Why is Germany so poor?

Why is Germany so poor?

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Government takes all our money

Meanwhile the infrastructure is Africa tier but "there's no money" despite record taxes

Gotta pay for those Syrians somehow

>Meanwhile the infrastructure is Africa tier

of course. That's why all the Africans come here.
Stay in your cancerous general please.

>Why is Germany so poor?
That ist poor:
Russia minimal wage - 0.54$ per hour/95$ per month

Most Germans lost their real estate after WW2.

>Meanwhile the infrastructure is Africa tier
Where the fuck are you from?

Looking forward to Eurovision 2017

they spend all their money on dealing with their cockroach problem

Actually hard to tell. Wage is quite high and living is quite cheap.

Some stuff I could think of:
Germans very often rent flats/houses instead of investing in buying one so instead of building up wealth their money just goes down the shitter

Germans really like to spend money on stuff that does not add up to wealth (in the long run). For example cars that lose a lot of value or in travel. No other country spends more money to travel (like 80 billion a year)


Jesus Ukraine get your shit together

>Meanwhile the infrastructure is Africa tier but "there's no money" despite record taxes

t. Ostweiler

He's funny looking

>Meanwhile the infrastructure is Africa tier

oh lel
go try another country sometime soon, you may be driven to suicide if you leave this place



>Germans very often rent flats/houses instead of investing in buying one


>these germans thinking they've got decent infrastructure

Okay, fellas, there I go.

>higher than Czech Republic, Portugal etc

I thought Greece was poor. you liars.

Greece used to be a lot richer still before the crisis. It's not ex-commie tier m8

Greece is poor because Greeks aren't paying taxes though

These things depend more on how many people own property and it's current market value.

Probably NRW. The infrastructure does suck here. It's maybe not africa, but probably russia tier.


You have never been to Russia.

hoorndrager detected

Sounds like Nigel is jelly of Hans.

ga iemand anders pesten
Ik bel de kindertelefoon als je zo doorgaat.


>dat belarus
>dat ukraine
>dat moldova

ahaha :^(

Do you not like our bail outs ?


Well the map seems strangely put to say the least. As pointed out, Russian minimum wage at this time is 95$/MONTH, so that explains "poverty" here.

The rest of Eastern Europe probably suffers from the same thing : low wages + low cost of life.

>not median

Much of the higher average wealth of Britain and France is caused by sky high real estate prices in Paris and London.

> Meanwhile the infrastructure is Africa tier
Have you ever been to Africa?

lmao snowcucks btfo

But Germany looks even worse if you consider the median


Compare liberal shitholes like western Europe to our glorious nationalist Eastern slavic proud countries, truly heaven on earth right?

We have quite a wealth gap

Germany is 3rd world shithole

That's the spirit comrade. Hedonistic Western pigs will never know that feel

Net median wealth would be interesting to know

That's pretty much bullshut map. I can't imagine a man in Ukraine that has a place to sleep with such little amount of priperty.

Indeed. MNy have their own flats and apartment

Before taxes, income inequality in germany is actually higher than in the US. And you can't save money on social security.