We Japanese liberals support Abe

He is a good prime minister.
Thanks Abe.

Other urls found in this thread:


i will always pronounce it like the ab in abraham

I support Abe too.

>Asian politics

A literal clown fiesta.

Name one politically non-comical Asian country.

japanese political affiliation is pointless since they vote for the same people anyway

after koizumi they finally had some change but it was ruthlessly crushed by scandals, either way japanese are mostly apolitical anyway

Don't make a worthless thread! netouyo!

>basically no difference in the parties
Why would it matter?

>prease reproduce

Abenomics is delaying the inevitable crash.

At least he's trying though.

Arigato Abe.

Since when do Japs care about politics?

What's the correct way of pronouncing it?

ah bay

His party is the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan.

Pedro, you need to be worry about Brazilian politics.
Japanese one is much better than yours at least.



>either way japanese are mostly apolitical anyway
That's actually pretty great, over here everyone's either a fascist or an sjw and it's getting maddening.

except it was a proper fascist country

>japanese liberals
>support Abe


japanese liberals are economic liberals

they hide their proper lefties

He's setting up a bubble lmao

They mostly don't.

A vote in their parliament in rural districts is worth 24x what a vote in Osaka is worth.

The supreme court rules the elections illegal and illegitimate every time, but nobody enforces it. Lmao

I'd rather have a clown fiesta than this pseudo democratic system we have now

But there's like 4 liberal parties.

Only one, the LDP, supports Abe.

And it's like tea party conservatism. Not "economic liberalism".

Lmao they are using Keynesian policies, negative interest rates, QE 60000 and the economy is still overtly protectionist and anti-immigrant.

So much for "liberal economics."

I'd take full fascist any day. It's the constant bickering and arguing thats annoying.

they actually do have a green and a socialist party

that's kind of the point

the ldp has been ruling japan for 60 years now with little disturbance

says the country that's about to elect a fucking meme.


the taiwanese fought with fists and chairs in their parliament what you on about

He said country

He may be a meme, but he's a much better candidate than Hernie the old Jewish Socialist or Hillary "elect me because I have a snatch" Cunton.
Having a passion to steer your country in a good direction and occasionally having tensions rise =/= uncivilized.

Fucking kids and hipsters conquered your parliament

Literally red guard tier shit

it was also a single party rule just like the ldp

they stood for nothing and they ruled through economic sucess

>Having a passion to steer your country in a good direction

>good direction

I'm not Taiwan, this meme is honestly becoming pretty elaborate.

I bet you think Kosovo is a country because it's full of Turkbanian Muslims.

it doesn't matter

the point is kmt is not the angel westerners think it is

Nah they're all non countries

This thread is so cancer

Okay Burma

It's literally not a country

It's Albania

nobody's an angel in politics, that is an axiom, lad. In the grand scheme of things, human history is just a long continuous stream of bloodshed justified by petty reasons; man's violence against himself.


I support Abe.
Make Japan great again

no, "party" in a democracy is what steals power

it takes individual right to opinion and makes a "common interest" which is pointless if you have equal say on a yes or no agenda

party interest always supersede the individual because it is greater and because the party was more leverage with their pooled resources the party can flood the media with all types of low forms of propaganda, real or unreal

basically the party system is anti-democracy in the first place due to the conflict of power

direct democracy or farce

has* more leverage

*Make Japan Imperial Again

I like Abe-chan.
Chinese and Korean call him a nationalist, but it's just a demonstration.
Abe supports an immigrants policy.

Nothing wrong with ethnic nationalism desu.

abe is really zainichi corean

We cannot trust him

nah m8


oh my god.

poor esl teacher piece of shit bastard.

its imposter.

you are a agent of ldp

you are right

Communists and the newspaper Asahi hate Abe.
That's the reason I support Abe.

no. you are a shitty agent of ldp


What are the "communist's" plans for Japan?

the JCP is actually a peace party through national sovereignty that rightly believes that american imperialism has stolen japanese soverignty

he is a grandson of A class war criminal


hush money 300000000000yen

What??? I posted just my personal opinion. Many Japanese hate communists.

but you guys are illegal immigrants...

>choose between a morally and financially bankrupt fascist, a morally bankrupt but financially sucessful she-fascist, or maybe an old left-liberal jewish dude masquerading as a "radical socialist"

yeah no

japans economic policies are fucking awful. a true keynesian nightmare

only good thing about abe is his stance on immigrants.

Liberalism is cancer. Abe is a total amepochi and should be shot.

Neoliberal policies and structural reform re-create Japanese society to fit MNCs and capitalists while alienating/exploiting the national proletariat, and tinsel foil thin nationalist rhetoric are but distractions from this ironclad reality. Notice increase in income inequality since the 90's! These traitors are agents of American imperialism on one hand and Keidanren crony capitalism on the other.

Until every last yankee zionist bandit liberal "conservative" collaborator dog and every last leftist marxist filth is purged from holy soil, there will be no justice in our land. Return to the Kokutai and purge the soil of pollution.


Holy shit man, the competition must be awful

he seems cute


It really is. Many people simply vote LDP out of fear of the opposition, especially given poor performance of DPJ in power.


I wonder how many of your people I've mistaken for Taiwanese. Damn near identical flags.

i've heard a lot about this " abenomics " shit but has it actually worked?

Japan is stagnating like always.

well google says its taiwan flag WTF???

and myanmar flah is like yellow-green-red colors and a white star on it

whats going on?

Yamaguchi prefecture rules Nippon since 1868.
Hahaha sorry Fukushima nuke fuckers.

It's a lot of the good old expansionary monetary/fiscal policy coupled with alleged promises of neoliberal structural reforms. Either way this trickle down stuff is gonna exacerbate income disparity and given limited nature of trickle-down stimulus, might not increase wages enough to stimulate demand across the board.

Perhaps the LDP will cave in to Keidanren demands to relax immigration regulations once the low IR and gov't spending stop working. What a nightmarish world we live in!

What is SJWism like in Japan? What do they push for?


>not supporting glorious NSJAP

Blind cult worship of the current constitution, LGBBQ rights, anti-racism/hatespeech yadda yadda

They try so hard to be western SJWs (unlike Zengakuren fellows from the good old days who actually made their own signs, SEALDs and so on just rip stuff from Occupy, BLM, Antifa and so on) but they also have a weird fixation for the US-made constitution and extreme anti-militarism such that some of them un-ironically advocate for unarmed neutrality.

They try so hard to copy their western equivalents that sometimes their agit seems quite out of place. For example, the LGBT paradigm barely makes sense in traditional Japanese context since it was constructed in reaction to modern western Judeo-Christian conception of sexuality.

I wonder if they're funded by George Soros or something.

I've talked to Kazunari online, he's cool but those guys are a tiny tiny splinter within the scene. I think VICE just did that piece because of the striking visuals.


>Blind cult worship of the current constitution, LGBBQ rights, anti-racism/hatespeech yadda yadda
>I wonder if they're funded by George Soros or something.

Kek, that's literally what's happening here.

So they just waste their time while fighting against nothing?


That seems kinda funny consisting it's from japan which is pretty xenophobic itself. Got any examples like vids/pics m8?

>Blind cult worship of the current constitution
What is the current constitution?

They don't actually fight against nothing, they actively combat the Abe regime which is laudable, but from a completely ideologically corrupt perspective; that of an idealized late modern liberalism rather than from, say, some kind of national-revolutionary perspective or even a genuinely Marxist one. They need to be hung from trees.

For their part, the neoliberal-collaborationist bonzen paper pushers in the LDP are very good at mobilizing nationalist sentiment (especially nationalism-as-negation-of-the-neigbor rather than some kind of a positive construction of Kokutai) to push through their trickle down econ and pro-US foreign/defense policies. It's a shame many of the oldshirt rightists who survived the war turned to anti-Communist faux liberalism in '45. They need to be hung from lamp posts.

Liberals support Abe.
Korean and Chinese Han support Communist.
Right wing can't support anyone.

Japan was never anti gay til the Portuguese came. Sexual relations among the samurai was extremely common and never looked down at.

Yes, most of Japanese are liberals.
Therefore Abe is supported in Japan.

>That seems kinda funny consisting it's from japan which is pretty xenophobic itself. Got any examples like vids/pics m8?

Seach for "Sealds デモ" on youtube hahaha

>What is the current constitution?
It was a piece of work written by occupation authorities and then approved by Imperial Diet in '47; the lefties love the bits that uphold popular (as opposed to legitimate, that is to say, Imperial) sovereignty, universal human rights, and pacifism.

Ironically, the pacifist bit served as a pretty good excuse for past Japanese governments to freeride on Yankee defense, (the US wanted Japan to be armed to both serve as bulwark against Communism and to reduce US costs of defending Japan) so I suppose it was fairly convenient at the time. Abe wants to get rid of that and let Japan call it's military a military and constitutionally engage in wider roles, but I think that bit really should not be changed until the nation is liberated from the atlanticist yoke.

This is the bit on pacifism:
ARTICLE 9. (1) Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes.
(2) In order to accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized.

Its so kawaii when Nippon calls us Yankees.

y'oulls dang ol yankee imperialist better go cross the maison dixon and make yer northern aggression ass back to union territory i tellya huhwhat



I'm centrist myself but I could totally see myself becoming a diehard liberal if these guys were thing convince me to join them desu.

I hope for your sake that they get you first on the day of the rope.

What do Asians think about the destruction of the Arabic Race in Asia ?

Why so mean Japan Senpai???

Do you mean liberal in katakana, which is what the guys in the video call themselves, or liberal as in 自由主義者 (translation of "liberal") which is what LDP call themselves?

Either way, it's a trash paradigm and needs to be liquidated, purged, etc to purify the nation. Marxism has died so that Liberalism can live; now Liberalism must die so that the Kokutai can be.
