Why is everyone I know crazy about Muslim girls? I don't get it

Why is everyone I know crazy about Muslim girls? I don't get it.

No one is, they're obnoxious and annoying.
Also, you'll have to convert to islam to marry and I'm not gonna do that fuck no.

I don't get it either, that one Arab pornstar that turned down drake looks like a mongoloid

I think it's because a lot of the people here want to be closer to their moms boyfriends.

saw one qt with hijab the other day

she had great thighs and a pretty face

They're the forbidden fruit.

protip: they do anal on the first day

should still fuck off from europe

some only do anal because they have to keep their virginfleece intact until marriage

i'm well aware of that

fucking animals the lot of them

do they have muslims in hueland

The secular ones, too?

we have everything here lad
from all colors and shapes

Mystery factor

Most of them are ugly as FUCK though, but the one in a thousand who are not, damn son.

REEEE not all Muslim girls are North African whores >:^(

sounds fun

>not just Tumblr, but a "le quirky sassay" Tumblr/Buzzfeed/Facebook normie-type GIF
Kill yourself

yeah but that is the vast majority of what we get here.
North-Africans in general tend to be worse than Levantines and others.

I know one Muslim girl and she's a Marxist with a face that looks like hummus crushed under the treads of an Israeli tank.

Yeah man it's so easy to find an arab girl who is dtf the first time you meet her I swear
literally the easiest group of women to fuck in the entire world

>he doesn't love qt Iranian girls


pic not related i assume

Yeah *nervous voice* I hate normies too *buttons top button* Cho Seung-Hui was right

very related actually

Too much makeup

that is definitely not qt

looks like a trashy south american whore


>being this nu-male

I don't like this style at all
I guess some people might find this style "hot" but it definitely not cute
Looks very trashy in my opinion
Post cute Iranian girls

>Why is everyone I know crazy about Muslim girls
what? is this a new meme?

yeah it does look kind of trashy but that's what makes it sexy

Kinda qt

Some of them are cool desu
Dated Turkish cutie for some time, 10/10


I like the fact that they're a bit more demure/feminine than the local girls. Also, most of those whom you meet here are second generation immigrants and have the stereotypical traits of such people: a strong work ethic, an acute awareness of the fortune of not living in a third-world shit-hole, and a general appreciation for artistic and intellectual endeavours (in so far as they don't conflict with their religious beliefs).

But, at the end of the day, their religion is obviously a deal-breaker. Gott ist tot.

Do you have a pic of Gita without makeup? Or maybe only with a little makeup on?

There are Turks in Russia?

Well yeah
The majority of them are "Crimean Tatars" (which are basically northern Turks) or "Meskhetian Turks" (named after a region in modern Georgia)
But also some Turks from Turkey itself.

no, i doubt she has one

How do I get Muslim girls to do the sexual haram with me

Reverse cucking.

>date a refugee fob
>hadn't been introduced to deodorant yet
>her parents try to convert me
>would go down on me but wouldn't let me do anything more than feel her up
>her parents wouldn't let her sleep over at my place despite her being 20

it was a weird time tbqf, also muslim guys would give me the filthy when I was out shopping with her in the suburb where she lived with her parents

Most of them are pretty easy, just be really haram and they'll haram you back.

The hard part is hiding from her dad and 50 brothers afterwards.

Where is she from?

palestinian leb

oh man ~

My classmate often has just one night stands with Palestinian girl
But they have to hide from her dad because he still thinks that she's virgin lmao

>tfw never ended up screwing and still kind of have a brown fever to this day

>brown fever
I know that feel bro

>tfw brown fever but acting on it is scary as fuck because of how family oriented browns are

You can run a long-term relationship with one

they seem to be good, esp. the ones from educated families.
the dowry is a pain in the ass tho, especially when qt has graduated college.

>constant "when are you two getting married?" from papa kebab and "muh grandchildren" from mama

Although that happens a lot with whites as well

Yeah that's a problem but you can try to evade meeting papa kebab every day.

t. Drake

Why do people treat muslim girls as so mysterious

Because when i defile one, its like i ruined her and her entire muslim family that wants me dead so they can take my home and spawn more muslims in it.
They are kept and protected as treasure, they are easy to seduce because they are cockhungry and the easiest way for them to get cock is either to get married right after highschool, or go for kuffar like me and pretend like she was hiding the fact that she was raped when her new islamic husband asks why is she not pure and virgin.
As a kid, if you get offered ordinary candy but there is also forbidden candy that your enemy keeps for himself in a refrigerator, ofcourse you will try to get the forbidden candy.
When hunting for them via internet, when im talking them into rough wild sinful sex, its like talking a meth addict into trying heroin, they go for it like crazy. For some reason they like to keep the rag on their head, but its fine by me.
Then they start watching porn and want to try everything they see on porn, but Suleiman is in germany and will come back to propose to her in 6 months, so why wait.
Its like being the thief in a gold bullion factory, you know the one that takes so little that nobody notices yet it accumulates? Thats the feeling they give you, but its not much about sex, its about feeling that you are fucking a daughter, a future wife, a sister, a treasured girl of your enemy that wants to exterminate you and push your people out with sheer numbers and western support.

>tfw muslim gf

me on the right btw

she's hot as fuck
oh and do i have to say it?

they're wearing hijabs. the most obedient bitches on earth.
they're willing to do everything for their husband.


Theyre sad desperate lonely virgins who think that a muslim girlfriend would be a virgin and do everything they say

no I don't mean that, I'm talking about how people think of muslims as aliens in a way, a mythical creature and all that.

Yeah they are

Because the good looking ones are rare

that's totally irrelevant to what I'm asking you idiot. besides

wtf does t. mean?

Because they are mysterious. nobody knows anything about it because they aren't integrated and are barely allowed to leave the house (at least here in the Netherlands).

But that's not true you cunt

t. Abdul Atziba

Jan Jantje Jansenhuis actually.

Because the bitch isn't wearing a headscarf doesn't mean she's atheist dumb shit.
Plenty of Muslim girls at my university with and without headscarf that sucked infinity Dutch cock on daily basis.

You should try leaving your basement, it's really not that scary outside.

Yeah no shit. Of course there are integrated ones, but I guess you are talking about Turks here, who often don't wear headscarfs.
I was talking more about NorthAfricans and Somalians.

>Commit anal
Real muslim girl doesn't even allowed to touch boy in the first place, vice versa.

They take it up the ass because daddy will kill them if he finds out the hymen is broken.
Those that cover up the most are the biggest sluts tbqhwyf

Muslims girls are easier than Western girls in terms of getting them into bed.

I was talking about integration and openness, not slutyness famalam.

Holy shit that is hot as FUCK

>born in S. Korea
>brought to the U.S. at 8 years old
>lived in fucking Virginia

Honestly, I can see why he went on a spree based on those facts alone.