo you want to do with it?
Back to your mom infested /ck/cancer board
Stick it in a toaster oven, duh.
>wanting dry and rock hard pizza
Just eat the pizza cold.
Mist it with water,its what ja/ck/ recommends
>posting nonfree trash
>posting copyrighted pictures
>not frying in pan with foil laid over top
Use the free as in freedom oven
>creative commons
I'll just leave this here
>want to live
>find out oxygen can spy on me
>tfw botnet wants me to die
>find out rope can spy on me
>tfw botnet wants me to live
it never ends man
Nobody fucking owns a smart microwave or smart dishwasher. Those a niche products nobody bought.