I wish I were american

I wish I were american

Why though, Japanese person?

because burger, american dream, big house... etc

>wanting to be fat

But you already are, Brandon-san

doesn't exist anymore. I always wanted to be japanese. no weebo just i like how respectful everybody is

stop kidding me,America is #1 at almost every field

america is the shittiest shit

>Japs wanted to be American 100 years ago
>Japs still want to be American now
Some things never change.

>muh freedumbs
>muh murrican dream
>being #1 at anything (besides playing world police)

who is kidding here?

like what? nothing really matters if the people you have to coexist with are ignorant selfish assholes

No. IT'S NOT. Japan is shiteiest shit

America is greatest countryin human history

I'm going to bed and if I see this thread archived with 60 percent or more posts being made by Japs, I will fucking dox the next Jap I find in CSGO. I am so done with this shit. Goodbye you fucking faggots. I hate you all get a life

#1 economy
#1 industry
#1 entertainment
#1 food
#1 higher education
#1 millitary
#1 music

i never thought of it that way. thanks

Daily reminder that New Zealand has more freedom than America


You can! Just come over and you'll be a full Americano, just like my illegal immigrant parents. :^)

yeah. American doesn't have freedom to fuck goat or sheep

b-but I am born in Japan with shitty Japanese accent ;_;

I hate myself and parents for being so Japanese

America also doesn't give you the freedom to deny your war crimes and rape schoolgirls, so I'm not sure if it's the place for you

your post is fucking boring. get the fucking out from my thread. Aussie cunt

You can get most of those things by being in a comparatively more free western country. I implore you to look elsewhere.

wew deez bantz!

>it's a "nip monkey types in agitated broken English" episode

I want these things too. When do I get them?

>someone has other opinion
>waaah gtfo my thread

i'm going to japan tho, what's going to stop me ?

what would you even do differently if you were american? none of our national supremacy matters shit to you unless you're wealthy; you'd probably just be another average sexless wageslave like most of us

who tf delet my post

Now now, let's not take credit away from the Brits here

It's okay, Japan bro. Come here and eat burger, and you'll turn american.

We can make an American of you yet little man: even the most akward shrimp like you can put on an accent and a few pounds in Texas.

Can't you get most of these things just from being fluent at English?

Maybe a lot of things the "Japanese" user is fantacizing about America are mostly found in more rural areas? I would rather live in a nice clean Japanese city like tokoyo than in either of the big cities in America.

It's either Wales, Achmeds, or both

Are the people here really Japanese or are they all proxyfags?

rawhide kobayashi

>Implying Achmed would fuck a sheep over sissy Brit boypucci

Japan is a country full of attractive sex starved women. It seems like a sexual goldmine. I envy the japanese.

English teachers, Koreans living in japan, proxy fags (usually from korea), and a few Japanese that are here to screen cap nice things said about the Japanese so that they can post about it in their Chinese cartoon board.

>attractive women

Doesn't change the fact that its still a fuckin shithole, if you are not part of the 1%.

>lives in an actual shithole

i wan't to be american too, mostly because i like guns.

more like if you are well educated, sure it's fucking shit if you are homeless and stuff and that indeed is one of the main criticism for america, some people don't understand it though which leads to an image of america that isn't quite the truthfull.

Why is your flag a picture of Kermit's asshole?

>a fucking flower


2 nukes werent enough apparently

Haha this guy again. In reality, USA is close to second world.

america is nice, they have guns, the food is cheap, the internet is good, and sutff in general is cheap too

and we're getting closer with each immigrant

I used to be American, I switched to French and so far never got to regret it.
Fate had me born in the wrong country, a lot of annoying paperwork changed this.

Is that a real map? is there really such a thing as "sheep porn"? any good titles for the curious but open-minded neophyte?

>sutff in general is cheap too
Yeah America has "cheap stuff", too bad it's not just "inexpensive".

You can all come to america if you bring the anime industry with you, japan-kun.

Never works. Hollywood would shit it up.
Anime needs to be commercially viable but not money-grubbing.

Please don't do this you can come if u burn anime industry ching lee

And with a straight face, you're going to tell students that America is so starspangled awesome that we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, BELGIUM has freedom! Two hundred and seven sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom.

There is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we're the greatest country in the world. We're seventh in literacy, twenty-seventh in math, twenty-second in science, forty-ninth in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, number four in labor force, and number four in exports. We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defense spending, where we spend more than the next twenty-six countries combined, twenty-five of whom are allies. None of this is the fault of a 20-year-old college student, but you, nonetheless, are without a doubt a member of the WORST-period-GENERATION-period-EVER-period, so when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about! Yosemite?

you already Canadian enough. Chinks=American. so good for you if you go to Chinada insted.

everyone struggles to get to the top by any means necessary, welcome to capitalism bud

>everyone struggles to get to the top
Not everyone. I visited Europe where I discovered that I had risen "high enough" (flauting one's money is seen as vulgar here so there's no incentive to become a billionaire when you're a millionaire).
So I moved in a comfy place in Paris and lived happily everafter, never ever working a single day in my life (at least that's the plan).

Bill Gates and the others can have "the top" for all I care, for myself I'm going to spend that money I foolishly amassed instead of trying to earn even more.
The way "down" is a lot better than my "rise to the top" was.

Is this the "murrican dream"?


That's fucking horrid, I'd point and laugh if I saw someone this fat lol

Wish I lived in California, I'd be all day having sex with easy girls of every colour

If you don't have money in cali you'll be having sex with nothing. Doesn't matter how good looking you are this state is rich snobbery. Try New York.

itt americans using japanese IP to post messages about how cool USA is, real americans munching on the bait
Jesus thats pathetic

You have been american already since 1945.おめでとう!




Bang ! it's the ultra Capitalism paradise

but I'd be a foreigner with an exotic accent, that has to count for something