Today Murricans started to build here anti missile shield. I just opened a Russian Sup Forums, Ivans are pretty upset about it. Honestly idk why.

What a lovely day

Gib Polish cutie please.

They buzz our ships with planes, it's no big deal. We build missile shield, should be no big deal, right?

Fuck Russia

Missile defense system is code word for fascist nuke targeting kremlin

Thank you for allowing us to build it and protect the our allies, based ally

Congratulations, Poland.

>Poland shoots down nukes
>they blow up and the pollution falls on Poland.

Trusting the anglos never works for poland,it never will, making pacts and counting on their supports gets you occupied for 75 years in the past but here you are doing it all again.

Eastern Europe thinks it can break away from russia but a shoot can't grow away from its roots if it tried severing it it'll die without the soil.
interpret this as you will.

Madame Chairwoman is a MILF

Shut up and go back to wallowing in your own shit, nobody cares what you think.

This. Poles in general are distrustful of both sides, they have no loyalty to Western nations, especially the UK and US

the two women behind her have nice legs :3

Poland cuck.

Didn't Romania just get a missile shield too?

Boy we're really spreading the love around all over Europe. I wonder if the tax money is worth it.

It's worth it just to see the butthurt in Ivan's eyes

now in exchange Poland needs to legalize gay marriage

So much butthurt over glorious Russian federation.
Enjo you're nuclear mushrooms Poorland.

>America is mentioned !
>but it's not socially acceptable...

What is this from ?

>being happy to be a new nuclear target

The system is a total meme. It's only meant (and capable) of taking down a few missiles.

this is not ending well
we should fight against arabs and jews not russians
dammit first the sanctions costing East EU cunts billions in trade now cucked by the rocketjew