Tfw you have to play with australians online

>tfw you have to play with australians online

Haha oh wow, that must suck for you. We are pretty abysmal.

Most people I know from online gaming are from the East coast/New Zealand. Furthest people I play with on a regular basis are from Perth

Kek just take advantage of their high ping and wreck their shit

>Implying this shitty island have better internet

>he thinks his flag is "rare"


new caledonia sounds made up. Like it's from star wars


What do Caledonians play besides Cannibalism Simulator

the only time i played an online game with australians was a text based MMORPG

>rip DarkWars

>not knowing every flag by heart

it's New Caledonia, some frog island

>What do Caledonians play besides Cannibalism Simulator
We play American School shooting Simulator


I'm going to bed and if I see this thread archived with 60 percent or more posts being made by Canadians, I will fucking dox the next Canadian I find in CSGO. I am so done with this shit. Goodbye you fucking faggots. I hate you all get a life

>play game
>only na and europe servers
>play on west coast servers
>australians are their shitty pings reach all the way over here and wreck my shit

>this weak ass banter

r u even a country?

Old Caledonia here, gib clay.

>he plays dead mmorpgs


>play css
>faggot child new caledonians screaming on the mic in french and shit english

stay off ausGOD servers

Are you guys actually frenchies or natives?

I played Project Reality one time with Aussies
Had a blast to be honest, way better than playing with europoors

>tfw was in the Caymans like a week ago
>tfw didn't even shitpost with their faggot flag
I fucked up lads. there's no going back.

I remember playing with two brothers from brazil a few years back. I asked them if i could borrow 20 cents to catch the bus.