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I wished Spain taught Spanish to the native tho.

I wish your country would stop being such a shithole

it wouldn't be a shithole if they spoke english

I feel you, m8

I wish Los Ángeles were still Spanish, but you sudacas had to fuck it all up.
We can't have all we want.
We did.

Fuck you trash

>wants to speak the most primitive and retarded language in the world

Why Jose?Spanish is so sexy.

Me too

Los Ángeles used to be a dusty village during colonial times

No, fuck off.
Better if we spoke French.

Chicano puto

Yeah fuck Spain.

If Los Angeles were still part of Spain it would be a fucking shithole

Do you fucking think lousiana did well?
It got fucking invaded by niggers!

Fuck you filthy mesero

No, it would be Madrid 2.0
A top tier city.

But you can barely speak English yourself, lol. There's a major grammatical error in your post, highly embarrassing tbqh, it's like watching a toddler trying to speak its first words.

I'd delete this thread if I were you.

Had Porfirio had his way we would all speak French...
Garçon du huit

You are not even mexican,you stupid argie

If there is one thing that I'm proud of after being raped, enslaved, raped and mugged by Portugal is that I DO NOT SPEAK THE SPANISH TACO LANGUAGE LMAOOOO

is madrid nice?

I wish my country spoke Japanese so I wouldn't have to wait for translators in order read/watch weeb stuff.

Are Mexicans considered sudacas if Mexico is in North America?

you do not speak spanish
you speak mexican

It's the best city in the world.

>American education

Everything below Cádiz -Gibraltar included- is sudaca territory.

No everything that spain touch is shit

Terrible bait and trolling attempt.

It really is.


I wish so to.

You are not a real Mexican then.

No you do not.

that's 100% true

don't blame it on based Spain, blame it on your current aztec government that makes Spanish the official language of the land


Yo desearía que no hablase un mono como tu mi idioma pero por desgracia así es, que en España se nos asocie a gente del tercer mundo como tu.

Lo dicho


Essentially this.

Even the Moors of south Spain had an ore based, full fledged agricultural society, with the largest GDP of the area, rivaling that of Italian city states. Then the reconquista did its number on the Moriscos, people in general. Andalusia nowadays is the asscrack of Spain. I mean, Moriscos made Andalusia a medieval industrial powerhouse almost having a monopoly silk, as much as iron, timber. Irrigation and innovation. And again said, now the region is a dry, deserted asscrack of Spain

how do we save spain

Belize is right there, esé

We don't need to save Spain, we need to save the Spaniards. Save them from themselves.

Spaniards are the blight of western Europe. What is deemed refined, industrial and intellectual, Spaniards tarnish with their presence.

There is more dignity in the existence of Portugal, than that of Spain. Consider the gravity of the aforementioned sentence

Ojalá no hablarais nuestro idioma así miles de monos os quedarías en vuestro país de la panchitada.

Tu país es una mierda que no nos interesa lo más mínimo aquí,solo sois monkeys que os matais por una barra de pan

h-how do we then save portugal

you reap what you sow
you invented all those third world shit holes
never forget that

Terrible bait and trolling attempt.

You do not, we all save Spain united, together.

Se calentaron los españoles con el vende patria.
Por gente como el, México no progresa.

by helping Alberto reconquering the moorish caliphate

Yes all south america is a fucking mistake, monkeys speaking our language... I feel shame dude.

TRUMP 2017 wey wey

By helping the Moorish caliphate in reconquering Alberto

Los que sentimos vergüenza somos nosotros por tener que aguantar a panchitos por nuestras calles.. Asco nos dais

Otra vez este puto arjentino que se cree mexicano....

Otra vez este pinche naco que se cree blanco y morderia una almohada por cualquier gringo que le diga que es blanco.

who the fuck cares dude , your shitty langauge is worthless outside your shitty nigger country

spanish is spoken i almost all america

Yes you are a big mistake.
And is shameful for us that poor people speak spanish

Venga, chavules, si nos llevamos bien, ¿o es que no os acordáis de todo el sexo que hemos tenido juntos?

t. Panchito

you all suck cock


Es solo uno que se odia y quiere ser gabacho

Hasta usa palabras mexicanas el argaytino este jajajaja....

I love Spain. Don't listen to the spics, friends, you have a beautiful country and incredible cuisine. .

sorry i dont speak Nigger Drug Trafficker language


+80% of your country is unlivable trash. changing to a global language might help with commerce and trade relations, but it will hardly have an impact on the grander scheme of things.

But you speak the same language

>so proud i dont speak spanish like many other nations
>so proud i speak deaf stroke Spanish like one other nation
Really preppin' yourself for success, right, Josue?

Build a wall

I wish my country spoke french instead of english
c'est la vie

its José not Josue

honestly you language is so retarded that i just need to get drunk and can easly speak like a retarduguese , also thanks to you keyboards are full of these shit ççççççççççççççç fuck you and your retarded letters

If Portuguese is so bad, why did the staff at stackoverflow (popular programming community) make a platform for Portuguese speakers?

check and mate spiccus

neckbeard detected

wagecuck detected

Why? Spanish is beautiful and spaniards are kewl as fuck

But was it for portuguese or brazilian?

Brazil mostly
to bad it's since lost traction

>hurrrr I'm proud not to speak Spanish but the retarded version of it

Delete this stupid thread.

Great thread

Brazilian Portuguese is basically the retarded version of a retarded Spanish

>it's an episode down question mark episode

Borra este thread tan estúpido...

I wish my country had taught beautiful nihongo in school

i wish your country wasnt infested with so much alcoholism

Posteen el peruano.

Nothing would have changed

I support the rights of trans-americans such as yourself.

To be fair, American English is the retarded version of a retarded version (UK) of a retarded version (Anglo-Saxon) of a retarded version (Old German) of a retarded version (Old Dutch) of a retarded version (Dutch) of German.


>The entire Southern half of my country will speak Spanish almost exclusively by the time I die

Mexico 2, does speak english though