Why are Americans like this?

Why are Americans like this?

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You think the iPhone would have been made without Steve Jobs?

the iphone was just a pretty PDA with a great marketing team. we absolutely would have gotten here without them.

and a touch screen, but apple sure as fuck didn't invent those either.

Maybe not the exact same product, but yeah, pretty much.

It's unbelievable that people at the heart of the capitalist system don't know what a "capitalist" is. They literally can't distinguish the concept of "capitalist" from "inventor" or "manager".

What are you ranting about?
A person who goes into business for themselves is a capitalist.

>people at the heart
exactly. its our way of life we're raised like this. its why indians think rape is ok, the chinese don't have a problem with stealing ideas and calling them their own and koreans eat dog.

americans like to take credit for their predecessors and superiors instead of making anything of themselves

No, a capitalist is someone who lives off profit, interest or rent because they have property over something, independently of any contribution to society.

>Why are Americans like this?

Becasue they believe what the other Americans on TV tell them to believe.

yes but that doesn't mean they are a genius or innovator because they can sell something better than others. your post just kind of proved him right. you can't distinguish between them.

How can someone not understand the fundamental difference between someone who has to sell their labor and someone who makes money simply by virtue of a juridical relation?

>solely because of steve jobs

or someone who supports the principles of capitalism

shhhh america also believes that bill gates invented computers

also a lot of that stuff is not done by US firms/military first either

wtf are you talking about? if i sell my labor i'm a capitalist, my labor is capital. the judicial system helps me as well, sadly those with more capital are helped more. you can cry corruption but at the end of the day the system is working just fine.

That generates a lot of confusion. When people complain about "capitalists", people seem to think they're complaining about people who have a bigger salary or something.

>also a lot of that stuff is not done by US firms/military first either
fuck off you canuckadian
there's a reason we dump so much money into our military

>the system is working just fine.
the way it is meant too*. fine wasn't the best word there.

>if i sell my labor i'm a capitalist

No, you are most definitely not. That's exactly what I'm talking about.

they believe themselves to be a part of a person's supposed success by purchasing their product and generally worshiping them

they think 'one day that WILL be me i am so fucking smart and special' but the truth is that they're being shat on

>Sup Forumstards
theres your problem.

it doesn't generate confusion for a native speaker, though. thats why theres a growing sentiment of distrust in the US against capitalism.

The illusion of the American Dream pretty much. Slavery never got abolished in the United States, it just got a different name.

>bitching about Sup Forums on Sup Forums
they don't go on other sites, act in your own interest and browse literally anywhere else

>ugh like capitalism is soooo bad

i am. i'm participating in capitalism. i'm selling labor. my labor is capital i can use to get money, and i can use that money as capital or to buy things that can be used as such. i might not be steve jobs rich but i'm technically playing the same game he is.

But that's wrong, you fucking commie monkey.

Elon Musk is a capitalist. Bill Gates is a capitalist. These men also made massive contributions to society through their inventive genius, from which they now reap the fruits of their labor through ownership of shares in the stocks of the companies they founded.

The only "capitalists" who live off profit gained from ventures without any contribution to society are land owners.

Macfags are so cringey
This country is full of them
Kill me now plz

No you're not. That's like saying a feudal lord and a peasant are "playing the same game: feudalism". They are absolutely not. One produces stuff and gets exploited. The other doesn't do anything and makes all the rules.

meanwhile in socialist utopias

>i'm technically playing the same game he is.

> Slavery never got abolished in the United States, it just got a different name.
>implying you're less of a slave than the average American
Spot the bitter euro, whose glory days are far behind him.

land owners provide housing to be fair. you can build an apartment complex on a plot of land and house a lot more people than a few individuals could with houses.

>unironically believes the capitalist system is meritocratic

Joke's on you, I'm on welfare.

yes. its rigged in his favor and i'll probably never get to his point but i am a capitalist if i have a job in a capitalist country.

>One produces stuff and gets exploited. The other doesn't do anything and makes all the rules.
How come none of you mentally retarded pinkos ever invent something yourselves, to escape this "exploitation" you speak of? Oh, that's right: you lack the creative ability required to start a successful business.

>feudalism meme
Land is not the supreme measure of wealth anymore, you dumb cumt. I direct you here

>i am a capitalist if i have a job in a capitalist country

>its rigged in his favor
more than that, the upper class has cemented and social mobility is worse than ever

you think he could spring out of the grave age 20 now with nothing and get where he got all over again in the current climate? we should be a bit more realistic here

you don't

>unironically believes his own commie utopia isn't a corruption-riddled, nepotistic cronyist garbage dump
>unironically uses strawmen
I explained to you, in very simple terms, why you were wrong in calling "capitalists" useless.


>mentally retarded pinkos ever invent something yourselves
if the only difference between you and a billionaire is an invention why haven't you already done it?

Yes, someone who willingly sells their labor for the market price (wait, at least minimum wage) is actually just too stupid to recognize that they are being exploited.

i get that you believe all americans are slaves. i really do. and i get that you think having a job is disgraceful or w/e. its true our system is corrupt and its clear that capitalism doesn't really work out for the little guy. but at the end of the day steve jobs and i started the same way he was just very smart and lucky and managed to get ahead. in what way am i not using labor as capital? also i'm not forced to do it. i can drop out and go grow my own food and provide my own electricity if i really want to. i don't because i like buying useless baubles and drugs and such.

>more than that, the upper class has cemented and social mobility is worse than ever
Social mobility will never be high, and the reasoning behind this claim is simple: intelligence largely dictates one's potential in life. Rich people are, more often than not, smart, and will thus always manage to stay on top. The idiots, i.e. the masses, will never climb to the top with their inferior mental capability.

Blaming "the system" for poverty is a cheap excuse. The real problem lies in biological inequality.

the scariest thing is that these posts resemble worship

the majority of the upper class is new rich in this country. they mostly come from higher classes than i and they got a better start for sure. the game is shit and its rigged so that i'll almost certainly never get to far but i'm still playing it.

capitalists are useless. Work, be it physical or mental, is done by the general population. Innovation comes from a lot of places, but mostly from the middle-class. Capitalists just exploit the system.

Your equation capitalist=innovator is a laughable myth

>if the only difference between you and a billionaire is an invention why haven't you already done it?
Because I'm not an inventive genius, nor a genius in the more general sense of the word. I am, however, not a retarded pinko who literally blames "the system" and "rich people" for his own lack of financial success in life.

propose a better alternative
socialism is not a better alternative

What are you babbling about?

its not though. i don't want to play theres better ways to run a society. but to claim that i'm somehow a slave is kind of ridiculous. i make more money every year and i have since high school. i won't be a millionaire but i'm comfortable.

>intelligence largely dictates one's potential in life

i'll give you an example from our country about some guy you never heard

clive palmer (made his own political party because he's going broke and wanted to dodge unpaid wages) inherited money and bought a nickle farm for cheap. nickle exploded in price (i forget way) at random and bam you have a billionaire. the man is a childish dumbfuck, not a genius. he's richer than you

>how can an american be a capitalist when it fucks them over?
>live in south america and support communism.
really? do you not see the irony?

What about a system in which you own the fruits of your own labor?

nickle mine

fuck it i'm going to bed now not functioning

What do you suggest we worship, if not the current system? Let me guess: marxism?

>Work, be it physical or mental, is done by the general population.
>mental work is done by the general population
You couldn't be more wrong. The world is a shitty place because the public, including you, believe ridiculous shit such as this - that you "think" and "work mentally".

> Innovation comes from a lot of places, but mostly from the middle-class.
Intelligent people invent things. They may then use the patents of said invention/the company with rights to the invention in order to amass wealth.

> Capitalists just exploit the system.
A stock owner is a capitalist. Bill Gates is a stock owner. He is also an inventor. Ergo, capitalists also contribute to the system.

>still doesn't understand what a capitalist is
>worthless accusations...

>be borderline retarded
>enlist in army
>retire at 40
>make more than most college graduates

Yes you got me that is how I worship. Dear God, I am willingly exchanging my prayer for your grace. Please forgive my sins, and I will give you two more prayers in exchange.

>What do you suggest we worship
don't worship economic and political theories at all?

that exists. i can go do it right fucking now. the amish do it every god damn day. people don't do it because it sucks.

>Your equation capitalist=innovator is a laughable myth
>strawmanning this hard
I can sense your desperation.

I already refuted your claim regarding capitalists not contributing anything to society, and you have failed to provide a rational retort. When will you give up?

except now there's no jobs because you realize your employer was paying fucktons of overhead for your work
the 'fruits of your labor' were built upon their establishment, their tools, their supplies, their customers, their advertisements, their PR department, their legal department, etc

It's not because he is an American, it's because he is an Apple-sheep.

>still cant understand the nature of the system

>there's a reason we dump so much money into our military

That reason being ensuring that American military-industrial complex doesn't go bust overnight. Basically corporate welfare, like the bank bailout during 2008 abd 2009.

did i hit a nerve

you're still doing it, criticism of the system is a criticism of you apparently

Why are Brasilians like this?

yah. Academic studies prove you wrong.

>i'll give you an example from our country
>one example refutes an empirically proven theory

You haven't refuted anything. All you do is say capitalists are good and the rest of the population is bad. Your worldview is retarded, and it will crumble sooner or later.

what system? i can go farm and reap only what i sow. or, i can work for someone else and reap some of what they sow. but them motherfuckers in the factory are sowing wifi and bagelbites, both of which are really fucking hard to make on my own.

>don't worship economic and political theories at all?
Live in fantasy land, then? A global thermonuclear war is the tool you need to achieve what you want. No people, no worship.

Well, it's not like things will change for the better anyway. Maybe within a few decades we'll go around collecting bottlecaps as currency, who knows.

>capitalism is not even a system
>we are just floating in PURE FREEDOM

It gets better and better...


lmao why are you here

i never said that man. how exactly do we get to pure freedom? did Brazil do it and no one told me?

you're literally being hysterical right now

maybe. the guy with the most bottle caps will certainly be willing to give you some if you harvest his crops.

>You haven't refuted anything.
I did, long ago, and I'm not gonna bother linking it, since you'll just keep trolling.
> All you do is say capitalists are good and the rest of the population is bad.
No. I say that capitalists are shareholders in companies, and that they can also found said companies.
>Your worldview is retarded
And you base this conclusion on what? Your strawmen?
> and it will crumble sooner or later.
Go to bed, Mao. Your dumb communist utopia doesn't pan out in the real world. You're Brasilian, you should know this first hand.


How did said academic studies measure intelligence? You better not say fucking IQ testing

Well, first of all you have to look and see reality. On the one side, there are those who sell their labor. On the other, capitalists who "own" the system. Understand that these two groups have opposite interests. You have already freed your mind. It's a good start.

>strawmanning this hard
I repeat: IQ is a deciding factor for one's potential for success in life. This has been empirically proven to be true. This, however, does not rule out the possibility of exceptions to said rule.

Lately South Americans are coming off smug like they think they're Europeans and not jungle shitskins that practice voodoo and witch burning.

I'm fairly sure capitalism wouldn't hold up in a world where shooting eachother in the face for meager profit is everyday occurrence.

Your lack of basic understanding of the human psyche is alarming. Thinking that ideology and faith can be "removed" from society is pure delusion, to say the least.

>can't defend the existence of the capitalist class
>mixes it up with the concept of "inventor"
>hurr durr I proved capitalists are good guys

>IQ is a deciding factor for one's potential for success in life
haha holy fuck i'm laughing

>You better not say fucking IQ testing
>spot the sub-100 IQ person
IQ is a well-researched phenomena and IQ-tests accurately reveal the cognitive powers of the individual. This is why the armed forces in nearly every country use IQ-tests to weed out the retards from officer programs.

>Thinking that ideology and faith can be "removed" from society is pure delusion, to say the least.
i'm saying you don't need to sit here and take personal offense to me or the brazilian complaining about capitalism, and all yours posts give off this air of awe and admiration for the bootheel on your neck

don't worry buddy you're the shiniest cog of them all there's no need to impress me

Are we diffrent then?

>capitalist class
Buy stock. There, you are now part of the capitalist class.
>still repeating the "capitalists are good guys"-strawman
>haha holy fuck i'm laughing
You shouldn't be, considering how evident your own sub-average intelligence has become in these heated Sup Forums discussions.

How's that Aspergers treating you?

>believes capitalists are indispensable
>believes in IQ

>i'm saying you don't need to sit here and take personal offense to me or the brazilian complaining about capitalism
I take offense at your stupidity, and it doesn't relate to capitalism, but rather to your "faith-free society" daydreaming.

>I take offense at your stupidity, and it doesn't relate to capitalism, but rather to your "faith-free society" daydreaming.

>believes capitalists are indispensable
Suggest me an alternate economic system that could bear the load of modern consumerism. Can't come up with anything? See, there's your problem: all talk, no action.

>"believing" in IQ
>implying there is anything to "believe"
I won't be responding to you anymore. Have fun at the shit end of the bell curve, my ape friend.