
French OP killed the nan edition

Other urls found in this thread:


crayon pop

>frog OP

Worse than yanks


good lad


I'm a citizen of the world

*reads your post*
*disregards it*

Based Harvey

Hi lads.


girl I've worked with for a year just forgot my name

How do I permanently get away from normies lads

this works for me


i hate quiche

Where in the UK do I go for qt Jap girls?

>quiche for breakfast


is gay lmao

>being so uninteresting a co-worker forgets your name

no humble brags please, it triggers me

the pic specifically said "white"

We learned from the best!

lol get BTFO you irrelevant abnromie FREAK

Brighton has a nice nip contingent

6/10 gimmick
I'd be willing to buy you out for £2.51 and a slightly melted kitkat

Got splashed by some grinning cunt in a Renault Captur lads.

Currently daydreaming about what life have been like if I had just a tiny bit less self control and had thrown that loose brick I've had within an arms' reach at her car when she stopped at a red a few yards down the road. And then beaten the shit out of her once she left her vehicle to complain.

What do you think lads would I go to prison?

and we rolled all night
and we rolled all day
to spend my money on sally brown

The French?

london mate. golders green area

Watching the Leicester City documentary from last night and enjoying a spot of breakkie lads

quiche is definitely a lunch thing.

because you're hot???

Birmingham uni

think i've re-fractured my clavicle

thought you lot ate salty stuff for breakfast all the time

My French gf is a bit chubby but she's a nice girl and cooks well so I look beyond that.

I still call her mon petit Porcinet though haha.

>The French?


Business idea: Shampoo that unfractures your clavicle


Not even memeing when i say this, you should probably turn yourself in before they start looking for you.

I came to that realisation the other day

i wish i had a fucken toaster

The thought police?

fried breakfast at the weekend or special occasions but normally no not really unless you're a fat unhealthy shite.

quiche shouldn't be that salty either mate.

>sinn sage finally doing a boy girl scene

ate altogether too many sausages for breakfast lads

it's called a collarbone you posh twat

Need to get my shit together, lads. When I'm off work I pretty much just get fucked up everyday and not leave the house.

Been off work 4 days and can't even remember them.

This shitty fucking weather doesn't help things.

i'm the best ninja in europe

it is if you're a yank and have poor hygiene

>Earning £60,000/year
>Bought a 3 bed room in an upper class northern village(mortgage paid off)
>Wife is an aryan STEM PHD graduate
>Getting a purebred labrador soon
>Not seen a rasheed or mosque in years
>literally going to breed master race children

>londoncucks face when they will NEVER own a property

B-b-b-but the c-c-countryside is b-boring!!

They don't want me to tell you.

A gf would sort that out

>mon petit Porcinet
>not "my petite porcinette"
How feminine is her penis?

What sort a third world country is Sweden?

>my """""french gf"""""
Jesus Fucking Christ the normies are here

>that salty

don't know how you categorise things in english but here we use sweet - salty

so salty just means "not sweet"

Enjoyed the glimpse of Ballbag in this post desu

The opposite of sweet here is "savoury"

I don't speak French and I just looked up the frog name for the Winnie the Pooh character.

She didn't correct me either, she just laughs at it but I think it motivates her to lose weight since she lost quite a bit since we started dating.

*springs myself towards you while thrusting my patella right into your mandible*

we call that savoury

Yup. Need to get me a bitch.

moot never intended for threads to become segregated chat rooms

>not having a toaster in the current year
buy a fucking toaster you lunatic


end your life

>the state of french cuisine

Well you've got a job, maybe your own place..

You're eligible m8, get on it instead of getting smashed. Might even enjoy yourself.

the gf i.4cdn.org/gif/1463471269390.webm

might have some chips

first time i hear this
good to know i guess

moot a shit, bring back snacks

If your wife is a PhD graduate (meaning she's in her mid twenties at the latest) and you don't have kids yet you are never going to make it.

moot was fucking shit anyway

8 of the 14 threads on the front page of Sup Forums are generals

proof that race mixing was never meant to be

This confuses the frog

she's a keeper

legit issues there

Doctor: seems you've broken your arm
Ahh you mean I fractured my deltoid tuberosity?
*grins like a retard*

seems a bit mental haha

Qu'est-ce que tu racontes, l'ami ?

Salé, c'est qui contient du sel. Sucré ou doux, qui contient du sucre. Acide ou aigre, c'est pour l'acide, savoureux c'est pour l'umami, et c'est surtout amer qu'on voit comme l'opposé de sucré.

Sucré-salé c'est quand on met du sucre dans un plat normalement salé, sinon il y a aigre-doux pour le mélange acide/sucré et doux-amer pour les combinaison amer/sucré (que les anglais appellent "bitter-sweet").

just another day in grimsby haha


rude as


seen this one before, she has a youtube channel where she acts like a retard for attention

well she's escalated since the last time I saw her videos

I'm the janny, watch me delete this


imagine being such a deluded chav you think british cuisine is better

for a girl she's legit funny

can I get that in writing?

t. Moot

Lol no.

would slap on my speedos and go spelunking in her rear end desu

je voulais dire les non-autistes distinguent les plats sucrés (pas desserts) et les plats salés (desserts)

yo wtf

I'll be the judge of that

link us to one of her funny videos


that's the gf you're talking about mate... don't let it happen again :) x


downloaded a new JAV