Dont worry guys were going to show those pesky refugees

Dont worry guys the white race will come back from our fertility rates

Dont worry guys our legacies will live on

we are totally not dying out guys



kill whitey

Hi friends

There is no white race, Europe has been the genetic dumping ground of the Eurasian land mass for the last 4000 years all modern euros are mixed to the point of absurdity

Everything that retards here attribute to the white race is just the result of the greatness of western civilization, it has nothing to do with genes

It doesn't matter what people look like in a hundred years, what matters is what they think and believe and how they act

The whites will mix with other races, and western culture will continue to prevail.

Eat it.

>blue eyes


Pretty much this.

I remember reading a based thread on /his/ that said geography can play a huge part in the rise of civilisations.

The more contact you have with other civilisations, the greater your chances are of rising.

It's a recessive gene, the mother looks half black and the father had the genes from a parent probably so it presents in the kid


Hes just mad because Bulgaria has been half gipsy sub-human for generations already.


I will be long dead by the time the white race disappears. Why should I care?

#whitjenoside XDXD We MuST PRoteCT ThE WHtt RiCe FrOM tHE SHitSKIn HoArds XD

Shalom Moshe

>dude jews, lmao

Inshallah, Habibi.

Seig Heil!

who is the true god of europe and why is it hitler and his prophet ben garrison?


Why the fuck are so many Bulgarians stormfags?

Most turks are genetically more white than you

You literally all look like Nazi anti Slavic propaganda

Pic related

The 2050 canadian is so fucking ugly

they'll turn hazel before the kid is 10

happened to me, my eyes turned hazel in high school

slav here
am i white aswell?

I am greek
am i white?

What will become of whites do you think? Will we be seen as elves in a hundred years? An advanced race that is no more, the only things left of us being our inventions?


It would be a Finn advocating Asian supremacy