Is it worth learning french? Is Quebec a comfy place to live in?

Is it worth learning french? Is Quebec a comfy place to live in?

Fuck off they're full

They speak French there?

>Is it worth learning french?
Yes if you want to sound classy

Not if you plan to live in Québec

I speak French, and it is worth it. I can read many stuff I find in the internet, met some nice people, and some girls find it sexy.
Also, it was not very difficult to learn (but maybe because it is a romance language, like Portuguese).

why? I love the french language and france's history but desu france seems to muslim for me to live atm. what are the most white areas in france?

Because they speak old french with a ridiculous accent. It's hard to understand them.
Most white areas in France are probably in the countryside.

Fuck you frenchfaggots Canadian French is best French

Best French is Swiss French

Best French fries are freedom fries.

You're both shit and always held the world back compared to the anglos, you amount to nothing

What have you done to make the world better again ?

More than any Native French person ever will

Fuck you I'm not even a French speaking cunt I'm just patriotic even though Quebec is the shitstain of Canada next to Alberta.

>el lithuANO

Where is Lithuania ?

>el francFECES

Nice try, nice try.

There is more than one accents in Kébec. Yet I haven't heard one French accent I could not understand. Must be sad for you to live with a IQ below 90. My girlfriend is from France and we can understand each other just fine.

>Is it worth learning french
Yes if not they'll kill you
>Is Quebec a comfy place to live in
Hot summer and cold winter so not really
Where do you'll live in Quebec ? Montreal ? Laval? These citites aren't even whites

To my ear, French Canadians accents sound more manly than France accents. So for male I prefer French Canadian accents and For females I prefer a French from France accent. To each his own.

this desu

Yes Quebec is a nice place to live. Don't listen to angryphones.
I live in Chomedey, the greekest neighborhood of Quebec.
Greeks here do not learn french and tend to live in their greek ghettos go to greek school and go to greek gatherings.


never knew that canada has ghettos

Well I'm speaking of Quebec only, where a ghetto is a place where culturaly similar people agglomerate. Not in the dangerous american sense.

There are virtually no dangerous ghetto in Quebec. Some in Vancouver and Toronto though.