How much truth is there to this?

How much truth is there to this?

Other urls found in this thread:重慶爆撃

you started that dessert thread too huh

i know your kind

In your case, there is as much as you are willing to acknowledge, takashi.

It's bullshit. Manchuria and Taiwan were prosperous under Japanese rule while Chinese run territories were poor backwards shit hole so the Chinese have to villainize Japanese rule as much as possible.

Every massacre and "genocide" is an exaggeration: Armenian, Jewish, Rape of Nanking etc. Humans seem to like bombastic stories with huge casualty figures and binary good and evil morality.

That said, I can see why other Asians would be irritated that many Japanese genuinely and unironically believe they fought the war to "save" the other Asians from European colonialism.

You know Japan and Han KMT fought
Then KMT wanted US weapons and money to beat Japan. US wanted Asian economic colony.
So they made many propaganda.

before 1937, KMT and Communist Party fought many times in Nanjing

in 1937
Japan won in Nanjing against 100,000 KMT
German priest said no pubric was killed by Japanese army in his diary.

in 1938
US reserchers looked for bone around Nanjing for propaganda.
Then they said 20,000 were killed by Japanese.
But that was not so seriously accepted.

from 1937 to 1945
KMT said nothing about Nanjing though they made numerous propagandas about other war and victims. US used those propagandas too.

Suddenly KMT said Japanese killed 300,000 in Nanjing

KMT leader Chiang Kai-shek accepted Nanking was lie

Communist Party say Japan killed 300,000

Nanjing ended as a lie between Japan and KMT.
Only outsiders are still complaining.

>US wanted Asian economic colony.

So did you.

>wanting a united asia
>invade asian countries and kill their people

I mean they could have tried asking

The whole concept of a "United Asia" is something that only exists in the minds of people like /r/asianmasculinity.

I mean, what the hell does North India have in common with Japan? Or Syria? Or Pakistan?

I always used to tease my Chinese ex about this. She desperately didn't want to be associated under the umbrella term "Asian" because over here it means dirty paksters, so I'd jokingly tell her that Chairman Mao called Asians "brothers".

Don't listen to this faggot, lads, he's a Sup Forumstard.

There is a lot of truth to this, eye witnesses, confessions from Japanese soldiers, photos, shot footage, etc.

Why should anyone listen to a worthless piece of shit who is clearly more loyal to his ancestral land than he is to his naturalized homeland, as 80%+ of Overseas Chinese are?

I never said Japanese didn't commit atrocities, I said I don't believe the CCP's narrative that they killed 300k+ Chinese.

If you actually bothered to read eyewitnesses like Rabe, you'd realize their account isn't only of Japanese soldiers committing atrocities, but of Japanese officers and Generals bringing things under control (something Rabe claimed he was very grateful for) and punishing at least some of those who went overboard.

Woud you rather have commie china or kmt china

First person who said we need united asia is Hawaiian king in 1881.

>dude "genocide" is an exaggeration.

I've seen your posts, and you're nothing more but a poorly educated autist.

You contribute nothing to threads, but your own biased butthurt and bigotry.

>First person who said we need united asia is Hawaiian king in 1881.

What relevance does this have to what I said?

Why do Japanese even come here when they just sound like they're reading shit off of a script and can barely understand English?

I'll repeat, for your benefit: Japanese didn't fight a war to free Asians from European colonialism. It's ridiculous to genuinely believe your elites believed in this altruistic concept and were prepared to sacrifice everything for it.


Not interested in your propaganda movies.

before Sun Yat-sen died
from 1925 to 1950
after 1950

>poorly educated

Have you even read Rabe's diary?


Coming from a East Asian, this always makes me laugh. Your self-pitying routine doesn't work on us, we know just how ethnocentric and hateful of other races most of you are. You don't give a damn about "anti-racism", you just resent having to share a country where the white devil predominates.

This video use Japanese official document.

Japanese rule can be only argued to have benefited natives against European Colonialism in Burma and Vietnam where in both situations they helped locals directly against their colonial masters and in the case of Burma even allowed them to declare independence.

Everywhere else even massacres aside things went to shit. It's pretty accepted that the Japanese invaded the region to use the resources and use the resources they did.

They implemented their own "banana" currency in Malaya and hyperinflation soon set in since they printed it indiscriminately whenever they lacked for it. Of course some shortage was due to the war but anecdotally the wad of worthless cash you'd exchange for bread at the market would be bigger than the bread itself towards the end.

No voice for the people and a reign of terror. That's what Japanese rule was like. Going by all accounts, it was much worse than European Colonialism.

I dont think Japan needs to grovel and harbor collective guilt, or apologize forever either. But the fact Japanese people genuinely believe things like the invasion of China were motivated by wholly altruistic motives is bizarre.

Shut the fuck up you autistic spammer
You need get permabanned from this board

Taiwanese can enjoy Japanese days.
Korean old people are killed when they say Japanese were good friends but united nations were shit.

This is what freedom of expression is.


This Chinese or Korean always try to ban any word.
Someone who don't know freedom of expression use such way.

Probably a lot.

But just like the other holocaust, no one gives a shit.

No please. Just let him express his opinion.



1.This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language. Please be respectful.

Please be respectful.
Look again!
Please be respectful.

Tadao Takemoto and Yasuo Ohara point out about the alleged atrocities in Nanking: "The representatives of the refugee camps of nineteen places established in the Safety Zone were all the Chinese, except Miss Minnie Vautrin. Though those Chinese took charge of the maintenance of public order in these camps, there were some Chinese officers who camouflaged themselves as if they were citizens. And many cases of rape occurred in the refugee camps. After February 1938 when the camps were dissolved, rape was rare. Therefore, we are not able to trust the crimes of Japanese soldiers just as the Chinese representatives of the refugee camps claimed. The Chinese soldiers hiding in the Safety Zone camouflaged themselves to create the impression that looting and rapes had been committed by Japanese soldiers, to practice one of a series of Chinese strategies for the purpose of throwing Japanese soldiers into confusion."

Here is a data of The Rape of Berlin, which was happened in the summer of 1945, Soviet soldiers caught many German women for raping, and massacred so many German civilians. The pregnancy rate of The Rape of Berlin was 23%. And then Chinese government has been accusing 20,000 to 80,000 of Chinese women were raped by Japanese soldiers. As far as I could work it out, at least 4,600 to 18,400 Chinese women should have become pregnant after a set period of time. Furthermore, the big baby boom should have taken place in Nanking 10 months after the fall of Nanking. Have you heard 4.600 of Japanese and Chinese mixed parentage babies were born in China?

Chinese people are always barking lies like dogs. Tell the truth; what Chinese people said about the Nanking Massacre and the Senkaku problem does not have any conclusive evidence. In addtion, they believe that telling lies 100 times, this could have lead to becoming true story from the lies. The Chinese have appealed the Nanking Massacre was caused by Japanese even people don’t have any witnesses about that. Now, Chinese people are telling Okinawa is Chinese territory. We have to be careful because the Chinese conspiracy which means China will get Okinawa from Japan might work. They are telling lies enthusiastically even their story was ridiculous theory, so some people will be mind controlled by their lies. Now they are waiting another stupid historian agree with them. Unfortunately, there is a stupid person who wants to agree with them. Country China is a bribe society. Therefore, all over the world will be occupied by China someday.


Recently, a Chinese American named Iris Chang wrote a book entitled, The Rape of Nanking. It tells about the brutal massacre by the Japanese in Nanking. It became a bestseller in the USA and other countries, and spread the lie of the Nanking Massacre. Later, Chang’s book was much criticized by many other authors. It has been pointed out that what she wrote and the photos in her book were not related to the so-called Nanking Massacre. She shot herself by pistol and died in 2004. The London Economist magazine commented that she had committed suicide perhaps because her book was much criticized and she was deeply depressed about it.

Iris Chang is not a very good source of even great massacre perspective anyway. She is a sensationalist journalist not a historian...

>Although the research in Japanese remains superior to that in English and Chinese, this was not always the case. Surprisingly, perhaps, much of the primary material on Nanjing was originally written and published in English. The two central collections of primary materials – given the discussion of the Chinese literature, it is ironic to note that both these works were products of GMD (Guomindang) propaganda – consist of works published in English very soon after the incident itself: H. J. Timperley ed., What War Means: The Japanese Terror in China – A Documentary Record (1938), and Hsü Shuhsi ed., Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone (1939). This head-start has not however been maintained. The first major monograph on Nanjing to be published in English after Hsü was the problematic work by Iris Chang, The Rape of Nanking (1997), a work that can only be described as frequently fabricated and/or fictitious. Following the publication of Chang, historians have at last started to write in English about this important event in Sino-Japanese history. Joshua A. Fogel’s edited work, The Nanjing Massacre in History and Historiography (2000), is by any standard an impressive work, albeit one that focuses on the historiography rather than the history of Nanjing. Although flawed, both Honda Katsuichi, The Nanjing Massacre: A Japanese Journalist Confronts Japan’s National Shame (1999) and Hua-ling Hu, American Goddess at the Rape of Nanking: The Courage of Minnie Vautrin (2000), are important contributions.15 One of the latest in the long run of recent publications in English includes Masahiro Yamamoto, Nanking: Anatomy of an Atrocity (2000), a work that is easily the most objective historical account of Nanjing in the English-language literature to date.16

I can't really say anything as a Brit, we went to war with hem twice because they had the audacity to try and stop us from turning their people into opium addicts.


I don't like Netouyo nor anti-Netoiyo.
Here is where we talk with foreign people in English.
If you want to talk in Japanese, you should go to the Japanese thread.

There was a massacre, but the death toll was not higher than 40,000

the 300,000 figure is a politically loaded exaggeration. One of the biggest propaganda coups of the 20th century

Love and Peace!
Happy Ending!

The paradigm of "ヘイト" as it exists in Japan is totally absurd; it implies that in-group preference is inherently evil and therefore threatens the Volksgemeinschaft/Kokutai/Mingchok etc when introduced into homogenous nations like ROK and Japan. The cosmopolitan bourgeois who push these paradigms need to be hung from lamp posts.

If in the future China somehow beats America or makes it so that they don't help Japan anymore will Japanese people be afraid of China coming to their country?

Did someone link this thread to Japanese 2chon?

This is false. Chinese in ROC and PRC all suffered greatly under Japan and hate them.

You know normally I would say something to poke on the japanese but I will be honest here: I dont know. I just heard it somewhere that there was a massacre there but I have done no research on this topic.

I thought japs only denied warcrimes ironically

>I dont know
Educate yourself fucking retard

wtf is this gook speak.
Rearn engrish motherfuckers :3


>Educate yourself fucking retard
>says the burger with a wikipedia link
wikipedia is not a history book retard.
Try to use it for a bachelor/master/doctor work and see what happens.

Much more likely is that America returns to 19th century style insularism just as relations between Asian countries to the point of conflict.
You'd like to think though that a modern state, even totalitarian China, that invaded a neighbour, would be a bit like the dog with a spinning wheel.


I wouldn't remotely try to whitewash all the things Japan did during WW2, but as for the particular book itself written by a Chinese ethnic, it's anything but a bag of bullshit from the first page to the last.

I saw that the word rape could be reorganized to rare pepe and my autism forced me to make this

You didn't even read the link. Come back when you're less ignorant. Until then just fuck off retard.


and you dont get that wikipedia is not a viable source.
Stay pleb cunt


korean plz go

Who cares if it's 40k or 400k, the China Incident was a big shitfest and Nanking was one of many whoopsie dasie battles involving large civilian casualties brought upon by both sides.
Pales in magnitude compared to Chongqing bombings by IJN or breach of dykes by NRA anyway.

ching chong chang

All Japanflag posters with a solid comprehension of English are either expats or chons. This is solid empirical fact and all who deny this statement are probably chon-chink shills who also work for Soka Gakkai. By the way, I'm a TRUE AND HONEST yamato man so you can believe every word I utter with utmost certainty. Whippie doodie doo!

t. gay american teacher

Hey man, next time, just ask the other person how he feels about certain things, instead of assuming things based on statistical probabilities and stereotypes.

I'm not some fuckin Yank, Ahmed. Isn't it prayer time in Birmingham now?

t. gay swede

Fuck off you slimy John Bull shithead, I'm Japanese and you better believe it.

t. gay nip

Every goddamn Japanese WWII wiki reads like a defense of Japan. It's ridiculous.重慶爆撃
Okay, that doesn't sound too bad....
Are you shitting me?
THERE ARE MULTIPLE THEORIES GUYS (They're all EQUALLY as valid and accepted!)

t. homosexual war crime denier

Bomb a chink nobody blink
Lemay maymay make big stink

the only warcrime I'm gonna deny here is rape of your mom!!! shut up!


Sounds unbiased

>the only warcrime I'm gonna deny here is rape of your mom!!! shut up!
why can't you nips post like this more often?

Because it's probably not a nip

because it's probably that german fag with a vpn

Fuuuuck that book. Fairly accurate from what I recall.

fair enough

Nips confirmed for being unfunny

Self pitying?

M8, you're one to talk.

I'm not even Asian, but the fact that you immediately straw man as another Asian just shows that you yourself are bigoted.

Don't try and redirect this on me.

Please believe!

Nah. I don't believe you

I'm not going to believe you're real either, how do you feel now you limy fink?