I mean how can you even be racist!

I mean how can you even be racist!

Other urls found in this thread:


So shiny

Nubian queen

Imagining how she speaks

You realize that's a white girl in black face right?


What a weird head

Goddess yaaaassss slay

That is NOT a black woman.

Are the crystal gems.

It is a black girl
Look at her lips and nose bitch ass nigga

racemixed master race

>bitch ass nigga

Where did you get so ghetto m8 ?

damnnn I'd love for her to pierce my balls with her 8 inch heels

In a way, banging a race mixed girl (black and white, and with a bit of greek) is the closest you'll ever get to banging someone who looked like an ancient egyptian.


i'm not, but stay home

Not really m8

Ancient egyptians just looked like modern egyptians, the genes in mummies are nearly identical to modern egyptians

While there would have been a fair amount of race mixing in places like Alexandria or Nubia your average Nile delta farmer looks the same today as he would have 5000 years ago

That's a man. R-right?

Oh for sure.

Egypts population was certainly race mixed, no doubt about it.

it's just that when they found skulls and teeth, they both had similarities to negroids and caucaisoids.

Just some interesting food for thought.

Sudanese women are so fucking hot


who knows, how do we know girls on the internet are not traps?

is it a new anzu's cosplay?

Please don't post disgusting Americans.

Jesus she is so hot

Yeah it is interesting

However Sudanese, Ethiopians and Somalians aren't actually Negros

"Negros" or Bantus are basically all the black peoples in Africa south of the Sahara and west of the central mountain chain in the Congo

The "Afro Asiatic" race (shitty name desu) is everyone east of that, they look mostly like pic related, thin faces, big noses and some what Caucasian facial features, they're also usually really thin and tall as opposed to the big bulky negro physique

I wouldn't really mind, tbqh famalam.


Garunteed, for the limited interaction that they had with other civilisations, there were negro empires that were pretty impressive.

The Mali Empire, the Axumites.

Though I will never understand why there are blacks who feel the need to feel superior through other blacks who are not their own.

I mean fuck it, i'm black, but the past is in the past. I'd rather be learning about the Romans.

Are the crystal gems.


Black girls are disgusting

>Though I will never understand why there are blacks who feel the need to feel superior through other blacks who are not their own.

It's just retardation and a massive sense of inferiority

Rather than just accept that the people who hate them on principal are just morons they try and beat them at their own game

Those drooling retards on Sup Forums who live in a trailer park and live on foodstamps spamming their info graphics about false crime stats are just the white versions of those retards who go on twitter and start arguments about how the Egyptians were all west African Negros and how they personally deserve recognition/reparations for this fact

Anyone who derives their selves esteem from the actions of other people is a moron and not worth engaging in on any level intellectually

>"Negros" or Bantus

No idiot. Negro means Black. They are Black.


>I'm black
>Aussie flag
The cucky country!

t. abd

who cares? it's not like any girl from any race would fuck me

It's a racial classification


t. Zhang

This, waifus are better and will always be perfect

Bruh, my gf is a qt

Black girls look like apes

t. Abd-Allah

Easily. That's just gross.

>Hates blacks

>Uses black american twitter lingo

Am I being rused?

I don't hate black people.
They're just really ugly

>Black girls look like apes
All Humans ARE apes, dumbass.

What about weeb black girls?

Highly evolved apes, except for nignogs

What's it like being a queer?

>Black girls look like apes

huhhhh, no


That's still ape.

That thing looks like a man



They have far fewer typically negroid physical features, though. There are roughly three or four major phenotype groups in Africa and the ones typically associated with the "nigger from nigger africa" look are the Khoi, the Bantu and most especially the Congoid types. Sudanese and other Africans near the horn have been getting culturally enriched by levantine and semetic peoples for thousands of years and so despite them often having extremely dark skin they also have many physical features associated with non-Africans as well.

Also, it's incredibly disingenuous to post American blacks in these threads; the North American Field Nigger (Dindunuffin Watermelonius ssp. Gibsmedat) is ~20% European on average and most of the ones posted in these threads (especially the ones that look like , and the one on the right in ) are probably in the range of 40%-60% if not higher. Look beyond skin color and look up pictures of actual un-blanda'd Africans in Africa for reference as well.

that is terrifying.

What the fuck is that? Looks like a mixture of a fish and a retarted monkey with 10kg of makeup on.

That is a white girl with black skin. Come on man.

Fuck me lad that's perfection


You just went full retard. Koi-San are light skinned with chinky eyes. They were never enslaved or shipped to America.

>They were never enslaved or shipped to America.
I never said they were.

>lips nose jawline and forehead
>white features
memetic racist are the worst, they don' t even know about facial features
she is a cute

Because they're not all qt girls?

impossible :3

The girl that appears a few times around 50 seconds though. don't know who she is


helou is this the thread wheer wii post qute nigger womin?



Blacks in general


ok :^)

thanks for the new fetish


pretty simple, bend her over the table fuck her without consent and say she consented to 'rough sex' have cops agree. Why most "afro-americans" are over 50% eurodick.

>Chocolate and Vanilla

what the fuck is up with her voice

The only thing stopping me from tapping chocolate asshole is fear of AIDS and fear of normies but that that doesn't stop me from being racist or not wanting these booty monkeys in my country.

she is rising the pitch to imitate anime I suppose,
she still a qt though

>The only thing stopping me from tapping chocolate asshole is fear of AIDS
do they banned condom in animeland?

pretty sure the ones around the horn of Africa have different skulls too they're almost a different race

How exactly could they have different facial structure without having different skulls?

All Africans have different skullshapes and look very different regionally.
A Somalian and a Nigerian have more genetic difference than a Englishman and a Chinaman.
That's why they all look so different too, and the "le 50% white meme" is often wrong since some africans are just lighter skinned as seen in this picture.

>A Somalian and a Nigerian have more genetic difference than a Englishman and a Chinaman.

To elaborate, this is due to years of isolation and having fewer great migrations and invasions than Eurasia.

How does a negro react when you make monkey noises in front of it?


This is correct.
Ethiopians, Somalians, and Sudanese are actually all caucasian.
They're a part of the hamitic ethnic group, whereas egyptians, which are arab, are I think semitic.

10/10 chick and dope track too

are you aware of the flag you're posting under?

I just laugh and keep on walking.


It's highly probable that Egyptians were race mixed.


i'm into black girls and all those are great
but op looks like a fucking alien it's disgusting

also i'm still racist anyways it has nothing to do with sexual preference honestly


>h-hey guys I'm racist!

Racists have low IQs, boss.

Don't be a dumb arse.



>tfw moving to Colorado for the dudeweed and black qts

I mean how could you not ?

All world strongest man champion are white.
All 100 m. runner champions are black.

It is clear, when you remove motivation training and diet from the equation what is left is genetics. Thus some races are clearly better than others in doing specific things.

by definition this statement is both racist and true - thus every thinking person is by extension a racist