What have you learned so far about other countries and cultures on Sup Forums ?

what have you learned so far about other countries and cultures on Sup Forums ?

That nobody shitposts better than us

Balkanians are coal burners.

italians aren't actually that bad

Not a fucking thing.

Which is why I started reading books instead. It works.

I've learned that all of them are cunts

> 99% of croats are into black girls
> 100% of fins are sissy fags
> 110% of aussies are losers
> canada should be range banned

i learnt that i know nothing about other countries culture and even though i came here nearly 3 years ago i still know nothing

>Ex-Yu countries love black women
>Finland has conscription
>Indonesia is a muslim country
>Japan hates Korea, China and Russia
>There are arab weebs and gays
>Canadians and Australians are annoying
>New England is heaven on Earth

The best threads are on kazakhstan and the other xyzstans that no one knows about. Pity they usually have little engagement.

nothing much
only that people all around the world are more simular to us.

great solution

That Germanics are cucks and Mediterraneans lazy spics.

Japan is dead inside.

I'm so fucking retarded that the learnt material barely lingers in my memory for long
Don't know why I even keep coming here

>Russians don't believe in the saviour of the White race
>Icelanders are cucks
>Portuguese people are really depressed
>Poles are eternally butthurt
>The Japanese and Koreans really hate each other
>Swedes are closeted racists, more so than I initially had thought
>Finns are the best meme crafters
>Greeks aren't too bad

How /in/ changed my mind:

Germans do have a sense of humor. Only it is uhmmm... special.
Italians are kind of assholes. I still like them though.
Russian are bro tier. A little depressive though.

The one thing I learnt about other cultures: in every country of the world (except probably micronations) there are at least to regions go hate each other.

Yanks hate southerners, Milanese hate southern Italians, Bayern hates everyone etc.

Sweden and Germany are competing over being the most YES, slavs are bro-tier, Americans have the widest range of posters ranging from 150IQ to absolute hick retard, Finland is Winland ;DDDD, Latin countries are nice and qt

You shitpost harder, not better

Half of mena are closet faggots

What's the deal with Balkans and the blacks?

>You shitpost harder, not better

With jews, we all lose.

Off the top of my head:

>Canada/Australia have a significant asian diaspora
>Most arabs are secretly gay (or at least the ones in /mena/ are)
>Brazilians have an irrational hatred towards the rest of latin america
>Mexicans are still resented about their lost territories
>Americans aren't as dumb/ignorant as I always pictured them to be
>Europe is not as white as I always thought
>Weeaboos exist everywhere

>Americans aren't as dumb/ignorant as I always pictured them to be
in my experience they are even worse as I pictured
>Brazilians have an irrational hatred towards the rest of latin america
I could add Mexico to this as well
>Europe is not as white as I always thought
now? not even close.

Balts, Finns and almost all world hate us
Hate but fear
Americans think what it's not them ruin our country
Brazil, Mexica and other South America very dangerous and scary place

>Brazilians have an irrational hatred towards the rest of latin america
People are retarded. They want to be USA and that is shit because I want to be Switzerland.

theres to many animes lovers everywhere


>Balts, Finns and almost all world hate us
i guess that goes for russia, not russians.

that chocolate pussy is god tier as long as isn't murican getto pussy

it's probably just one guy

Apparently we are between master memesters and cocklusting weeb sissy faggots


>There are arab weebs and gays

This, at least for me.

Brits are butthurt obsessed with the Falklands, even though they won the war

That australians should be killed. Every last one of them.


>>Brazilians have an irrational hatred towards the rest of latin america


K-POP stronk than I've been thinking

>than I've been thinking

do japs do this on purpose? why can't you learn english?

Brazil is literally hell

>no such thing as white coutnry
>everybody hates Japanese, especially Koreans
>the hatred amongst the surrounding countries and us isn't that bad, which is nice (except Romania, every Romanian I've encountered here was butthurt)
>there are a lot of Americans who aren't ignorant and are actually interested towards foreign countries/cultures, but they tend to get retarded in arguments (hurr durr muh mun ledin)
>Finns consider themselves mongoloids
>there are people outside Hungary who think Trianon wasn't entirely righteous
>v4 are bro tier

Met an awesome Aussie Sup Forums friend, learned about flags, and motivated me to learn Russian a bit.

And that I'm not white.

>>Brazilians have an irrational hatred towards the rest of latin america
wtf? U crazy?

Trianon makes me sad

>Russians love cats
>Aussies have a cursing culture
>Serbians love Russia
>Poles and Lithuanians have some bants going on
>Sudacas apparently love reggaeton
>South and north Italians are pretty different

>live in city 8,1 of idh

Isn't perfect but i'm ok with this.

This (on the shitposting)

Germans are good people.
Everybody is self hating.
I like romanians and greeks more. (/balk/)
English speaking russians are alright for the most part, but some are autistic vatnics.
Eastern Europeans are super buthurt in general.
Finlands makes dank memes and swedes is alright lads when you don't shitpost at them.

thanks for agreeing me mates, good doubles too

What are you on Swiss ?
No one loves reggaeton.
It's the opposite, on music threads it's euros posting that crap and latinamericans telling them to fuck off and listen to good music.

I've learned
>Danes are cold hearted normies
>leafs are terrible people
>Turks trigger people with ease
>I like Israelis

I should have specified - not the people on here ofc.
But the sudaca normies

Oh those.
Yeah, amerindians on Chile.
Their equivalents everywhere else.
They also listen to cumbia and bachata.
Banda in Mexico.

North American societies are weird.

Who the fuck is this godess please

I used to think Australia was a nice place.

who is this semen demon?

They have top HDI though.

only the flags.
i tend to avoid any discussion on culture or history

HDI doesn't horrifyingly deadly animals

source ?



So why do you browse Sup Forums and not other board?

I'm going to bed and if I see this thread archived with 60 percent or more posts being made by Canadians, I will fucking dox the next Canadian I find in CSGO. I am so done with this shit. Goodbye you fucking faggots. I hate you all get a life

i'm not gay i just like feminine penis


Americans is actually insane. Its not a given either that they should be, but its the subtle thing.
From asking them about how to improve is harsh critic, to a general hatred of society.

Slavs can't be trusted with public good.

Kek. You mean the Central Asian Republics?

>i'm not white
>britain is even more depressing then i thought it would be
>french posters are alright when they're not diaspora
>finnish boypussy is gods gift to man
>russians are alright
>australians are cunts, yet i can't help but like them

Don't leave us hanging there, was the test successfull?

Have you gone there ?
Do they go to India ?


fucking sjws