Let's inagine a scenario, Sup Forums

Let's inagine a scenario, Sup Forums.
>every country you share a border with suddenly your country at the same time
What do you do? What is the outcome?

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***suddenly invades

My apologies

>every country you share a border with suddenly your country at the same time

what are you trying to say paco

Suddenly what with your country? Did you mean to type "went to war with"?

>What is the outcome?

They already did it

LOL at the screenshot.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Nothing. It's already happening and nobody is doing anything to put a stop to it.

One hit, one win.

You could it at least annex us

>tfw island

Need I remind you of the Irish border with Northern Ireland?

we win, get a lot of land as a result
man it would be great actually, someone tell them to try it

vidya related

What did he mean by this?

>implying Ireland is a real country

Even if they did something, I'd be all for just letting them have Northern Ireland. It's a shithole. They'd end up killing each other anyway, and then we could move in and have tasty lebensraum with no filthy paddies. Everybody wins. On another note, does Ireland even have a military?

Nigga please, you have à hard time handling Kurds, how the fuck are you going to handle another 6 countries?

>tfw live in a port
>tfw own a boat
>only 3 family members alive

>hard time handling kurds
>5k dead in 4 months
kek, kurds are a problem because they were allowed to entrench in the cities during the peace talks
army is currently busy clearing them out, without artillery and air support i should add
in a defensive war we would win, iran would be the biggest problem but they don't have the military assets to defeat us. their airforce is old af
and you miscalculate just how absolutely mountainous anatolia is

>every country you share a border with

>suddenly your country

Idk user

Continue shitposting?

>Greece, Bulgaria, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. Syria, Iraq, and Iran
Damn. Best of luck

My relatives in Texas might be outnumbered by Mexicans.

Otherwise I wouldn't be too worried.

More like say goodbye to Cyprus and Thrace and given the amount of hardware in the east, anything that side of the Euphrates.

I imagine large parts of

bomb the shit out of their major urban centers
bonb the shit out of their major urban centers

>every country you share a border with >suddenly your country at the same time
What did he mean by this?

>What is the outcome

we will fuck your shit up

That's the scenario our armed forces are prepared for

We win

Reckon we could destroy Ireland 2bh

isn't Scotland a country?

oh wait :^)

We win in 6 days.

>What do you do?
>What is the outcome?



Which country is the worst off?

We get fucking rekt.

Habla bien, chileno. No se te entiende nada.

let me put it like this, the defense budget of all those countries combined is about 5 billion dollars more than the turkish defense budget and none of them posses the amount of production capability of turkey

Uncontested victory on all fronts.

Next question.

Go to war against Argentina
They're not the only one that share borders with us but they would be the only one able to put up a fight



Is this some sort of pasta?

Nuke all
But first pak

it kinda already happened my senpai

Bolivia, Peru and Argentina Union. (Mostly like pacific war 2.0)

Argentina don't have turbo jet fighters thanks to cristina, Peru T-55 tanks and Bolivia no navy.

Easy peasy.

>Turkroaches can just be stepped on

We can probably keep off the current German and Belgian army.

The British and French would send help, because if Germany would control the Benelux it would become the dominant force in Europe. Even more so than now.

Top fucking kek

Pay denbts first