Which are the bad guys and the good guys of your continent?

which are the bad guys and the good guys of your continent?

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All three are good guys.

If you're including central America, then just paint that part grey.

mexico is bad guy

canada is really bad guy

Why BRo ?

Pablo, my son.

There's nothing bad about Mexico that US hasn't also done.

Nowadays our mob bosses are looked at as movie star roles.


The eternal uruguayan betraying us again

Alright I'm talking about the current state of things
>yfw Rio Grande do Sul is helping at fucking brazil

Why is that little island up there blue?


Caribbean is also part of North America.

Cuba might be bad but its not a big enough threat. Haiti is a shithole if that counts.

I forgot to paint it in red.

Marajós confirmed for gud boys

remove rio grande do sul from blue and add são paulo
why do people always cut off são paulo from those maps?


>living on a continent

I though we were guay bros :(

Oh well in that case most first world countries are red because of stagnating economic conditions, increasing political deadlock/infighting, and generally deteriorating security conditions.

But hey, so long as it looks like baby boomers will die of old age before pension funds dry up, I guess that means the system served its purpose.

I guess Brazil gets a 7/10 score (blue) because they only get the politics wrong?

Red-Bad guys/cucked nations that must be saved or have territories belonging to the blue inside them
Blue-Good guys
Green-Not in our continent but still good guys
yellow-rightful territory of the good guys
orange-rightful territory of the bad guys
purple-needs to be freed from bad guys

Mexico is the bad guy

America is grey

Canada is good

this is too complicated

>trusting worst guay

I'm going to just assume this is a Europa Universalis map. This is basically what the shitty colonization system does to the Americas.

>bad guy
they have shitty goverment but their people are great

>Tfw wanna go to Columbia to get some hot trap ass
>Tfw probs die the second I walk outside

Is it really as dangerous as people make it out to be?

r8 my map for the arabs

I thought the situation in Canada wasn't that bad

this is the general consensus

>All three
You do know there are 23 countries in North America?

Your family tree isn't.

Puerto Rico isn't a sovereign country, some of those posted there aren't as well


>tfw always irrelevant :(

i don't know man, i've never been in a dangerous situation or got robbed several times, but i don't know how will it be for a foreigner, i think it will be ok if you have a friend or someone to guide you

>Argentina and Brazil both good guys

>Is it really as dangerous as people make it out to be?
It's not that bad anymore

Why tho


el peruANO seniores

Are Cuban Americans still CHI?

Greenland is a meme, it doesn't actually exist

el chicANO

dem evil eskimos and cows, son

Don't believe them!
I'm one of the goods!

>good guys

no. chi is mexican. cubans hate mexicans more than white people.

it's supposed to be Chicano = Mexican blood

Several of these aren't countries.

Also, Central America and most of the Caribbean are on their own tectonic plate.

kek why?

Why do they hate us ?
Because we are friends with Fidel and co ?


>bad guys


We're only required to feel bad about the shit we did in Central America, the Carribean, and Chile

Read the name simian.
Try to raise from your situation.
Let me speak in your language so you comprehend.
Oooooh hooooh ooooh oo oo ooooh uuu oooh !

USA is bro-tier, gtfo argie


pense que el uruguayo nos odiaba

no. its because mexican culture is disgusting and you all look like light skinned niggers. cuba is also whiter. we have around 8 million whites in a 10 million population country. it's pretty nice desu. Cubans hate most south americans except uruguayans, argentinians, and brazileros. alot of cubans are protuguese-aboos or whatever

Please, without the USA Europe would be in world war 4 by now and have enslaved all you subhuman Spanish speakers and conscripted you into their armies within their respective spheres of influence.

At least we give lip service to your autonomy. Those European bastards would annex you outright.

pls nuke

we also had to support argentina ad has argentinian propaganda that the falklands were theres kek

my father and mother have stories about it and the chant, ''los malvinas son argentinos'' are engrained into their minds

i would love to return to cuba if it wasnt so shitty

Maybe once, but the Spanish imported a bunch of negros.

I think most of Latin America supports Argentina in that. Mexico supports them.

stop sucking dicks

>without the USA Europe would be in world war 4 by now
I don't think yuros would want moar war, and even so, usa didn't stop them in the past, it won't stop them now.
>and have enslaved all you subhuman Spanish speakers and conscripted you into their armies within their respective spheres of influence
bullshit, but anyway
>implying that would be bad
>At least we give lip service to your autonomy. Those European bastards would annex you outright.
I hate you more now.

okay you clearly dont know our history

>be cuba
>moderately white, some slaves and shit,
>cuba stops being spanish
>white people flee
>starts being more and more not white

also an 8/10 white ratio is higher than the USA. soooooo


You understood that ?
Of course you did

>I don't think yuros would want moar war

No, that guy is right. Europe was in cycle of war ever since Napoleon's time. Only reason it stopped was mass population transfers after WW2 and a longstanding enforced peace put upon them by USA and USSR.

Greece and Turkey would be having two wars a generation if not for population transfers.

from what ive seen and heard from other cubans, in cuba whites are the majority. Maybe that video was filmed in predominantly black zone. Ive met some cubans and the vast majority were white,only a few black or mulatto

I also when I hear Cuba think of light skin, but Havana is full of black people.
I had a Cuban teacher, he was pretty white.

this guy knows whats up

guys how do i post on /lat/ without getting called chicano

t. cuban from above

Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Belarus, North Korea, Serbia, India are good guys. Others are bad guys

habla español
no seas chicano

> Europe was in cycle of war ever since Napoleon's time
even so, its their business, no country should interfere in the affairs of other countries, and usa does it compulsively


Put Cuba in your name ?
I think it worked for the Guatemalan guy.

1. don't be a chicano
2. enjoy

lmao americans are bad period, its not something that can be argued with an amerifat, your brains arent capable of self awareness

>no country should interfere in the affairs of other countries, and usa does it compulsively
So did the Euros

>I'm a brazilian using an american proxy

>guys how do i post on /lat/

don't, pls, just don't, anyone

>even so, its their business
Not really, no, that shit affected the whole world each time it happened and America was asked (ASKED) to participate each time. War is fucking terrible and by the time WW1 happened total war meant millions dead, much of which being civilian.

Don't give a fuck about your sovereign state affairs shit at that point. Sorry you're a state that has never stopped that trouble from being forced on people that didn't ask for it. Don't really care about your opinions on the matter until that happens.

>I don't think yuros would want moar war

this is such an ironic post considering what the major european players were doing until after ww2 when we overtook them. honestly reddit tier.

Putin strong!

> Sorry you're a state that has never stopped that trouble from being forced on people that didn't ask for it

what are you even trying to say?

Ive met some cubans (even one of them lived for some time at my house) because the university where my parents work (as with many others around the country) imports cuban phd teachers because the government a certain number of phds in each university. They were all pretty cool. I may not like a lot cuba as a country, but the cuban people are sure great

At this point, nothing. You're clearly unprepared to talk about the morals of relations between countries. You should figure out what that green text means before you take up the topic again.

I'm not the other argie and I truly don't understand what you were trying to say.

Could you rephrase? English is not my native as you must know.

im not sure what he's saying either, him and the other argie are both retarded for different reasons lmao

1. we started that joke of a war
2. stop sucking america dick (1)

State 1 exists.

State 2 attacks State 1 because "historical claims and overlapping populations" or some other bullshit

State 3's economic and diplomatic situation is now worse.

State 3 moves to defend State 1.

This person is stupidly complaining about American actions in other countries even though its actions in the situations he is talking about are the same as State 3's action.

better than joining the we wuz zovereing and sheiit club you belong

So you think that joining in wars to defend self interests makes it all okay?

Well, at least you're not all about muh freeduns and about protecting mah country, mah family mah looooooooord and muh nayshun like other murrifats.

>thinking fighting for freedom is a bad thing
Commies get fucked

1.we are begged on a daily basis to "interfere" on other countries' behalf. You ask me, (Israel notwithstanding) we do a damn good job of remaining mostly impartial and generally fair, insofar as any country that has interests can be said to posess either of those qualities.

2. Your fu King country wouldn't even fucking exist if European powers hadn't "interfered" with other people's shit, so fucking all the way off with that shit, Sonny jim

All wars are in self interest. So are all international actions. Nobody signs a trade deal willingly unless it is going to benefit them.

You've yet to actually point out a problem with what is going on. You just keep screaming about America being involved just in general. Even though that is usually a good thing.

b-but i like you Brazil

I can't not take the bait because you might actually be serious

how is killing brown farmers across the world fighting for freedom?

Even if you're not serious how does the government get the murrifats to believe that they're actually there fighting for freedom and democracy?