I feel bad that red head girls never get the same reputation as Blondes

I feel bad that red head girls never get the same reputation as Blondes.

>they're cute
>they're pale as fuck
>they're cute as fuck


they're all mentally ill tho, they'll cheat on you with niggers

It´s because they can´t leave the house.

That's why shitskins like us like redheads, they have a tendency to gravitate towards the BBC

>I feel bad that red head girls never get the same reputation as Blondes
you mean the reputation of being the biggest sluts or the reputation of having 80 as iq?

>red head girls never get the same reputation as Blondes
i dont know in which planet do you live, but in this one they do

Do redheads even exist in your country?

There's a saying "blonde have more fun",but red heads are only suspected as not having soul and crazy.How is that the same?

we have people dye their hair red though

oy vey we are back in witch-hunt eras

They usually have lots of freckles and it gets really bad when they are out since they can't tanned

and because they stay indoors a lot people obviously will assume that they are antisocial

I mean leave this like this.. Pure and cute

The thing with redheads is there's no middle ground. There are no "average" redheads.

Either they're extremely attractive or extremely horrific.

>pale skin
They get better at every moment.

I've noticed this
>tfw no Windrunner gf

>I feel bad that red head girls never get the same reputation as Blondes.
This is a good thing. The reputation of blondes are party sluts that have absolutely no desire and no free will and are just a bag of rocks.

What would you know, anything east of anatolia there are no redheads at all. Certainly none in malaysia.

But either way, they're complete demons in the sack. I mean claw marks until they draw blood crazy.
The tricky part is getting 'em just drunk enough, 'cause they usually have a freaky-high tolerance.

redheads can be found in various asian populations

Maybe in one in ten million

>they're complete demons in the sack. I mean claw marks until they draw blood crazy


yeah redheads

Everytime people talk about redheads its positive, cant say same about blondes



