Why are le french so deep and enigmatic ?

why are le french so deep and enigmatic ?

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Are we ? Or do we want to make people think we are ?...

That's what your mom said about me last time

because we can

Scrawny white guy and ugly girl

i'd break the cunt in half.

Was her mom pegging you?



>a bunch of pretentious fucks
>deep and enigmatic

KOkaiena aND chSampeaage.... nigaga.. DAs was GOod in th city of cmomptopn nigga.. WOOWOO das exatly how it wuz nigga xD boom BOOM how it wuz... nigga thats how it WUZ my nigga! nigga ONE HUNDRED!!!!!!! KOBE. KOBE. KOBE. nigga das ALLLL i hear my nigga LMFAOOOO xD

You're just a nothing.

One knife, your wife...

>drapeau fr*nc*is
>c'est un nègre


>a fucking leaf
>it's not a tree

Yo, what are some good French movies I should watch? I really loved RRRrrrr!!!

- Rubber
- Bernie
- Le Créateur

La Cité de la Peur (Les Nuls inspired Les Robins (rrr))

French girls are so deep that even Varg Fedora Vikernes got one.

That's some high quality autism you're posting, burger friend

she looks like marion le pen

My nigga, that movie was underrated af tbqh