Australians spam "Easter?" once a day

>Australians spam "Easter?" once a day
>fucking rangeban them
>wah wah
>all countries eternally butthurt

>Canadians manage to turn Sup Forums into /r9k/
>haha it's alright its just canadian autism XD
>they can't help it they're canadian
>we love you canada senpai

Have you tried NOT shitposting?

Maybe you wouldn't get banned then.

>When your Sup Forums gf ignores you

I can't take it anymore lads

Seriously, bro, quit being mad about Easter.

>when australians shitpost irl

I know what you mean Ausbro. They're turning these int nerds into a more pathetic bunch of queers.

Only you can stop it Australia, only you can stop it.

let them eat cake

Philippines best ally.

>at least 3 daily Canada hate threads on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Who cares.

>whiny reddit tier circlejerk thread

dumb frogposter

Your shiela likes massive syrup boners

Canadians are pathetic

Even more pathetic when australians start using canadian proxies to shitpost.

yeah nah get fucked m8 it's just banter

ur pathetic

Holy fuck New Zealand is pissed off today

I think you mean "babby 'straya"

>people on Sup Forums care about Canada
when? why? how?

Stay mad, lili wong

We felt bad for canada being left out of all the dank memes

I just want to talk to other countries and collect flags

Is Canada tsundere for Australia or is the other way around?

Il y a une raison qu'ils apprennent le français...

Ceci explique cela

Why is most countries speaking Italian?

Quit your whinging you faggot