Rorke's Drift edition
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exam in an hour
the gibberish was just scores, so like 69+ is considered a really, really good score and those uni's (UQ, USYD) only really look at that.
then tonnes of uni's look at your gpa and gamsat score as a ratio so (gpa/7)+(gamsat/100) and that's where i'll be relatively alright hopefully because my gpa is pretty strong. then you have some uni's which look at that PLUS a portfolio, which is what i've posted about a couple of times because of the level of brown nosing horse shit associated with it.
anyway, hopefully we've cleared that up. really bothered me when i saw that mistake, i can't claim something like that when i didn't do it.
omg yaaaaasss
plan for today:
Your kind disgusts me.
Where do you work?
Learn to make an origami crane
I can't wait for all the banter between Trump and Hilary Clinton in the debates, it's going to get messy
has she ever actually gotten any help?
from what i remember you saying, she's a pretty big burden on the family (no offense)
Fraud department in a bank
>53,594 word dissertation due 7 years, 2 months, 18 days, 1 hour 25 minutes ago
>literally caring if someone makes money selling sexual acts
How is this still a thing?
Shut up you utter melt
What for?
most people don't care much for degenerate skanks
I can't remember if she's done the DBT course (which is what she needs to do), but she's been to some mental health vacation sort of thing where they do group lessons and stuff like that a few times.
Yeah she is a burden which is pretty rich coming from me since I'm a neet but at least I'm nice to mum, help out around the house, and don't bring literal criminals to the door.
None taken.
need to get ready for work. Was enjoy laying down as well. My puppy is sleeping too lol
might get out of bed and break my fast
might get out of my chair and go to bed
Sounds interesting, how'd you land that job?
Need to brush my teeth
ah, start eating after sleeping - breaking a fast
makes sense now
welcome to big school
haven't brushed my teeth in a month
Started as s customer advisor and worked my way.
I can be quite fun when you're speaking to pakis who have tried to steal money who are screaming that they can't feed their kids because ive frozen their accounts at you and you just tell them it's not my fault you stole money and its or responsibility to feed your children not the banks
sounds pretty rough lad. living with people like that would be so much harder than living with someone who is bipolar/schzophrenic imo because at least they're treatable and so out-there in their behaviour that they can realise when they're lucid how crazy they can be.
that sort of stuff has nothing and you ultimately put the responsibility of treatment on someone who by diagnostic definition does not care about responsibility. how longs she been back?
>/brit/ ~ British Culture General
I genuinely don't see the issue. Except like crackwhore, that's awful.
God damn you half Japanese girls do it to me every time
Cromwell didn't go far enough
Reckon Enoch Powell was onto something, lads
Choose only 1
mixed race is best race
you'd have a prozzie gf?
Who knows this feel?
because its selling your body and respect for meager cash, it shows you have zero self respect or skills beyond ducking things well and opening your legs.
Crazy into you
me on the right
In no way shape or form did I say that. I said I don't see a problem with it, if someone wants to do it they should be able to.
I don't have a problem with people going on reality TV shows covere in fake tan and fake eyelashes and fake tits but I wouldn't date someone like that, doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to do it....
This is the peoblem with people, they care too much about what they like, not what others should be allowed to do.
Yeah it sucks a fair bit since there's not medication for BPD as you said, it can only be treated by DBT which is a pretty intensive course (apparently), which my sister hasn't decided to do yet for some reason - maybe she thinks she can handle it on her own.
She came back for mothers day which was pretty awkward, then left again to stay with some other people who ironically kicked her out due to her behaviour today; but she's only been back for a few hours.
good post
who /vegemiteontoast/ here?
>she's only been back for a few hours.
>house already vandalised because of her
feel really bad for you lot, that's just fucked
>In no way shape or form did I say that
You didn't but it was a reasonable question considering you're white knighting for hookers out of nowhere.
I agree with you though, let people do what they like but don't expect other people to respect them if they do things like sell their body.
can't wait until tomorrow so I can eat my big juicy grapefruit
can only handle very thin layer of vegemite, cannot do big spreads at all
You probably do sell you boipussi
That's like saying "I see no value in modern art, so people shouldn't do modern art". What the fuck does it have to do with you what someone else willingly does with their own body?
Do you know a single sex worker?
Fair do's. I dont see why we shouldn't respect people because their profession involves sex.
It doesn't even matter if she's home, the lunatic spray painted our fence a few nights ago when she wasn't home as well.
He actually jumped our fence (the gate was locked) to spray paint the garage door this time though which is freaking my mum out since she doesn't know what he's gonna do next.
My mum and sister are both at the police station now making a statement.
cant even fathom the idea of a gf
Christ, looks like a middle age wog man
getting my daily dose
Live and let live eh, brew?
>this triggers the Albertan
Not that other user. Do you live in a shitty neighbourhood? Sounds like the sort of shit that would happen where I live. I haven't been following, why'd they spray paint your garage door?
so they at least know who the nutter is? that's something i suppose but yeah like you said, he's entering your property and shit like that which is a bit concerning.
Only 1 more week before I read her messages
really like that cover tbqh
I think they spell it bru, but yeah as long as it doesn't harm anyone (which it objectively doesn't) why is it an issue.
Having a shower
Wish I could program
This shall be my last post for the night
you will not see this again
it's anyone but them thinking. i have nothing wrong with prostitutes but i wouldn't want my daughter to be one.
boring af
did it at A Level, and it infuriated me
literal wizard
Not even, we live in a quiet street in a good neighbourhood (Cremorne - which is right next to Mosman).
I forget what exactly he spray painted but it was something to do with not knowing where my sister is (he's obsessed with her and she left him like a week ago).
Yeah, I think my sister said she knows his name.
I 100% agree with you, I also wouldn't want my daughter to be a sex worker but if she chose to be then...well...I suppose I'd have to deal with it.
But im going to a friends to play cattan blud!
Gym in about an hour and a half lads, who BrisBane here?
Still reading gravity's rainbow lads and I still don't know what's going on
What muscles are you doing today? Back and biceps for me x
at least your location might help your case. the idea of some nutter walking around spray painting shit and scaring residents in nice suburbs is 100% more priority than some spray painting in a lower class suburb.
Arms and chest la (jogging tomorrow night, then legs and arms on the third night), only been going for 5 months so still a little amateur about things
t. janoy
having a wank lads i'm doing a poo
are you following a particular program? Make sure you eat enough. It really helps with the early gains. Actually count your calories because I grossly underestimated when I started lifting and just assumed I was eating enough and wondered why I wasn't getting any bigger
Remember~! Australia is not for bully~
Yeah, I'm guessing it will since they called my mum while we were in the middle of removing to tell us they were gonna come dust the gate/garage for fingerprints haha.
off to belfast lads you want anything?
removing it*
Baileys hot chocolate
me on the right
my life back
same here lad haha
how's that origami crane coming along?
need to buy supplies first
Definitely eating (healthy food) enough, at least as far as i am concerned and making decent gains
> mfw my legs have gained enough gains that i might have to buy new pants soon, even managed to fucking wear out a hole in between my upper thighs in one pair
Not really following any concrete program but trying my best to ensure that i work out every area with the machines
Not confident enough yet to use the barbell but i plan to learn it soon (squats, deadlifts etc)
Literally any paper you have lying around, smdh
I bet this image fucks a lot of betas up.
> tfw pakibro gave me a big bucket of whey he no longer wanted
a lot of barbell programs usually stress to work form unloaded for squat and DL for like 2 to 4 weeks so you may as well start soon lad.
it's a lot easier than it looks. just don't use the mirror for everything, and learn to know what feels right. you'll be fine