ITT We make France cry

ITT We make France cry

Stupid snail eating frogs surrender chimps

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French is not a relevant language anymore. There is a reason I can speak English and not French.

>hating a country that made the greatest rap song ever


Paris is the nicest part of your country.

France more like poo pee land

I bet YOU CAN'T make them cry


*face with tears of joy*

French is a disgusting piece of shit language. sounds like if who's talking is just about to puke.
also your '''''''''''''''ligue 1'''''''''''''' is crap


France is great. It has a fascinating history, great architecture, friendly people, and a relaxed culture. What more could you ask for?

Wew, lad, you're on fire, today

I can hear you choking back those French tears

allah is not real

I love France! Eiffel tower! Baguettes!


Nous sommes celtiques, nous sommes germaniques, nous sommes latins… et nous serons aussi arabes dans un siècle mais seulement comme une nouvelle composante mineure de notre riche culture. Passez à autre chose.


France has an effeminate culture and language

That's a good thing though

I won't lie, this one triggered me

but one thing is WAY more triggerable...THIS FUCKING LEAF


Leaf it alone merde

40 days





Not being French?

Success breeds jealousy.

None of you could imagine what it is to be a citizen of the most relevant, the historical richest, the most visited, the most powerful country of Europe.

We are involved in all your histories, Mexico, argentina, USA, Canada, you were all a fruit from the french words.

Of course, I'm white, french native and not a shitskin.

Still, shitskins don't have the french pride. They were all dominated by the french.

Suck my cheesy and hairy dong, bunch of subhumans.

This thread is litteraly why I am proud of my french blood ffs, and none of you could understand.

Feeling peechy.

We did it Sup Forums, we triggered him!


Man you took the bait, ate the bait, shat the bait, and ate it again.

>Sacra blue I love being le French, smelly women and wine that tastes worse than in California. Le cheese and running from our enemy equals rich culture honhonhon


But I do know.

>>None of you could imagine what it is to be a citizen of the most relevant, the historical richest, the most visited, the most powerful country

*checks my flag*

>>of europe

you literally have to put urself in another category because you suck so much


>>french native

french natives are black algerians/syrians mate

>>most powerful in europe

Did you forget the UK was a thing? Are you fucking retarded? Even Germany is superior to you. France is a shit country. You're not powerful. If you were invaded you'd give up, seeing your history.

>part of yer history

So? Most European countries and my country have to do alot with your history.

>most relevant, most powerful
That goes to the UK.

>usa fruit from the french words

Do you mean that we are born from your language? What? The fuck do you mean? I thought shitskins got ''decent'' english education. Oops, look who I mentioned again. English. The ones who are superior to you. Look at what language you are speaking right now, Pierre, oh. Exucse me. I meant, ''Abdul''.

Kill yourself.

We did it Sup Forums, we triggered him!

The day France officialize the arabic language, we will all be speaking arabic

Shit that's a good thread, you triggered a frog who triggered a burger, bravo Sup Forums

What's gonna come next, I CAN'T WAIT I'M SO EXCITED

France on snail watch

is he wrong though?

Like all read all that shit kek

Spanish and Italian cuisine > French cuisine.

>Frenchies actually eat frogs, snails, fish eggs and duck penis

Can they even be called human?

>duck penis

7(you)s, tomorrow maybe 20.

Everythings's fine, I'm french, white, germanic blood.

Everything is fucking fine.

Even when they arent the target Americans get triggered!

>We make France cry

France is latin

Dude, they have pick up in the only purpose to compensate something obvious you know.

ok that's enough this thread is fun but now it's too much delet this

>Did you forget the UK was a thing? Are you fucking retarded? Even Germany is superior to you. France is a shit country. You're not powerful. If you were invaded you'd give up, seeing your history.

>a thing

They can't even built their own nuclear stations kek


Captcha : select the tea

You're overall a fucking idiot tbf.

"Ululul look le boyz is triggerissed lollel"

Dumbass, you're the same cunt as the ameridumb we face here.

yes the french are great builders

builders of mosques

get to it abdul

Another one bites the bait.

but I like france :/

Fuck you cumskins, we're young, strong and our children are numerous. While you're going old as you're burying your dead, our wives are bringing more young warriors onto this world. Insallah, we will outnumber you, and then you will pay for what you did to Morocco
t. average Marseille citizen

>They have turned on eachother

Not my fault if 90% of the french posters on Sup Forums get triggered at every post and start to show how mad/butthurt they are, they only make us even more vulnerable to banter. I tried to show them that it's pointless but now I just laugh since no french poster seems to understand the concept of banter and how it's useless to take the bait.

Could you say that... you are triggered?

It's anglo humour, why would they lower themselves to such vilainies?

Oh fuck


>great builders

Indeed, amerilard, indeed.

>they have to wait french engineering for their national symbol


*throws a banana*

T'es littéralement le plus gros autiste tu monde. Mange ta propre merde et va la vomir sur ta pute de mère. Je suis entrain de provoquer un immense malocu et tu ne m'aimes pas, parce que tu es une molasse de merde "ululu bantère"

Justement, rôde plus connard.

Why bother Triggering the French?

When I went to France I saw how easy everybody there had it - life was a total cake walk. I wanted to try the true French experience and went to Paris. Their food was great, but most didn't have a Vegan menu, so I asked around for Italian and - what do you know they had that too!

They loved it when I ordered and communicated in French (Learned everything I needed to know in 2 weeks leading up), very coherent language. I tipped generously to everybody.

Only thing a little odd was that every man seemed to have a mistress or whatnot, but hey, country of love right?

baguettes on suicide watch, just put up your white flag now lads

>Their food was great, but most didn't have a Vegan menu

Shit, this even triggered me

>tu ne m'aimes pas
Bah non. Mec tu réagis comme tous les tocards qui pondent des putains de pavés dès que quelqu'un fais un pet de travers en parlant de la France, c'est pas écrit sur ton front "nn mé je décone mdr", en lisant tes messages je vois juste un posteur de plus qui nous fait passer pour des cons.

>I wanted to try the true French experience and went to Paris.

This obvious... Are you new here ?

>be poopeelander
>go on a boat

J'allais me justifier mais t'es sans doute un nouveau. Va te faire enculer et apprends, gitan.

They are always wearing it.

>t'es sans doute un nouveau
Même pas. Mais du coup si t'es là depuis un bail et que tu postes comme ça je comprends pourquoi tout le monde se fout de notre gueule.

>Frogs are now speaking their effeminate pig latin so we can't understand their butthurt

>be french
>go in a building
>get bombed
>"muh it was our fault muh oppression of muslims"
>get bombed again
>almost get bombed again then get saved by the almighty Americans
How can France even compete?

I agree, mon amie


Wanna see pure rage ?

Here we go.

My dear French friends:

Portuguese immigrants in France.

Yeah nah fuck off france is pretty cool minus all the browns

Especially when we made up your cunt, amerilard

>ouin ouin ouin ils se foutent de nous

Ça a toujours été le cas sur 4 canaux sac à merde.

English is a french dialect, latin.


English is Germanic me matey

>Ça a toujours été le cas sur 4 canaux sac à merde.
Si tout le monde est malocul pour un rien ça m'étonne pas. Enfin bref, maintenat je te laisse te justifier et montrer que tout ça faisait parti de ton plan, allez, montre leur comment tu es un mastermind, et hésite pas à sortir des liens wikipedia etc. pour montrer comment la France c'est trop le meilleur pays du monde ! Ils attendent que ça pour se foutre de ta gueule, mais bon, tu sais déjà ce qui va se passer, maintenant tu vas te justifier et blablabla :)

Napoleon was actually italian

>the french language

>Froggies don't know we can google translate their dying language

I'm pretty sure google is dumping them next year - not worth the bandwidth

>tfw when Frenchboo
>tfw already went to France 3 times
>tfw I have to say I'm Irish so the French don't hate me by saying I'm Portuguese

>Be dogshit
>Say you're horseshit to sound better


I was considering for a good answer... Then I realised I'm talking to australian hillibilly's little but smelly crap.

t.Sanchez de la Motta

Yea yea yea

T'es pathétique, considère ma proposition initiale, mange ta merde et vomis la sur ta génitrice.

>a portuguese man pretending to be irish

The French may be stupid but they aren't blind

>T'es pathétique, considère ma proposition initiale, mange ta merde et vomis la sur ta génitrice.
C'est toi qui est pathétique mec, à sortir des diagrammes maintenant, t'as cru que tu leur faisais une démonstration ou quoi ? Ils en ont rien à foutre, et toi tu t'obstines, t'es vraiment un déchet c'est pas possible.


>Aren't blind

Have you seen their women? No wonder their fathers all have mistresses

Hey France there's this thing called a "Razer blade" let's your women not look like men

I'm 26% right

Go away pls.

I'm a Northerner m8.

If I don't speak you're gonna have a hard time pinning down where I'm from.

The French love Australians and New Zealanders, and we are having sex with your women right now. How can a Frenchman even compete?

>australian hillibilly's little but smelly crap.

>his country is little and smelly

Corsican actually, but who cares, the thing is that he came in France to success.

I litteraly don't care of what you're doing mate, I just wanted to ask : why americans shit in their pants ?

Is it the beaner food ?

Je quitterais ce fil quand j'aurais 100 (you)s, pas loin de la moitié.
Observe encore connard.

26 mm is the size of your penis otherwise

French womens are known to be the biggest whores, yep, I agree.

everyone is having sex with their women

by importing men

Except for them

>Observe encore connard.
J'ai pas que ça à foutre, je vais juste te laisser t'amuser, bisous

Sheesh. What sand bug crawled up your asshole? The French are rude. Always making enemies for no reason.




>>hes asking why do we shit in our pants
>>they literally import indians

Could fill an Ocean with these Frog tears

>his country doesn't have the biggest (pen)EEZ

Sache que t'es un nouveau pédé, et pense encore à ce que je t'ai dis avant, avec ta délicieuse maman.