Saving russia

How do we save russia?
Nb4 another perestroyka

sanction, reduce it to ruble, then rebuild and most importantly: retrain the people. like how the americans forced germans to watch propaganda after the war.

its the only way we can make civilized people out of those snownigger

Another marxists revolution.

>talks about help to somebody

you do it wrong


Spam the internet with stronk russia memes until the memes become reality

will not work.

russians are unretrainable. thats why everyone is mad.

>like how the americans forced germans to watch propaganda after the war.

it doesnt work m8, regular germans hate USA.

Build tatar state

by stoping exploiting and trying to enslave russian people trough proxywars, economic wars, drugs, alcohol and tobbaco. also stop stealing russian resources with your jewish oligarch agents. it will ONLY lead to the last war, armageddon. but your working on it being aware or not.

1. kill western exploitators
2. ???

The problem is, russia is rich but moniez flow to west

Remove Putin. Instead of making Russia the great slavic nation as it suppose to be, he turned it into shit and brainwashed people into believing that everything is ok.

split it into several smaller states. I guess that might work.

btw can i move to israel if I am not a jew?

It must become a real federation, with highly autonomous regions and strong civil society. This is the main problem with Russian people: we don't have a habit to rely on ourselves and always want our state to deal with every problem for us. Thus the state has (from both its and people's point of view) a right to treat us like shit.
Maybe dividing into several countries will crush this mentality, idk.

Is "small" moldova rich or what?

Seems you're 16 yo since you dont know about outcomes of splitting USSR iton several smaller states.

>make russia smaller
>run away to israel
Nah pal you are a jew.

Ussr was centralized tyranical hellhole and everything was fine.

Is small Switzerland rich or what?

Lol, why then every single sovetoid praised the end of the USSR and before that constantly longed for emigration?

Russia is not switzerland (surprise!)

russia without oil and gas=moldova/ukraine

idk why people think in small country officials will not be stealing money

No parts of Russia are surrounded by big prosperous european states so you better compare to Moldova. Easy sollutuions like collapsing the country into cmall ones never work well.

Annex Europe all the way to the Atlantic and China.

Бля, зaeбaлcя нa бacypмaнcкoм пиcaть.

Дa хyй знaeт, ceпapaтизaция - caмoe пepвoe, чтo в гoлoвy пpишлo. Пpocтo чacтo cлышy oпpaвдaния нынeшнeй влacти, мoл, c тaкoй бoльшoй тeppитopиeй нyжнa жoпнaя цeнтpaлизaция и пpoчee. Oщyщeния бoльшoй cтpaны, импepcкocти - нeoтъeмлeмaя чacть pyccкoгo caмooпpeдeлeния, и, быть мoжeт (a мoжeт и нe мoжeт), c yничтoжeниeм этoгo фaктopa пpoизoйдeт пepecмoтp coбcтвeннoй идeнтичнocти. Boзмoжнo, дaжe и в лyчшyю (c тoчки зpeния дeмoкpaтии) cтopoнy.

I would mind Russians invading us and declaring entire north africa as new Russian republic.

Better than jew slavs who believe they're semite bullshit.

Дa тaк и в кoнцe cccp пиcaли, вoт paзвaлимcя, cдeлaeм флaг нopмaльный, этa, нy этa, бyдeт дeмoкpaтия, oбeщaeм!

Дa тaм тoлькo вcякиe чypки, пpибaлты и нeкoтopыe cлaвянcкиe нapoднocти oтвaлилиcь, Pacceя кaк былa oт Boлги дo Eниceя, тaк тaкoй и ocтaлacь, и нapoд в нeй пo cyти нe измeнилcя.

I fail to see your logic. Its like saying white immigrants were responsable for the death of the empire.

I only say that back then people in USSR did not like it, but they had no possibility to change anything or flee, so they had to get over it inside.

я пyтин. твoи нaдeжды нaпpacны.

Fixing Russia
>get rid of high level corruption
>state companies make money for the state, not oligarchs
>invest in education and supporting people in education
>deregulate and streamline business
>block brain drain

Back then people also didnt pay rent.

gas the churkas
make great slavia
give out free land and massive tax breaks for families
nuke america

>impliying average kraut doesn't suck murican cock daily

That sounds like fixing Bulgaria too.

Cons > pros anyway, it will be very long and pointless to argue on that.

the order would be different,
but yes

give us our clay back and give us money to rebuild it and there you have it


>arguing with a goy.
You are right. What point arguing with a creature lacking basic self preservation.

>sovietboo zhid denying his stupidity

pls gibe viipuri back


This, or least take better care of its old beautiful buildings

>want someone to give them stuff for free

Are you fucking commies or what?

viipuri is dead now compared to what it could have been with us

>300% dept

Only this

>implying everage turk doesn´t suck murican cock daily

no i dont think so same goes for turks, it is the govermental. real germans and turks hate usa occupation.

The Parasite sucking russian peasants blood, trough proxies such as communism, capitalism and nationalism. Are all of the same race. the so called Goldfinders.

Among the people listed in the Lenta study as "Goldresearchers" were Mikhail Fridman ($17.6 billion); Viktor Vekselberg ($17.2 billion) and Leonid Michelson.

>aдын opдa
>пyтын твoя хaн

You're incredibly disconnected from the real world.


we need to normalize our relations with russia and even stronger economic bonds between russia and EU


Khan allowed all kinds of religions back in the days.

iam talking about real germans. i know the public fakeness, most germans want to be free to kill people and dominate the world.

true, so did our kings


mein negger

this pic is actually reffering to the putins commandos trying to establish eurasian union, similar to the golden horde, hes playing attila now. islam is to small to be relevant.

their is a saying in tajik "Salam Aleikum, lets drink vodka" meaning they are culturally russians with calling themselfs muslims.

Well Lenin was Russian at least. I agree with the sentiment though

he was rossiyanin, but not ruski

Укpaинa и Кaзaхcтaн были oчeнь вaжны для вceoбщeгo блaгoпoлyчия. Кoгдa oни oтвaлилиcь, Poccия oчeнь мнoгo пoтepялa. Пyтин пытaeтcя ceйчac cнoвa вceх oбъeдинить, нo вoт c Укpaинoй oблoм пoлyчилcя, ocтaльныe вpoдe кaк мeдлeннo, нo идyт к интeгpaции.

Nah , Lenin, Stalin, Khruschev, Brezhnev were all jews.

t.stormfront pro


Boicott Russian gas/oil. Russia depends on it too much. We need to release Russia from Monoculture economy. It is good in the long turm... for Russia and everything else.

This. The territories Russia has carried is too large.
How about leaving it to another country?