This is a 10/10 on Sup Forums

>This is a 10/10 on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

no this is

>these are 10/10's in Japan

Hell, I'd fuck that.

>"I'm an uddermensch"

She looks like me before puberty

To be honest, those tits are just too fucking lewd. Do you want every man alive lusting over your wife 24/7?

I died.

Send help

Dick is kill


I think most would.

>She looks like me before puberty

Post current you :3

If this isn't at least 8/10 for you i hope you stay a virgin


Little rato

good lad

looks better on the left

>Implying Lauren isn't qt as fuck

If you mean she looks like she's 10 y.o then yeah

Left is still really cute.

Nah, Rato is another level of fugly

Shes cute but not like absolutely beatiful. Would gf tho

Hey I still have a little bit of a baby face at 19.

>Hey I still have a little bit of a baby face at 19.


>TFW look pretty young most of the time and can't grow facial hair for shit

I-i just want a nice stubble...

I used too but then realized I was just chubby and lost weight
Still a manlet but that's fine

I am bald and have a full lumberjack beard at 24 so people think i an like 30

I bet she doesnt so much when you fuck her

Wtf did I just listen to

Yea senpai. I am also pretty skinny, but I could lose more and it'd help.


Yea yea okay Mister scary Sup Forumslster


I've heard you need to shave whatever hair you have and it'll grow more and more but if it was that simple everyone would do it so idk. My facial hair are fine anyway except that they're mostly red for no reason


Dude. It's not going to go away unless you get skinny, chew gum, and age more.

As for a beard, some guys can get it well, some can't. Trying to demand one or force it to happen won't work.

Why does Sup Forums like her so much?

It's an interesting 13 year old voice.

That's a meme. At least after the first few times you shave (15-18 timeframe).

What happens when you shave more often is that it cuts the hairs and makes them sharp points. Therefore light reflects off them more and they poke your skin easier.

Therefore they look a little more prominent and feel pokey and "stronger."

The hair you grow after 17-18 years old is the same hair composition you'll ever grow.

>I've heard you need to shave whatever hair you have and it'll grow more

This is an old wives' tale meme, it doesn't affect it in any way.

Idk my dad doesn't have too much facial hair either, I think it's my fucking slavshit genes.

>Go away

But i want it to start growing, not go away ;-;

>The hair you grow after 17-18 years old is the same hair composition you'll ever grow

Good bye cruel world.

I just want a fucking stubble, I'm almost 21 years old why can't I get a stubble?



Would you suck Lauren Mayberry's toes?

That just makes my test levels increase. My dick goes on overdrive from others jealousy.


I may have low testosterone but I'm not that beta

Do you have dick problems or something, pal?

An overzealous dick just leads to quicker ejaculation and a less satisfied woman.

4/10, not mongol enough

Nothing beta about footlove.

>He doesn't want a skinny and frail qt to love tenderly

I think big, strong turk old men are more up your alley, my friend

Huh? I just get bigger and stronger boners m8.

Nah I agree with the tax evader

Must be bretty cool to see men stare at your gf and then grab her tits in public and assert your dominance


Confirmed for dick problems.

That's not normal. Your erection strength shouldn't vary so long as you're a healthy, virile male. I could get erect wanking my dick to a literal tree stump.

that's the point. it's a status thing. like all the rappers with large butt escorts.



With great power comes great responsibility. I'd prefer the mediocre responsibility of a homely woman and the guaranteed fact that I'd be the best thing in her life.

fake breasts i don't think would be so bouncy.

I just want a gf with really big breasts or ass(or both)

Seems like it would be fun unironically

100% real lad

>Your erection strength shouldn't vary so long as you're a healthy, virile male

That's bullshit
Stay with a girl with 1 year and sometimes and when I slept with her I wasn't always aroused at the same level. I got harder erections when I had been teased all day long and things like that. It's perfectly normal, it doesn't mean I was limp when I was just "normally" excited

>What is a turn on

Virgin detected, lads

What is this erection strength bullshit? My dick fills to capacity whether I'm on the first fap of the day or the fourth. Maybe I'm just high test?



Not the only typo I made but i'm tired so fuck it

I don't have a problem getting erections, lmao.

>fills to capacity

Mine too, but there are just degrees.


Ahh, you just had to say you were a virgin in the first place.

or maybe you're 16

A real 10/10

>only virgins fap
>only virgins don't have erection problems

kek fucking normies

MGTOW FOR LIFE (without the misogynistic parts, just stay away from me stinky women)

Or maybe I'm 24 and frequently lift heavy things and put them down.

Maybe this erection problem pandemic in this thread is a nu-male Millennial thing.

I have 2 erection stages, hard and very hard.

Hard it's what i have normally most of the time, but when i lightly tease my dick or touch a girl's hand i feel like little butterflies inside of my dick and when that happens i know it's the hardest it can be.


Good... good..

Why would you EVER want to reproduce and continue your bloodline? hehehehehe

Go on... there's all these videogames... and soon virtual reality sex! hehehehehe good goy, don't reproduce!

You keep calling it "erection problem", but everyone I know is like this. No problem in sometimes having an even harder dick than usual when you have been craving for the pussy all day. It doesn't mean I last 10 seconds or can't have a normal erection the other days

My dick gets hard like normal any time, you wouldn't get it unless you've been with a girl or found a kink you really enjoy.

It's like your dick gets bigger than its normal capacity because it's so gorged with blood from the excitement. My dick literally gets redder.

>everyone I know is like this

Do you discuss erection strength on the reg?

I'm not going to pretend I haven't heard this farcical idea before, but I've never experienced anything of the sort. My dick is always at maximum capacity in terms of blood period.

>Do you discuss erection strength on the reg?

I discuss sex with my friends, everyone does that
Well those with friends anyway

>I'm not going to pretend I haven't heard this farcical idea before


No, this is

I hate being the one to tell you this but... You might be gay, lad

really? still looks fake to me, seems impossible to get those kind of tits on such a small body

>seems impossible to get those kind of tits on such a small body

I would be this surprised tb.h, it's not the first time I see a rather small girl with enormous boobs, and those I know aren't artificial. I've never seen that big I think but still, sometimes 200cm tall guys can have small dicks so why not this

What mate? A man can appreciate another man's attractiveness without any gay intentions.

>I would be this surprised tb.h

I meant I wouldn't* be

>really? still looks fake to me, seems impossible to get those kind of tits on such a small body

m8 I knew a girl in highschool who was really short but had tits about the size as the girl in that webm

I felt bad for her spine.

3/10 probably has a HORRIBLE roastie personality
absolute qt/10

you forgettin' someone?


Lots of make up, that's suspicious
Would still absolutely fuck tho, no doubt on this

Cana fucking Dah

The second biggest country in the world, next to a superpower, and yet... Nothing...

Beavers, mounties, and that's it, just a bunch of asians and even dumber pseudo americans freezing their balls off during winter.

A fucking leaf? A leaf? from a tree that isnt even native to Canada?

When an empty shithole like Alaska has a bigger identity than your country something really wrong is happening.

Congratulations Canada, not only you are the biggest non country in the entire world, but you are also terrible at shitposting, no one gets mad, no one thinks "that's cleaver", no one gets frustrated or finds it funny, everyone just thinks "that post has to be the most exciting thing that Canasian will EVER experience".

That's your life Canada, a post on Sup Forums is the peak of your entire leaf, i mean life.


>all these pathetic 2/10
Here comes a true 10/10

>not a single flaw

i'm unbelievably gay for claudio

i fucking love him as a player as well

Chubby face, discolored skin and asymmetrical eyes 6/10


>Hard it's what i have normally most of the time, but when i lightly tease my dick or touch a girl's hand i feel like little butterflies inside of my dick and when that happens i know it's the hardest it can be.

U sound like a Jap poster



like bags of jelly

Good thing she is only 15 there.

if she 15 im 15 bruh

Haha that's some change

Fuck. It's been 6 years here


what is her name lads


She looks better without make up.

This is a 8.5/10 in Mexico.

>The hair you grow after 17-18 years old is the same hair composition you'll ever grow.
I'm 22 and I keep getting more facial hair, though. That said, I'm the latest bloomer.