T-the vietnam CONFLICT was not a war so we never lost a war!!!!!!!!!!

>t-the vietnam CONFLICT was not a war so we never lost a war!!!!!!!!!!


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>l-las malvinas son argentinas!!!!!!!

>w-we only went back home from vietnam because of the darned commies back home!!!!!

fun fact america has not declared war since 1941



What about Iraq?

Wow, you know way more about my country than I know about yours.

I couldn't tell you a single fact about Argentina except some meme shit about malvinas

America is a white nation.

>w-we haven't declared war s-so that means we didn't get our asses destroyed by asian farmers with AKs!!!

the fact that I know more bad things about your cunt than you do about mine is not flattering, my fat friend

>us has more spics than actual spic countries

The fact that this: m.youtube.com/watch?v=VKkcTpCur7g exists is far more embarrassing desu.

Has the U.S. made a cartoon for young kids asserting that going to Vietnam was a good thing like blatant Argentine Propaganda does?


proper war declaration is by the vote of the senate upon the request of the president

basically the president says here be baddies like fdr and the senate votes on it but due to the power to declare is actually in the congress what happens is that they have a debate among themselves and they say here war powers

so it is mostly done to bypass the issue regarding who actually has the power

I think that the fact that your last mass shooting was 25 days ago and that
is an actual thing is far more embarrassing.

fun fact : america doesn't exist it was made up by the russians

i've been there, it's literally just an empty field with caution tape around it

Your murder rate is twice ours ironically

>We are actually their equals in combat
Holy shit

but ours are usually niggers killing niggers
not children killing children, or the police killing someone that looks at them wrong

I know canada exists because I have been there

There is a huge totem pole in vancouver international airport

I will not lower myself to your level

for real now i started this thread to bantz
i like ameriposters

you still lost a war against brown farmers in holes though


In my public education, we spent years learning about USA from the founding of the colonies through our civil war. Then spent half a year from end of civil war to end of world war 2. 1946-present was maybe a few weeks of history class. Probably because that's when we did the most of our fucked up foreign policy stuff.

The history of the rest of the world was mostly ignored. We spent more time learning about the history of JUST THE STATE OF VIRGINIA than South America, Africa, Middle East, and Asia combined. We only learned things about those regions when they directly affected the US.

Shit was retarded.

>Niggers killing niggers
You could have just said "Argentines killing each other" and we would have gotten the picture.

also because it's not history it takes 50 years for things to become history

most of the cold war fall into the current events category mostly due to bias

Well I feel that history class should cover current events that may become important to history, in the absence of such a class.

For example, Iraq and Afghanistan were not discussed. Wouldn't a conflict that your country is currently in seem very important to discuss in schools? Even if it was just feeding the students propaganda.

Teaching events of the past 60+ years would help students' understanding of what's happening in the world today immensely. For example, I didn't learn until after high school, while in a Wikipedia k-hole, of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Seems like a pretty major thing to gloss over or ignore, unless you're going to be ignoring modern middle east politics and how they affect our country anyway. We discussed Korea some, and Vietnam for a bit, until the end of the section began blaming student demonstrations and such for the loss of the conflict or some BS. That was about it, as far as post-WW2 conflicts that helped shape politics today.