What does Sup Forums think of race-mixing?

What does Sup Forums think of race-mixing?

Does Sup Forums have approved mixes?

Pic related is of Spanish father and native american mother.

don't know don't care, I do know that mullatos often look better than white and black women %-wise.

I think black girls are hot. If my kids are half-breeds then idc. I'll be the first to make fun of them

Mixed girls can always be cute in any combination.

Mixed men are disgusting and should be hanged in public

Half-jap girls are fine, otherwise NONE of this shit is okay

don't care about non-whites mixing

white mixed girls are usually pretty cute

white mixed guys are random. they can be either really attractive or ugly manlets

This is what Mexicans originally looked like when Spain raped Native American women hundreds of years ago. How did they go from this to the hideous gremlins you see before you today?

Never seen a mixes person that I've been attracted to except for one 1/4 asian

Their natives didn't get reservation'd/rekt, and there was a lot more of them





I personally prefer the white and Mexican mix.

Her mother is not 100% amerindian, that's for sure.

Who is that

hang them

some Anglo-Indians look good, and if you're not a fan of browness, it is completely bred out in a small amount of generations
t. Anglo-Indian

It depends. I don't like racemixing for white + Native American.

Mestizo males are meh and don't look manly

t. greek

Mexican isn't a race


It generally produces gross abominations.

hispanic people are white according to americans, this isn't race mixing

Poverty produces gross abominations


Superior taste. Weird hairline though.

Are Latinos even different race from whites?


mexicans are a mixture of white+amerindian
white and mexican mix is like 3/4 white

Hispanics as in pure Spaniards are pretty much Caucasian, though some have small amounts of North African blood. Mexicans are typically Hispanic-Amerindian mixes with varying degrees of either. In eastern coastal areas of Mexico there is some African genetic input too.



Isn't that the kind of hairline many Native Americans have? I'm almost sure.

Hispanic is such a retarded name, come to think of it. If you're a Latino and non white because of your Native American ancestors, wouldn't it be better to refer to yourself as Part Native American in the US?

Although I guess that would created conflict with Northern Native Americans and how they're treated by the Government given British (and then US) colonization.



Also West (Costa chica) and Mexico City natives
Everyone looks better with a bit of something else, especially whites with a bit of black/Asian/native in their for good measure. Gives their faces good shape.

>Isn't that the kind of hairline many Native Americans have? I'm almost sure.
Yes, but not often that pronounced. It's common on people with upper epicanthic folds.

>If you're a Latino and non white because of your Native American ancestors, wouldn't it be better to refer to yourself as Part Native American in the US?

Yes. I'm legit 50-50 Amerindian & White of Mexican background. I tried filling out my ethnicity data for college entry as Native American and White but got in trouble because Mexican Natives apparently don't count and we're just supposed to file ourselves under "Hispanic". It's idiotic.

European colonists created the Spain centric identities, the indigenists today are mostly Chicano mestizos who dance around with turkey feather clothing in LA as Aztecs.

There is an interesting Turtle Island scene which is international north American resistance.


Is "latino" = White + Native American?

Because in Brazil we have call mullatoes "negros" and North African quadroon looking people "pardo".

Argentina, Uruguay and Spain are hispanic or not? American scientists explain me pls

Argentina and Uruguay are majority mestizo countries.

Spain is European


It's incorrect because indigenous identity is under the realm of BIA, one is legally native American and provided the privileges of Native American status only if one is of a federally recognized nation, enrolled and fulfills BQ requirements.

Mexican natives are natives of the Americas but they are not native americans (some were provided with American citizenship though)
Maybe where you live but the demographic reports I've read seem to point to a regional variation of terminologies.

What is considered black in far south Brazil may be considered White in Northeast and vice versa.

There are dark and light mulattoes, sararas & cabo verdes, browns, brunettes and ainokos.

Latino is Portuguese or Spanish speaking peoples of the new world OP. West coast, Midwest and southwest people think mestizo, East Coast people think mulattos, quadroons, "Spanish" blacks and mestizos.

Yes, it's a cultural/language-related/historical term used to refer to any country that has had ties with the Spanish Empire, so that includes Spain itself.

It's not a racial term (there's that "White Hispanic", which is retarded as shit, because you don't see "White Anglo" or anything like that).

Latino is the term used to refer to Latin American people. Then again, not a racial term. If the American system was a little better, most Latinos in the US would check a "Part Native American/Amerindian" box.

>the indigenists today are mostly Chicano mestizos who dance around with turkey feather clothing in LA as Aztecs.
The mental image is pretty fucking funny.

Something similar happens here with younger Latino immigrant generations, but not as hardcore.

Yeah, it's fucking weird and stupid.

Again, I think it's because of that specification of Americans referring to Native Americans to their own indigenous people and not those under the US border, because of all the rights in reparations they might get.


>East Coast people think mulattos, quadroons

When I put "Latino" on google, all of the pics are Native American looking people

eurasians can be fine
mullattos are always utter garbage

The same as "hispanic people". Only Native American looking people.

Cuba >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile and Mexico

>It's incorrect because indigenous identity is under the realm of BIA, one is legally native American and provided the privileges of Native American status only if one is of a federally recognized nation, enrolled and fulfills BQ requirements.

But it's still dumb that I was forced to choose the Hispanic/Latino option. The white part of my Mexican family weren't even Spaniards, they were French miners and Bavarian rednecks who immigrated to Mexico in the early 1800s. The question about being a Native American with official tribal connections was in a separate box. This question was only asked me to check off all races that apply to me. I checked Native American and White (French, German, Maya and Tepehuan). But they told me to just omit the Native American part and say I was white and to also check the Hispanic/Latino option. There should just be racial option for Amerindian and have the question of whether or not you're connected to an American Indian tribe left separate.

>Again, I think it's because of that specification of Americans referring to Native Americans to their own indigenous people and not those under the US border, because of all the rights in reparations they might get.

That's exactly it but it really illustrates the US issue with being unable to see ethnicity and race as two separate things.


Eurasians = Absolutely shit tier for men, feminine manlets, no jaw, ugly heads, excellent for women sometimes

Mulattoes and Quadroons = Absolutely shit tier for women, ugly noses, excellent for men sometimes, average height and masculine traits

Looks like a really fucking ugly tranny

>That's exactly it but it really illustrates the US issue with being unable to see ethnicity and race as two separate things.
That has always been my biggest gripe with the term Hispanic/Latino. Even though it's not a racial term, people still use it as such anyways. You can have a a white guy of German descent, a black guy of Ugandan descent, and a native from Peru, but because they were all born in ex-Spanish colonies, they're all Hispanic/Latino in the eyes of the US federal government and its people. You spics!