
Vlad the Impaler appreciation thread


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pee pee poo poo
also /ita/

tri moreta

for which countries will you root on european cup?




either israel or australia

>Romanians and Serbs hate this Hungarian qt


Ofc Italy cuck. I grew up in 90s.

reee bozgor sarb BOZGOR SARB

good choice

he's going all out holy shit lads


contain your autism.

vojvodina is indeed serbia

"i give decimal ratings when it comes to apearence"

Always decimal ratings, without exception. Sup Werdum?

Forta de Aparare a Ungurilor pe Internet detected
i've already contacted the SRI you're all going down
good lad

My friend from Belgrade said to me that Romanians look at Serbians as if they are gods? Is that true?

more like as if they are the only country who didn't wage a war against them
the average dumbfuck rromanian looks to the average GERMan as a role model in life since germs are hard-working,progressive and rich,something a rromanian will never be

desu, it's always been either germanbooism or frenchbooism around these parts.
And fuck the french.

Do you party as hard as these lads?

Rate my gains faggots

50000 moldovan lei = 2500$

Kind bunica, please tell me how to become a bet master?

oh, look, a betting fag. I really don't see enough of you niggers IRL.....
Still, 2500$ is good money.
Good job.
Also trying something.
If it works, easy 200 bucks in a month.

am fost si eu odata sa pariez cand eram in liceu intr-a 9-a am bagat un cacat de bilet si am pariat un leu si niste cocalari au ras de mine ca nici nu stiam pe ce pariez

>not waging war with serbs

you must try, it's fun. they are worthy enemies, they are fun to fight with, they have a good sense of humour as a nation, so when we are insulting each others is 10/10

>unironically asking this

Italy ofc.

h-hey romanians do you have name Radule
or something similar?


Good luck

lel. Tipic elev de clasa a 9-a


>tfw now we have gay albanians who speak our language protesting in skopje

lol best meme city ever


Fucker I'll report you to FBI for putting money on fixed matches.

it's your fault entirely

It's Radu

>not using their hajducs to fight the turks and unite the country.
reporting in.

si voi in moldova aveti cocalari de "praduiesc" pe nenorocitii de castiga multi bani la pacanele?


f-fuck them memes are true we are indeed vlachs
also do zou have nickname mirče?

The only thing a loldovan can win in this world is a visa to the USA

Praduiesc = jefuiesc? nope.

Deasemenea, pariuri =/= pacanele


Vera (faith)
Vesela (happy)
Duša (soul)
Zlata (golden)
Zora (dawn)
Sveta (bright, light or holy, strong)
Mila (grace, favor)
Nada, Nadia (hope)
Dobra (good)
Ljuba, Luba (love)
Vesna (spring)
Slava (fame, glory)
Mira (peace)
Sobena (herself)
Brana (to protect)
Živa, Żywia (lively)
Miluša (kind)
Snežana (snow woman)
Jasna (clear, bright)
Jagoda (strawberry)
Kalina (guelder-rose)

such nice names, and slavs are utter shit. how's that?


jealous cause they anus
suck a dic gayreek

what's your opinion on kosova?

my opinion is that i can't give more fucks :) 2_B_H

Post proofs of your winnings, russian abortion or stfu

>Sobena (herself)
Isn't that from 'posebna' (special)

>f-fuck them memes are true we are indeed vlachs
But those names are slavic.
Though there is indeed some vlach contribution to serbian dna(mostly serbified sheperds and some weird absorbed vlach greek-catholic population thing....)


I will. Stay tuned tomorrow. It's 12 AM over here. Can't withdraw anything yet.


This song made my night, tnx sofia

*today, not tomorrow, it's 'tomorrow' already

I just noticed that moldova's flag is like someone pissed on romania's flag and drew something in the middle

sofijanci vecer mnogu sa dobre

Did you bet on football?

Post the receipt, with blacked out the sensitive stuff

posebna is also a sort of salami, and it's not special, it's shit. Sobena? I don't know, i'm not familiar with that name, nor with etimology. I doubt that there is a connection.



This is the number 1 song in Moldova right now

(EDM/House music alert !!)



>mimi mercedez


this one is in Croatia, it holds record to be most popular song for 26 years now.

>I just noticed that moldova's flag is like someone pissed on romania's flag
The adopted our flag during the 90's, with an aborted unification attempts.
>and drew something in the middle
it's the moldovan aurochs head.
It's on the romanian coat of arms as well(top right corner)

I bough those Ray Ban glasses and they gave me a small retro Ray Ban speaker.

Post your glasses if you wear.

>more birds

what's with all that birds? russia, serbia, albania, moldavia....Which bird is the best? I think all those birds would hang out together, and shit on serbs and albanians together.

>defend kebab


superior blue eyed, perfect vision person reports in.

nu neaparat "jefuiesc" ci mai degraba "haide b0s da si mie macar 10 lei ca vad ca ai castigat 1 milion hai mankatzash",asta evident cu inca 3-4 martalogi in sprijinul aluia


best hrvat


>what's with all that birds?
Birds are popular.
It's like lions.
And birds on flags have existed since forever for some of our regions.

green eyed here but my vision sucks
I prefer it anyway from having brown eyes and perfect vision

>not making situation worse for you enemies

you would not be a good warlord m8

I was never this proud of having a shit reputation ever! we essentially have a permanent force field around us

kek lol

eew bulgaria


Moldova dose not have a bird, they have a the ox. Transylvania has the lion, Wallahia the falcon.

I see more and more every day

niciodata. E cam unthinkable sa se intample asa ceva de genu aici.. Poate doar daca traiesti in cartiere cu multi rusi, vorbesc din experienta, aia-s violenti si guralivi ai dracului.

Daca esti cu moldoveni si daca te vede cineva cu merțan, bani multi, curve multe, nustiu ce, te vor vorbi pe la spate si te vor privi incruntat, in cel mai rau caz.

Loldovians are peaceful.

you should have worked together with the serbs to remove kebab and after that you could fight each other without any distractions


Cum se traduce bour pe engleza?

explain pls

PS. I hate that "click all those images until none is left" captcha

>Loldovians are peaceful.
vocaroo pronto

yeh but do you smok weed bitchboi ye i thought so 420 sonke weed everyday maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan xdddd balze that kush niga

>Moldova dose not have a bird
It has the head WITHIN the bird.
>they have a the ox.
Aurochs, not ox. Ox are cattle that are beasts of burden, aurochs are huge wild things we domesticated into cows.

idk 'aurochs' cică. Sounds like 'orcs'

he baited the ustasha with the cyrilic letter

Aurochs were based, though.
They are trying to breed them back.

well, that's a good idea, but say that to all that old and brainwashed fucks who fought the war. i don't give i shit. i'm waiting for WW 3, doubt there will be an isolated balkan war without whole europe involved. And even then, i will go to throw some old school Croatian genocide upon some French faggot village, i want to live in south France, war is the best chance. Imagine the whole village for you and your m8s, all those helpless chicks etc...



Cum = How from Lat. quomo (Italian Como)

the serb replied with "U", a symbol for hrvatske ustaše

croats are allergic to cyrilic 776


naah, i like cyrillic letter, it looks nice.

Ako nekoj rece
e mala ima uste dva tri dela za da bide cela

Hang in there Greece. Just a 3 more years of recession so we can pass you in GDP/capita then you can rise again.