Effendi in the friendzone edition
>this edition
No need to do this. I may be a cuck but your own cuck. Don't expose me as a laughing stock cuck. I suffer.
extremely good edition. just thought I'd pop in to let you know.
Also, when are you going to send ""your"" half of the Elgin marbles to London?
Calm down cuck, that's what happens when you become too proud
>this discussion again
Don't you have anything else to do?
Is /brit/ this much of a shithole?
>Is /brit/ this much of a shithole?
brits are surprising shit on the internet
they're much better mannered irl
That's because they're pussies irl
>Is /brit/ this much of a shithole?
yes. I'll leave it for now, it's stale and I need to work on my arguments a bit in the mean time. I just saw this in catalog and thought I'd say sick edition pham.
We eat greeks for breakfast you soft cunt.
Sure you do, knifeless bugger
merge with fr before brit tries to ruin us. at least we wont understand what the frogs are talking
something something muslim mayor
merge with /ita/
their threads are kind of dead anyway
merge with MENA, at least we'll all be speaking with a common language there
>not merging with /ex-yu/
in order to unite the balkans, one must first unite the threads
>merging with /ex-new/
Do you have a deathwish user?
I'd rather merge with /tr/
>Moldova : 40 churches, a church for every victory
>ottoman district of D*brogea : 1095 mosques, a mosque for every prayer
Gavrilo Princip wills it.
22nd for traditional Bulgarian waifus
If cuckoldry was a crime ____________
Effendi would be a criminal
cuckolds would be living the dream
Effendi would be Al Capone
she's super cute
but idk, not exactly hot
I will go to drama class. A fat girl there hits on me.
Should I approach her t b h? She is cute but chubby.
italians have a saying:
"In times of war every hole is a trench."
once she loses weight you're probably getting cucked again
post photos you worthless roach
Lamoooooo. Nice.
>best ex-Vilayet calling you a cuck.
Sad t b h.
I'm going out cucks. I will flirt with her and post the results tonite.
>Srb*mans will try to steal this ILLYRIAN hero
>some Albanian intellectuals
You're quite close to two moreta, just take a bit of land between Turkey and Greece.
>those serbian borders
wew lads
i guess i'd be living in croatia then, since im in syrmia region
>hits on me
you're the biggest cuck I know
>Just take a bit land between Turkey and Greece
Are you planing something serb? Wanna back-stab us again huh?
hello yes where is serb :DD
did you guys know that Corfu had a car accident yesterday?
did he died
shit, femfendi friendzoned you ?
i really feel for you
Looks like I need to come to Bulgaria. Those chinks love white man's dick
>Trinaeste, trinaeste, pred Bugare stala
>not wanting to be tatard by your thracian brothers
Costel please
it's really crazy how all the balkans can understand each other
what language should i learn to understand you all ? bulgarian, serbian or macedonian ?
Which is the better city?
Sofia: (note they only have 1 traffic light)
just no
Kosovar :DDD
macedonia status: stolen.
but seriously, is even kosovo a language ?
i'm sure those special snowflakes changed 2-3 words, one grammar rule and called their serbian "kosovar" just so it sounds dope
V*lgarians steal our moretas again.
just learn serbo-croatian and you willl be able to talk in serbia, montenegro, bosnia & herzegovina and croatia without problems
slovenian and macedonian are a bit different but similar languages with slovenian being harder imo, macedonian sounds a bit like bulgarian
De ce nu?
glumeam, bungarii sunt ok cu toate ca tara lor e shiggy diggy doo
Facem imperiu Româno-Bulgar. Numa că în loc de valahia ne-ar trebui toată România mare.
>România mare
Acum câteva zile am dat pentru prima oară de unu cu targă MD care vroia să iasă la o intersecție
L-am lăsat să treacă și am țipat la el: "Treci frate!"
Oi fi eu mai greu de cap că nu m-am prins
În capu meu gândeam "Mamă ce tare unu din republică stai să îi vorbesc în română să vadă că nu e complet printre străini aici" dar el îmi răspunde în rusă
prea mulți moldoveni din republică sunt ruși deghizați
cam greu să faci o unire așa
mai intâi, trebuie să iși repare acel gdp cu două cifre
moldovencele cu accent sunt QT, QT!
la ce te astepti de la mancurtii aia de loldoveni
Best city, best people
(photo taken yesterday)
Tell me more
This is only one neighborhood in Skopje, housing like 300k people.
Can you try to grasp the sheer size of that irl? It's very spread out and BIG.
Skopje proper is 1/3 the size of London
Tbh mă enervează când le zice cineva moldoveni. Eu is din fălticeni, eu îs moldovean. Ei îs un fel de rusoldoveni
If Skopje is a "meme city" then how come everyone wants to live in it?
They hate us cause they anus?
• Total 72,009
most cosmopolitan city in the world.
take a stroll down the river nile and behold the glorious statues, or perhaps take a famous Skopje double-decker bus to take in the traditional Macedonian architecture.
wow, Skopje looks really comfy to live in
Skopje is one giant village.
they're our version of your macedonians
Why do commie blocks in Skopje look better than any v4 country? None have ridicilous rainbow colors and they're not eyesores.
I am Greek
Fat fuck mad cause even fat girls wan't talk and smile to him.
apparently everyone except me speaks Romanian.
alright, cunts make me one of (You)s.
tho, Vasko is kinda dark, so he's probably Tatar
trimis ;)
>not living in the north
>not having romanian friends
>not knowing romanian
ce faca? :^)
Huge new constructions on top of a mountain peak, literally LA tier.
me, under the mask
Bună ziua tătare
that's probably a TV/Radio tower, you dumwit