Lmao fucking dropouts

Lmao fucking dropouts.

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hahaha spain

lmao @ albos

i dropped out and have been a NEET for 10 years.

>living with parents at 25

How is this even possible?

lmao @ ur lyfe

at least you're not a woman tho tbhfam



What's so bad about living with parents?


They asked people in the 18-24 range "Did you drop out?"

I have a lot of friends and some relatives who have done their Masters degrees in Sweden. They have all said that it is virtually impossible to drop out from university in Sweden because you are quite literally "taken care of like a baby" and all the assignment dates are very relaxed and forgiven if you miss them.

I'm not implying that's a bad thing btw.

dunno dude but im kinda biased cuz im a Greek desu

You're like a child.

You can't drop out school afaik. It's illegal.

school in this case may be referring to Bachillerato

Graduation rates aren't necessarily an indicator of intelligence. Possibly Swedish schools are simply shit easy to pass because they don't have a tiered system and the geniuses (and even normal people) are held to the same standard as the morons.

Gib NEETbux spain
You owe me
We wuz slaves n sheet

our school system is easy as fuck, literally an inbreed studying one hour a day can pass Bachiller with a 5


Quite probable because that range of age is exactly the: I just finished secondary school education (which is compulsory) and went to university for three or so years. At least here it is.

Not possibly. They are. And the future outlook with all those nu-Swedes is frightening.

Maybe don't talk about things you don't actually know anything about, though.

Oh do enlighten me then wise Swede.

Bachiller in spain isn't obligatory friend, many young people of 16-17 years old just drop out and get a job because it's fast money

that money is used on alcohol, drugs and other shit (even a car) because they still live in their parents house and don't have to pay for house/electricity, water, internet, etc

then they have to leave their parent houses and are still in their old job earning 700€ if lucky, they don't have any experience except working as a waitress or other lowjobs

in a nutshell, young people in spain are retarded

This is disturbing

Well, we don't have a one-size-fits-all school system for one. Secondly, all those foreigners just drop out all the same. They rarely make it to secondary education.


>one-size-fits-all school system
I have no idea what this is. Do you mean you don't have a state standardized system of education where all children have to learn the same things all across the country and take exams that are uniform for all?

Welfare. Would've moved out earlier if the state assisted me until 25. I was assisted by my parents instead.

mmmh, all these northern europeans posting during work time... unironically I'm in the my office right now kek

>I have no idea what this is.

I'm saying it works the opposite of what the German said. Pupils are held to different standards according to their abilities and academic interest (or lack thereof), most notably in secondary education. It's also true in primary education, where the kids who are good at math get more difficult workbooks and so on. There are national tests at both levels, but only for a certain core curriculum where passing marks are required, but not adequate on their own (you need more than that, depending on your program).

their banker overlords tell them so, no particular reason really, white people are very easily controlled by propaganda

So then... if these "easy lanes" exist in Sweden for the dumb and dumber.. why did you respond to me when I was right about it being easy?

I dont think its lawfully possible to drop out of school in the UK

Weren't you in agreement with the German, though?

> if these "easy lanes" exist in Sweden for the dumb and dumber..

There aren't really any "easy lanes". There is a national standard, and then there are systems of differentiated standards to challenge and encourage the gifted kids. And in secondary education, it gets differentiated a lot, obviously. And it's also not compulsory at that point.

>Weren't you in agreement with the German, though?
About the part of it being easy. Knowing of the higher education being easy I assumed it must hold for elementary and everything upwards too. I think you read too much into my reply to the German user: I didn't say a word about the system nor claimed knowledge of how it works.

Thanks for the clarification.

>he doesn't study american humor


It's not designed to be easy. It's designed to be differentiated based on your individual talents and interests, with a certain core curriculum.

>Knowing of the higher education being easy

Also, Swedish universities aren't categorically easy. Certainly not in areas where we excel (engineering, medicine, etc). Perhaps lenient, because they do wish you to succeed as a student. The difference in wording here is crucial. Also, the universities don't have anything to do with the school system. Completely different entities in every way.

dayuumm nigger

oh shit whadddup

>In the EU
>Switzerland and Norway

Do the lectures have laugh tracks and "APPLAUD NOW" lights in them?

Must be more than 14.4% here surely

I don't think there's anything wrong with it if you live in a country, like, you know, Jordan. In a financially strong country with a culture of independence like Sweden it is pretty weird yeah.

>NEET for 10 years.
How does walfere in Sweden works anyway? They are paying you off till whatever or? No, I'm not moving there, don't worry. Just being curious.

You get money as long as you keep on letting muhammad and jamal fuck you and your family

This happened when the track was lost and the lights broke.


This isn't serious, right?

I don't understand, I'm 29 but still live with my parents and fiancé. What's wrong with having a big and united family?

>mfw mum and to-be wife cook and do women stuff while me and my dad fuck around and build shit in the garage
>mfw my parents will just look after the kids when we make some
You guys are missing out desu

Dont you love your parents?

Dont you have parents that let you enjoy your privacy?

Dont you have parents that respect you as a human being?

drop outs are good for societies, we need manual workers

Pretty sure he barely gets any money at all. Most likely he actually lives with his parents. This isn't Finland.


*Manual workers are good for society.

Drop outs are a strain to the education system and bad for society because the resources (mostly time lost in potential work hours) could be used more rationally.

to build a house you don't need a dozens of architects

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Society doesn't need an army of people with degrees, but workers, possibly with a trade school education or on the site training.

You can't start getting loans at 18 if you keep living with your parents.

wtf how can you drop school at all
i thought it's only an american thing

You just stop studying, that's easy ivan.

Everybody wants to sit in a cubicle though.
Also most degrees are a freaking joke and the type of jobs people get with them could be done with a little on the job training.

just stop to attend classes? but it's illegal. in russia if a pupil do it a local prosecutor fucks the school administration very hard

>Iceland at 20%

So I guess like 10 people dropped out of school for whatever reasons.

That's not mandatory schooling anymore m8.

School is mandatory until you're 16 years old

>Everybody wants to sit in a cubicle though.
And this rotten mentality is carried up as high as country and even continent level leadership. It always makes me cringe when I hear yet another leader of a country speak about how he/she wants the citizens to become more specialized and do smarter jobs. Even the immigrant crisis is a good example of this phenomena. "We only want doctors, scientists and engineers", sounds familiar, right?

inb4 robot take over

>Russia has school lomisars to hunt down desertors of school
also 18-24 isnt mandatory school Ivan

>shaming people for dropping out of corrupt societies

Literally nothing if your parents actually respect your privacy and you contribute at home with paying bills/your own shit/chores. I think it's smarter than leaving your home with no job and getting some loan and starting a life of debt before you've even started earning and saving money desu.

B-but the real estate business could crash if there's no demand and the banks might fail if they don't earn pro.. er, I meant: support the economy.

nothing, but in north europe the brainwash propaganda to keep the real state bussinesmen rich have worked as intended.
I lived with my father until my granda died and i could use his house

Are you retarded or something? It's because you're poor.

Italians must be the poorest people in Europe then.

nobody can drop out of swedish schools because the only requirement there is to suck nigger dick

Well, there is some truth to that.

my parents could've buyed me a flat and then i could've payed them without getting a bank in our bussines but i kewn i dont need a house for my own as long as i dont start a family

>Poorer than lithuania or lativia

Tell that to the people who rejected me five days ago.

The job description was "Receptionist, with great written and spoken English and solid skills in another language, preferably French or Italian".
I fit the the above description. So I stroll in there, do the interview (to point out, my English was better than the interviewer's) and few days later get a rejection notice. "...we are sorry to inform you that we have found someone more qualified for the position...", you know the drill...

Why? Because I don't have a college education. I know the person they hired. She has a degree in economics at the local university, and pretty objectively, her English is horrid and she doesn't know a third language. She even told the person I was speaking with about that interview that some of the questions were "pretty confusing" and that she's glad they let her "take her time" to "gather her thoughts"

It's fucking personal questions, hobbies and "Why do you consider yourself qualified for this position" type of questions

Post your tits though.


You probably wouldn't be able to see my tits due to the immense amount of hair on my chest, growing all the way down to the area where the vagina is supposed to be, but instead, there's a penis there

of course they didn't choose you

she got the job because shes an attractive whore not because of a degree


And you wonder why you didn't get the job. Way to fucking debase yourself.

I know plenty of male receptionist. It's not like I applied to be a maid or room service. And to think you live in Sweden, you sexist bigot

I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a male receptionist. I'm not sure that I ever have...

>It's not like I applied to be a maid or room service.

It kind of is.

I don't go around showing my chest hair. I'm neatly shaved and fit, don't have a sickly disposition or rotten teeth or anything that wouldn't qualify me to stand behind a desk. The only disadvantage is that I'm not a woman, but as I said, I know plenty of male receptionists as well. And they "symptomatically" work for foreign hotels

And I thought it was Serbia that was gay...


Whatever. I lost my dignity after dropping out of college, and I can't afford a buy in again

>thinking anyone else is gay

Spain is literally (and I do mean that) the gayest country in Europe. It goes like this:

1. Spain
2. Netherlands
3. Serbia/Crotia (jury's out)
4. Sweden


Enjoyable post :DDD

You live in Sweden, the forefront of all things progressive, so the "jury's out" whether you're even Swedish, seeing as you call people out on being gay (as something derogatory, lmao). It will take time for you to adjust to the Swedish society and let go of your Semitic/Balkanian roots

You are assuming what gets produced of value is the same thing as what is being measured. That is very rarely the case.

>You live in Sweden, the forefront of all things progressive,

This is not America, or Canada.

Also, you're sitting here accusing people of being homos when you're the one who wanted to become a male receptionist.

>4. Sweden
Sorry, but you take the first place, as well as the second and third.

>Also, you're sitting here accusing people of being homos
Your reading comprehension is off, Ibrahimović. Read the post slowly and carefully, again

There is no reason why it should be bad. Plenty of societies have larger chunks of families living together. But people over here so easily pick up values broadcasted by mass media and are so anxious to deviate.

Not true in engineering. A fair share of people who start drop out... in many cases could be 50% of those who start.


I am not some balkan nigger. Why are you accusing me of that?

Sorry, I do not follow?

>Not true in engineering. A fair share of people who start drop out... in many cases could be 50% of those who start.
That's a pretty common thing all over the world I think. Just recently I went through some statistics about software engineers. Only a third graduate, the rest are employed as "self-taught".